They are coming for our children. First, they had to disabuse us of any solid grounding for defining right from wrong. Our moral underpinning was shaken by the Supreme Court when it outlawed any prayer in public schools. Even West Point succumbed when it and the other armed forces academies stopped compulsory chapel attendance because they were sued and then ordered by the US Court of Appeals to end all required chapel attendance in 1972. This was followed by the infamous Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. The “right” for women to kill their own babies was granted out of “penumbras from emanations”, i.e., out of thin air. We were told all the moral preening on the right about “slippery slopes” was hogwash.
All this came on the heels of the War on Poverty that has decimated the nuclear family, particularly in the black community. Fatherlessness was “progressive”. The Patriarchy was ending. Women and children (those allowed to be born) would be free to live their lives away from the slavery of paternalism. No-fault divorce started in, where else, California in 1969. A marriage could break up for no reason, willy-nilly. In the culturally turbulent 60’s and 70’s, with the help of the so-called women’s lib movement and U.S. courts, the nuclear family began to crumble. “But no slippery slope, folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.”
The modern gay rights movement started then too with the Stonewall riots of 1969. The dumbing down of our sexuality continued with Bill Clinton’s “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy for the U.S. armed forces. Where else better to test out social engineering policy but with a captive audience? Next, the full-blown LGBTQ+-ABCWXYZ… embrace by Comandante in Chief El Jefe, Barack Hussein, with admitting transgenders into our military. We now have lesbian West Point graduates leading infantrymen. Trans grads can’t be far off. They normalize the abnormal and label those that oppose as bigots. As an added bonus, have the taxpayers fund the costly conversion medical treatments. To reinforce the perversions, why not have the Supreme Court place its seal of approval? Voilà, the Obergefell decision in 2015, creating homosexual “marriage” from those magical penumbras. What a country!
With God out of the public square, fatherless homes, no-fault divorce, abortion on demand, dissolution of the nuclear family and evil Patriarchy, obliteration of heterosexuality and genders, all with U.S. government approval, what could be next?
The Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, author and turncoat (he’s no longer a progressive), David Mamet, said it best recently on a radio broadcast of Breitbart News Daily, in which he compared the left’s current obsession with sexualizing children to the miller’s daughter in the Grimms’ fairy tale, “Rumpelstiltskin”. After she gives the wicked little man her necklace then her ring to save her from the King’s wrath, by spinning straw into gold for her. He then asks for her firstborn child. To save her life, she gladly agrees since she has no children nor a husband. A year later, she has a husband and a baby, and he comes for his promised reward. This was a bridge too far.
So, we find ourselves today, they are now coming for our children. The teacher’s unions, the Democrat party and their cohorts in media and all academia and entertainment are bound and determined to sexualize the very youngest and most innocent, regardless how parents feel about this matter. This isn’t, however, a slippery slope. It’s an avalanche. The examples of grooming of little kids into all sorts of sexual deviancy are legion.
In California, Freemont High School in Oakland, has set up a “transition closet” for allowing students to change into the clothing they feel comfortable in after arriving at school, without parental knowledge or consent. A school nurse was fired at a public Magnet school in Hartford, CT for revealing that an 11 year old student in her school was being given puberty blocking drugs. Normally, a court order is required for very rare chemical castration of sex offenders, but not for minors in Hartford public schools, apparently. She was labeled a transphobe for divulging information about minors. See how concerned the schools are for minors’ privacy?
Listen to this really scary broadcast from Liberty Coalition on Rumble about the Brandon regimes attempt to nationalize sex-ed standards down to pre-K. We all thought Amtrak Joe was weird with his hair sniffing predilection. This curriculum takes hair sniffing to a whole new level. I’m not sure “grooming” is a strong enough word. These people in our “education” establishment are sick. These are the kind of sick cartoon videos teachers are using to hypnotize children into their world of sexual deviancy: Scooby Doo where are you?!
A Boston area confused school teacher tells kindergarteners on a Zoom call that she is really a man but was born with female parts and that doctors “guess” whether a baby is a boy or a girl when they are born. I “guess” until then, her students had no idea that “he”, Ray Skyler, used to be a “she”. Imagine being the parent of one of those innocent kids with all the questions they must have had at the end of the day. “What is a he?” “What is a she?” I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. How about the unconfused teacher in Virginia who was fired because he refused to use the preferred pronouns for one of his students? And what of the men now dominating women’s track and field and swimming? Or the women California prisoners who are now pregnant by other “women” inmates? The inmates are truly running the asylum.
Speaking of the insane, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s administration has just begun to roll out its new department of education health curriculum for the coming fall semester, which includes puberty blockers, masturbation, sexual orientation explained, etc. You know, the ABC’s and 123’s. All topics that may one day be covered in SAT’s. After major pushback, Murphy is ordering a review of said curricula, but not without a fight. He’s mad, but not at the new sex ed. He’s mad that it leaked out ahead of schedule. Those damn parents.
All this while its proponents deny vehemently that any of this is even going on. At least there was some plausible deniability pre-pandemic. After parents accidentally got to view what was actually going on in schools during the lockdowns, they can no longer deny. They can only distract and attack. “You have to be a Neanderthalic prude to oppose such enlightenment of our youth.” “It’s time to come out of the sexual Dark Ages.” “This is keeping our kids safe.”
Of course, the media is doing its job to “tut tut” Republicans and concerned parents. They are writing puff pieces defending the new sexual curricula and calling any concern “the new Red Scare”. The AP writes that it’s not grooming to sexualize kids absent parental knowledge and approval. They swear it isn’t grooming. The media even tells us not to believe polls which show parents favoring laws such as Florida’s Parental Rights law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. In other words, don’t believe your own lying opinion, believe our lying “don’t say gay” moniker. They even have never-Trumper “conservative”, David French, denying this is grooming. There’s nothing like bipartisan grooming to unite the left.
Many parents across the country are fighting back through their legislatures and governors with new laws protecting children and parent’s rights. The first law of holes is to stop digging. Dems and their teacher’s unions don’t seem to understand that. Maybe they’ll get the message after the November election hole they are digging. Probably not. They have thick skulls and no adult supervision. Regardless, parents are relentless in protecting their kids and like the miller’s daughter, they are shouting, “No, you cannot have our children”!
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The left might learn a lesson or two, but not the whole story. Republicans are not necessarily better teachers.
A house divided…
That’s the lesson the country needs to learn.
Yes, but on this issue, the house is not so divided. Overwhelming majorities are in favor more parental rights, not less. Luckily, the Dems and teacher’s unions fail to admit this.