The Wages of Biden’s Weakness

Image by Дмитрий Осипенко from Pixabay

During his Senate confirmation hearing, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin vowed to “rid” the ranks of the U.S. military “of racists and extremists,” a promise he made good on shortly after taking office.

His other priority was tackling climate change which he claimed posed an existential threat to our national security.

Immediately following his confirmation, the Pentagon’s surreal and frightening display of wokeness began. America’s enemies could hardly believe this great gift that had come to them and immediately set out to exploit this unexpected opportunity.

The wokeness of the new administration didn’t stop there. Within hours of solemnly swearing to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” President Joe Biden initiated his war on the U.S. fossil fuel industry. He scribbled his name on an executive order revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and on another which placed a 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters. These orders were just the start of the Biden Administration’s sabotage of America’s energy sector.

This was all part of the left’s plan. The hope was to raise the price of oil and gas to prohibitive levels, which would motivate consumers to seek alternatives sources of energy –  green energy.

The first casualty of this reckless, short-sighted goal was the loss of U.S. energy independence. This has forced our senile joke of a president to beg OPEC nations to increase their oil production.

The skyrocketing price of oil has lined the pockets of America’s adversaries, most consequentially Russia and Iran.

With the cost of oil in world markets approaching $100 per barrel, Russian President Vladimir Putin is now flush with cash.

While he has wanted to annex Ukraine forever, his current profits have enabled him to act.

Shortly after 9 p.m. ET on Wednesday, the Russian offensive on Ukraine began. Short range ballistic missiles fell on military targets throughout the country, including its capital city of Kiev.

According to Fox News, Putin promised “consequences never before seen in history” to any country that interferes with their attack. Most analysts interpret this as a warning to the United States.

At 3 a.m., Fox’ Steve Harrigan, reporting from Kiev, said he’d heard credible reports that 30,000 Russian troops and a convoy of tanks were heading south toward the city from Belarus.

Does anyone think Putin would have tried this if Trump were president?

The contrast between the following videos of Biden and Trump should easily answer this question.

In the first clip, Trump addresses NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in 2018. Without notes or a teleprompter, he explains that Germany’s dependence on Russian energy leaves them vulnerable to the whims of Putin. Additionally, he plainly states that none of the European nations are paying their fair share. He is forceful and articulate.

(Trump’s remarks begin at 2:20.)

In the video below, Biden, the stumbling, bumbling buffoon, slurs through an update on the situation in Ukraine on Tuesday. He announces the first tranche of (weak) sanctions against Russia. After reading prepared remarks to reporters from a teleprompter, he shuffles away from the podium without taking a single question.

For a politician who repeatedly touts his expertise in foreign policy, Biden’s foreign policy is neither clear, nor serious. He appears to be “winging it.” 

As Putin was watching his country’s coffers swell last summer as a direct result of America’s misguided energy policy, Biden bestowed a second gift upon our enemies. 

His disastrous exit from Afghanistan delivered the country to terrorists and left Americans stranded. Biden had projected his weakness to the world.

Putin quickly realized that now was the time to act. 

Will Xi Jinping follow?

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1 thought on “The Wages of Biden’s Weakness”

  1. Received an email this AM (don’t know how it got through) from my wife’s little sister, who lives in southern Ukraine. She has seen tanks with Russian flags (but no insignia), helicopters present and gunshots. Ukrainian air defense units attacked. City shut down – no banks, stores, shops, clinics open. Cash only when you can find something to buy. Airports and military units were initial targets by Russia. Airport next to Odessa bombed. A bridge destroyed.

    Vald calls this a ‘peacekeeping’ mission to those ‘separatist’ areas? To her and her neighbors, the Russian army is the enemy. It’s obvious to me who to believe.

    Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Not everyone separatist.

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