During his announcement of sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters that Canada will “stand against authoritarianism.” Yes, the leader who invoked the Emergencies Act to quell a peaceful protest last week actually said that – with a straight face.
“Canada and our allies will defend democracy. We are taking these actions today to stand against authoritarianism. The people of Ukraine, like all people, must be free to determine their own future. We will continue working with our international partners to safeguard Ukraine’s territorial integrity and prevent further Russian aggression.”
As Trudeau speaks, the masked Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, a power-hungry fraud, sits behind him bobbing her head up and down in agreement.
She cares so much about standing against authoritarianism that she’s decided to make at least some of the government’s new emergency powers permanent. Mark my words, one day soon, they’ll all be made permanent. (I posted about Freeland on Sunday, Trudeau’s Deputy Likes Emergencies Act Powers So Much, She Plans to Make Them Permanent. Her family history is enlightening.)
In Trudeau’s efforts to clear the streets of protestors in the capital city of Ottawa, this complete hypocrite has authorized tactics that can in no way be justified in a free society.
The government has frozen the bank accounts of both Freedom Convoy participants and donors, seized donations made to online crowdfunding sites and has plans to suspend the insurance policies of truckers involved in the protest. And the Mayor of Ottawa is reportedly considering “selling confiscated convoy protesters trucks and RVs.”
Additionally, videos show the Canadian police physically abusing demonstrators (and a few reporters) who were fully and peacefully cooperating with them.
Here are some of the reports out of Canada:
LEAKED RCMP MESSAGES: “Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground”https://t.co/szZ41NMSrc
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) February 20, 2022
Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job. She gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen. This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.
— Mark Strahl, MP (@markstrahl) February 20, 2022
.@ThevoiceAlexa of Rebel News speaks with Candice Sero, one of the protesters who was severely injured by the RCMP mounted unit when they charged in front of the crowd of peaceful protesters in Ottawa that were demonstrating against vaccine mandates. https://t.co/7vFYRcFn7c pic.twitter.com/jL2vgEWpHE
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) February 23, 2022
Mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson, in an interview with the state broadcaster(cbc) praises Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act, and is looking into selling confiscated convoy protesters trucks and RVs.https://t.co/cTm6cKHpsA pic.twitter.com/zS3em5TAjf
— Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛 (@realmonsanto) February 20, 2022
Attention animal owners at demonstration
If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished. pic.twitter.com/OkbXc8RE3c
— Ottawa By-law (@OttawaBylaw) February 17, 2022
Yes, the irony is thick.
Here’s a question for this duplicitous, sanctimonious coward.
Mr. Trudeau, “Have you no sense of decency?”
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Let’s go ‘Richard Spud’.
What is it about all of those ‘commonwealth’ countries where authoritarianism and dictatorial leadership seems to be the norm? Australia, New Zealand, Canada, we hardly knew ye….
I wanted to write “FJT” at the bottom of the post!
Good point on the commonwealth countries.
Authoritarian tyrant says he’ll fight authoritarianism?
WOOOHOOOOHOOOHAHAAAAA! That was GOOD, tell me another one!
I just heard that Trudeau paid $2.25 million to buy the silence of an underage girl he was having sex with. Is this true?
Can’t say it’s true or false, but it’s a fairly common rumor among buddies north of the 49th. Right up there with the similar rumor that his biological father was actually Fidel Castro…
I don’t think Castro was his father. I say that only because I was watching a clip of Pierre Trudeau last week and at one point, he looked exactly like Justin.
True, but you know politics, never let facts get in the way of a good smear especially against a known liar. 🙂
Pierre was more like a shorter-haired, less personally-lethal Che Guevara anyway, right down to his Chicom-fluffing BS ripoff of The Motorcycle Diaries. Angleton had good reasons for suspecting that guy as a Commie mole…
The “Have you no sense of decency?” line is horribly, ironically inappropriate because for all of McCarthy’s regrettable excesses it’s been shown he was actually FIGHTING communism, not trying to bring it, unlike Trudeau, and so the communists that controlled the government then and even more so now, had to destroy him like they did Trump even more so!
You’re right about McCarthy. I should have stuck with he has no sense of decency.