Ministry Of Truth

      “Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell


      George Orwell just tweeted, “See, I told you so”.  His dystopian world has arrived, just a few decades late.  For the Democrats, better late than never.  The Brandon regime announced this week that it is creating the new Ministry of Truth.  In Newspeak that translates to the Disinformation Governance Board.  This momentous announcement came directly from the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security himself, Alejandro Mayorkas, whose heavily armed department will be overseeing this truth ministry.  It is only fitting that he should be the one tasked with making this new agency known, since he is one of the biggest liars to ever testify before Congress.   


      In a regime filled with liars, con men, scoundrels, and traitorous America haters, Mayorkas is a con man’s con man that puts them all to shame.  In the very same Congressional hearing that he made his Orwellian announcement, he also stated out of one side of his mouth that the Biden regime inherited the disastrous mess at the southern border, while out of the other side of his mouth declaring that the border is under “operational control”.  Don’t laugh, he said that with a straight face.  He may as well have told us that the moon is made of cheese or that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian propaganda,… er disinformation.  His appointed Truth Minister, Nina “Goebbels” Jankowicz, has already stated such.  “We should view it (Hunter’s laptop) as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz spewed in 2020.  She is certainly an expert on disinformation.  Listen to this 33-year-old shaman of truth Newsplain how to detect “disinformation”:



      The timing of the announcement and creation of this unconstitutional truth ministry isn’t lost on anyone.  The radical left has been in an utterly unprecedented meltdown mode since Monday’s announced purchase of Twitter by that South African, apartheid loving, white nationalist, Elon Musk.  Who else can better silence the free speech of the richest man in the history of the world than the richest, biggest, most powerful government in the history of the world?  The pointy-headed, adolescent thought police, like the ever so learnèd Jankowicz, running the Brandon regime wasted no time in coming up with a scheme to counter Musk’s influence and save the midterms.  What a way to kill two birds with one stone.  Disinformation is anything the left, i.e. the Democrat party, disagrees with. 


      No one in their right mind believes Nina Jankowicz is going to police disinformation on the left – climate hysteria, Trump-Russia collusion, voter fraud, birthing persons, etc.  Not even those not in their right mind, like Brandon and Mayorkas, believe that.  That’s not her purpose.


“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” ― George Orwell


      We can’t have people misunderstanding the new math.  As Brandon himself lies to us saying that -1.4% GDP shrinkage is actually “enormous” economic growth, he will now tell us what truth is and what truth isn’t.  Are you gonna believe him or your lying bank account statement?  Never mind that he can’t distinguish between oatmeal and Cream of Wheat.  They drip off his chin the same.  He forgets (among so many other things) that the First Amendment forbids the government from regulating free speech, a God-given right. 

This morning, news broke that the U.S. economy shrunk by 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2022.

Joe Biden, only hours later: “What you’re seeing is enormous growth in the country.”

— (@townhallcom) April 28, 2022


      He must have been referring to the “enormous growth” of illegal aliens in the country.  He gets easily confused juggling so many self-induced crises.


      Now that Lunch Bucket Joe has armed the Taliban army, turning it into the best equipped in the middle east, he turns his sights on disarming us of our 1st Amendment rights.  Who’s gonna stop him, Congress?  Perhaps, but not until after the November elections, if even then.  Until then, every Constitution-loving law firm in the country should be suing Brandon’s butt off to disband this travesty of truth before it has a chance to metastasize. 


      Perhaps Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the Republicans in the House, could organize a bipartisan Congressional effort to defund this board, if he wasn’t so busy explaining his own newspeak against Trump and the January 6 protesters.  While real Americans were defending honest elections, Kevin was defending Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.  Regardless, Congress cannot legally authorize one penny be spent on this new truth agency. 


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell


      Which Democrat in Congress will be the revolutionary to blow the lid off this dangerous agency?  Like Joe, we certainly can’t depend on Nancy Pelosi to do anything but bend the knee to the leftwing of the leftist Democrat party.  She is too far gone.  If she’s not talking newspeak herself, she’s not talking.  If some other prominent Democrat does not stand up to this fascism, this will confirm what we’ve already suspected of that party, that it has become a full frontal, no holds barred, shameless, communist organization.  It’s only goal with this Truth Ministry is to stifle truth before the midterm elections.


      Since Dems can no longer depend on cyber bullies at Twitter to censor conservative speech before an election, they have taken it upon themselves to do so, but with taxpayers picking up the tab – their preferred modus operandi.  There seems no end to the fascistic ideas coming out of the left these days.  Just when you think we’ve put out one woke fascist fire – CRT, transgenderism for kindergarteners, $5 trillion = Zero, etc. – they come up with another one.  The Dem well of bad ideas seems bottomless.  Evil knows no bounds. 


“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” ― George Orwell


        Nothing good can ever come out of an idea such as a government board to detect “disinformation”.  Bumbling Joe has no right nor authority to take our right of free speech from us.  Our Founders never envisioned our government telling us what to say, read, hear, see or how to interpret any of that.  It is our right as free human beings to think what we want, however we want, whenever we want, free of government interference.  This is a direct assault not only on our right to speak freely, but also our right to hear and read what we want to freely – our right to consume information freely.  That’s scary and creepy.  Our minds are what make us free individuals.  What we choose to put in our minds is our choice, not theirs.  My mind, my choice.  They want to control our minds.  Our very freedom is at stake.  That’s what our Founders swore their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to defend.  We can do no less.




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3 thoughts on “Ministry Of Truth”

  1. The Democrat Regime has devolved into an international , criminal , anti-American , organization , bent on the destruction of the Republic, which should be disbanded, and could be if they were to be investigated and prosecuted under the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, (RICO). The destruction of criminal organizations , too powerful to be effectively controlled by normal law enforcement agencies was the reason RICO was created and meets all the criteria to be used now.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore with the complicity of what used to be the mainstream media.

  2. The left knows it can get away with it. when has anyone gotten so riled up that they pushed back?
    Then came January 6, that became the memorial for all things ‘terrorizing’.
    They add more to the stack of “You won’t do a damned thing about this”, while we hang our hats on a mid-term election, that is far enough away for us to see a lot more damage done.

    I sure hope there is that three percent because the rest of the country has gotten so puny that there is little hope to hang on to.

    The more we see and complain about, the more they add to that dumpster fire.

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