25 or 60 to 40, or Numbers & Obits Don’t Lie, by Citizen Writer: Bill Nygard

I live in a rural area immediately on the Northern border of New York with Ontario, Canada. I’ve noticed an ongoing trend in “sins of omission reporting.”

Today’s obit in a local online rag lists decedent’s ages: 77, 100, 68, 61, 43, 63, 60, 77 & 78.  I have (almost) never seen mention about bad reactions / death due to the mRNA shots. I have a friend who is an undertaker, at a recent funeral in a discussion on this topic, he remarked “oh yeah, the ‘clot-shots’. They say undertakers are seeing clots in places and of types of which they have never seen before.

My sister-in-law got ill, and was “Rona positive”. She was hospitalized and died 3 weeks later having received NO therapeutics. She DID have major co-morbidities, she hadn’t been to the Doctor’s in years (and was un-vaxxed) but all she got was intubation, dialysis and death. My brother who lived with her (and also had an immunity deficiency and co-morbidities) was a Pureblood and was fine after 3 days of “taking it easy”. It is my observation that HCQ, IVM or a similar protocol (prohibited why?) might have resulted in a different outcome for thousands. Yet it is not only hidden, but in may cases “denied”.

The 43-year-old in the obit mentioned above was said to have died “expectantly at home”. Never EVER a note about vaccination status. Have you seen similar obits in your zip code?

The mainstream media absolutely avoid this and 3 Nov like the plague, sorry for that bad pun. Even Fox (they are a shell of their former selves) and NewsMax (very disappointing) seems to have a NO mRNA or Border talk as a corporate mantra.

Obits may not be the ideal forum for this data, but am I the only one noticing this (unreported) trend? I’m 66, and not trying to be vain, but many ‘60s’ and younger and individuals as low as in their 30s are now frequent flyers in the obits. Adding to the upturn in the younger deaths, and not only are there sudden mRNA induced deaths, but there are (very likely) suicides as a delayed side effect of the Scamdemic©. The world it appears has been scammed on multiple levels, be vigilant.

Today I read VAERS has been scrubbing data, which at best was very, very minimal. Be smart, do your own research, stay healthy in these turbulent and evil-laced times. Know who Dr Robert Malone, Dr Zev Zalenko and Americas Frontline Doctors are and their professional perspectives on our health. Share truth with your friends and loved ones.

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1 thought on “25 or 60 to 40, or Numbers & Obits Don’t Lie, by Citizen Writer: Bill Nygard”

  1. If people do follow your advice, they will discover a lot of outright lying that people have been doing, coming from those higher institutions of research, medicine and, of course, the media.
    I’ve been paying more attention to the Robert Malones than I have of the Faucis for some time, and yes, I have noticed those trends you mentioned.

    Imagine what they are saying about this next wave of something called monkeypox, which, until very recently was only known to have existed in one small area of the African continent. Like the Covid garbage, this monkeypox came from a lab, and had to have been released from the lab, and not from the wild. The wild has a unique way of containing its mistakes, called nature. None of what we have seen, lately is what I would call natural, at all.

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