Racism: 2 of 4, Is All Racism Equal?


Have you noticed that many people are not affected by racism?  One would think that if racism was indeed rampant, then anyone with that color of skin would be suffering from racism.  Please note, there is only one race, with many colors.  And how unfair is it to judge someone based on something they do not control?  


Have you watched commercials lately?  Based on the content, the United States will be a brown color in 50–100 years.  Yet, the remaining Nations of the world will not change.  China and Japan will still be yellow, Africa will still be black, Europe will still be white and South American will still be brown. 


And a brown United States will still need a fence to control the flood of immigration as people of all colors seek the freedom of opportunity. 


If racism depends on one’s color, why are so many people of that color not affected by racism?  Billionaires, a former President, movie stars, sports figures and politicians have conquered racism.   Yet, to those that do not support the racist victim card, such as Thomas Sewell, Dr. Carson, Walter Williams, Herschel Walker and others, they are mocked and vilified.   Why does Jesse Jackson criticize people like Herman Cain?  Should he not be pleased that Herman conquered racism?  The same question can be laid at the feet of Al Sharpton and recently Stacey Abrams.


There are success stories every day where people simply work harder to overcome adversity regardless of their condition.  Some call it luck, some call it privilege, but it is simply having the fortitude to succeed, and the wisdom to evaluate.   There are some goals that will never be reached, not everyone can be a professional athlete, a politician, an inventor, or a musician. 


For others, it is the opposite, they fail to reach a goal.  Instead of self-reflection, pride dictates that they blame anything other than themselves.  They become envious of others success.  They listen to politicians and Presidents who say that it not their fault, it is the system.


Humans are complex creatures, there is no cure to solve all problems, other than to keep working.  But there are snake oil salesmen standing by to sell you an elixir that will soothe your pain of failure.  When color is injected, a powerful tool is created.  It is the accusation of SYSTEMIC RACISM.  


Systemic racism is a simple illusion.  The Wizard of Oz is an illusion.  “Don’t mind the person behind the curtain!”   Systemic racism does not affect all people of a certain color; therefore, it is not a system.


People of all colors, not beholden to the federal government, are constantly building their nest.  They are free to pursue their plans and dreams.  They make mistakes, change the route and bypass a roadblock to success.  If they fail, they stand back up, sometimes with the help of a friend.  Only as a last resort do they reach out to government. 


Government welfare laws and conditions change every two years with each election.  Every election cycle promises change, fairness, success and equity.  The people in need become trapped and enslaved by the process of bureaucracy, there is no flexibility.


The federal government peddles compassion, but it sponsors servitude.


The progressives in government know what they are doing.  The welfare program is quicksand, the more you struggle, the more it will swallow you.  Government programs have created a form of slavery.  The program trades basic subsistence for a vote.  Remember, honorable members of Congress and the federal government can sell snake oil as well. 


As with the Wizard of Oz, the illusion of systemic racism is real in many aspects.  The simple accusation for systemic racism causes people to react, to self-examine their beliefs.  Unfortunately, many people attempt to develop a solution….  for something that does not exist.


The movie Cinderella Man is one of my favorites.  James Braddock, a heavy weight boxer, is constantly battling against the odds.  He, his wife and their children are proud.  When the depression hits, he gets hurt and replacement jobs are hard to find.  He keeps trying, but the odds are stacked against him.  He reaches the limit when his children are taken away to live in a home with heat.  James goes to the local State Assistance office.  He is recognized by everyone!  His head hangs low with shame as he receives assistance. 


But State Assistance allowed him to keep his children.  The shame of assistance was offset by the joy of being surrounded by his children and wife.  The assistance was a “hand up”, not a crutch.  Braddock took whatever job became available.  He wanted to show his children that they could succeed based on their own work ethic, without government assistance.


As the story goes, James started winning his boxing matches.  He got back on his feet.  He proudly returned to the State Assistance office to return all the benefits “he deserved”, as his friends and acquaintances watched.


President Lyndon Johnson changed welfare to a federal process.  It had always been a local program, and yes, everyone in town knew when someone needed help.  It could be embarrassing.  That was the way the Framers wanted it.  They discussed shame as a motivator, and they discussed neighbor’s willingness to help.  There was a local poorhouse just down the street from Constitutional Hall for those that could not find a job. 


President Johnson expanded federal government beyond its charter.  The War against Poverty has spent over $20 trillion in taxpayer money to abolish poverty, yet poverty still exists and has probably increased.                                                        


Fact: more “white” people receive welfare than “black” people.  Therefore, the illusion of systemic racism in federal programs does not exist, but it is used as an excuse for the failure of those programs.


Contact your State and Federal representatives and demand that programs be implemented to allow people to escape the chains of welfare.


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