Bloomberg Writer Tells Us How to Fight Back Against Inflation; Spoiler: You Won’t Like Them

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Bloomberg thought Americans could use some tips on how to survive in today’s inflationary environment. Instead of advising us to support Republican candidates this year, they brought in Teresa Ghilarducci, who is the Schwartz Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research and a board member at the Economic Policy Institute.

Her suggestions run the gamut from the presumptuous to the egregious. We’ll start with the egregious.

Ghilarducci tells Bloomberg readers: “If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs. It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy — which can cost up to $10,000 — for ethical reasons.”

Either she never owned a pet and knows nothing about the human-animal bond or she’s extremely callous. For most pet owners, a pet becomes a member of the family in about a nanosecond. My golden retrievers are a source of true joy to me. Being asked to live without them in order to save money on vet bills is offensive, cruel and borders on the authoritarian.

Sorry professor, giving up our dogs because our incompetent, power-mad government’s reckless spending has triggered record high inflation is too much to ask.

Next, we are told to reconsider public transportation. She informs us (emphasis added): “Fares are up about 8% compared with 38% for gasoline. Now may even be the time to sell your car. It certainly isn’t the time to buy a new or used one. Prices have stabilized a bit, but used-car prices are still up more than 40% from a year ago, and new ones are up 12%.”

First, public transportation isn’t available to all Americans. Second, it would be inconvenient, inefficient, unpleasant and it amounts to an additional encroachment on our freedom and mobility. In some cities, it can also be downright dangerous.

Clearly, the current administration would like nothing more than to see everyone sell their gas-powered cars. And although they encourage Americans to buy electric cars, even offering incentives to do so, private car ownership itself is becoming a political issue.

“America is gently following a pattern established in Europe for decades, and now accelerating. On both continents city leaders want to reduce car ownership, so as to cut congestion and pollution,” according to The Economist.

Next, Ghilarducci asks us to consider substituting vegetables for meat. “Though your palate may not be used to it, tasty meat substitutes include vegetables (where prices are up a little over 4%, or lentils and beans, which are up about 9%). Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It’s a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories.”

She tells us to be as “flexible and creative as possible” and even suggests that “trying novel things” will improve “our brain flexibility.”

“There’s an advantage to mixing up what you consume to cope with unusual price spikes: You become more resilient as you create a locus of control and interrogate your habits,” she concludes.

Predictably, Ghilarducci was widely mocked over this article.

Is it a coincidence that all of Ghilarducci’s proposals come straight out of the Green New Deal?

Of course not.

These are the objectives of the far left. We’re not shocked because we learned about them when Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York unveiled the Green New Deal in 2019.

Ultimately, what this is, is communism. Sell everything. Own nothing. Let your dog die. Stop eating meat. Rely on the government who will ensure your basic needs are met.

Ghilarducci is an economist. She and her peers should be working on finding ways to reduce inflation.

On the campaign trail in 1978, former President Ronald Reagan said, “Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.”

In a 2013 address to The Heritage Foundation, economist Arthur Laffer, who served in the Reagan Administration, explained the approach they used to tame the rampant inflation and revive the bleak economy in 1981.

He described the “four pillars of Reaganomics” which include cutting federal spending and taxes, decreasing government regulations, and tightening monetary supply.

(Biden officials should read Laffer’s speech. They might learn a thing or two.)

But instead of implementing these obvious solutions, which mostly run counter to the left’s playbook and to the Biden Administration’s dreams of power, they’d rather increase government, raise taxes, increase regulations and print money.

How better to control us?


A previous version of this article was published on The Western Journal.

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1 thought on “Bloomberg Writer Tells Us How to Fight Back Against Inflation; Spoiler: You Won’t Like Them”

  1. The left just loves to spout their arrogance and pettiness, don’t they? I hope they keep it up. Eventually, they will feel all that push back, instead of laughing it all off.

    I plan on keeping my two puppies, for a long, long time. Thank you very much, Professor!

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