In early 2020 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced with great fanfare that the US is likely to see somewhere between 10 inches and 1 foot of sea level rise by 2050. The current rate of sea level rise is approximately 1 foot per century, slightly faster using satellite measurements, slightly slower using tide gauge measurement. This means in order for the NOAA prediction to be true, the rate of sea level rise for the next 30 years must be more than 3 times faster than the rate of sea level rise for the last 2 centuries. The rate over the last two centuries has not accelerated.
I checked back today, having made a mental note to check the prediction in a couple years. The data shows that the rate of sea level rise has not accelerated in the last two years. This means that to reach the prediction of 1 foot of rise in now 28 years, we will need even more acceleration in the rate of rise. Richard Spinrad, the head of NOAA signed off on the report. In 8 more years, there will still be no acceleration in the rate of sea level rise. No doubt at that point NOAA will re-evaluate the data and admit they were wrong. Sure….
In several different places, NASA has announced that the number and/or intensity of hurricane will increase.
Like tidal records, the NOAA maintains 170 years of hurricane records (since 1850). There is no increasing trend in hurricanes over the 170-year record. Multiple studies have spent substantial time and effort to normalize the hurricane records for population and technology to determine this. No doubt NASA will take 20 minutes to do research and admit their claim is wrong. Sure…
In the closely followed Durham investigation, though Sussman was found not guilty, it was established beyond any reasonable doubt that the FBI knew or should have known that all the evidence against Trump was forged by the Clinton campaign. But the senior leadership, including Patrick Wray and James Comey claimed that the information was credible and did everything they could do to use the investigation to damage Trump. Soon the FBI will admit they were wrong to continue this investigation. Right.
Earlier, Durham discovered that there was criminal misconduct, perjury, perpetrated by the FBI in three quarters of all the FISA warrants issued under the Patriot Act. No doubt the FBI is preparing to fire those agents who committed perjury. Sure.
By now it is absolutely clear that the Biden administration’s disastrous climate change policies are a primary cause of the drastic increase in energy prices. Similarly, Biden’s fiscal policies are the cause of the dramatic increase in other prices. The Democrats have a belief in an economic theory called ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ that says the government can print as much money as it wants without causing any economic problems. Anyone with even a single semester of college level economics knows that putting money into the system without increasing production or value causes inflation. No doubt the Biden administration is about to admit this and change their policies. Right.
Last week, the Biden administration announced that it won’t provide free lunch money for states that don’t support the Biden’s administrations radical LGBTQ+ agenda. Evidently encouraging mental illness among school children is more important than feeding them.
All of these individual issues lead us to a simple conclusion: It doesn’t matter what a Democrat member of the government does or says. He (or she) will not be held accountable for his actions or the failure of his predictions. And by a member, I mean elected, hired, or appointed.
Maybe, barring more election fraud, the Republicans will take back the House and Senate this fall. But even if they do, we will still not see accountability. That became abundantly clear under Trump. The non-political appointee jobs in the Department of Justice are entirely Democrat held. And the FBI evidently has no higher goal than protecting itself from any investigation. Its very clear that criminal justice itself has no place in the upper hierarchy of the FBI. Whenever an attempt is made to hold a Democrat acting as a Democrat for even criminal actions, the press jumps to his defense, and the Republicans become afraid to proceed. And rightfully so. The Trump-Russia investigation makes it clear that the FBI has no interest making sure a charge is true and accurate before making it. They may not be able to prove the case, but the Democrat controlled press will ensure that the charges against Republicans are broadcast world-wide, even when the innocence is plain, while the obviously guilty Democrats will be memory holed.
The press claims that its job is to ‘speak truth to power’. This used to be true. Even 20 years ago, every paragraph above would have the press demanding accountability from the Biden administration or any other administration. But today we hear nothing. Crickets. It doesn’t matter whether it is simple incompetence or actual clear criminal activity, not only will the Democrat Department of Justice refuse to prosecute criminal activity by Democrats, but the press will fail to report it. Meanwhile the smallest misstep by Republicans are broadcast as if they were felonies committed on main street. This biased coverage is exactly the reason most people in the US simply don’t believe what the press reports. Every day I hear the press complaining about why people don’t believe what they say. The press looks at the division in politics, the growth of the internet and misinformation, etc. They don’t bother to look in the one place they need to look, the mirror.
Adam Schiff and the major media are boasting about all the information that is about to be made public in the televised hearings by the Committee for Public Safety the Jan 6th Committee. The Democrats even hired a producer from ABC to produce the hearings. And the press is reporting this as simple news. No word yet on the guillotine. Of course, if they really had anything other than polemics, they wouldn’t need a producer.
The level of obliviousness by the Press and the Democrats is reaching new heights in this development. How exactly do they think that this hiring is going to be seen by the few undecided voters? Do the Democrats somehow think that adding a producer of entertainment is going to give credibility to a committee that already has zero credibility among most voters due simply to the makeup of the committee? Frankly, I expect that the usual Law and Order SVU reruns will have a much larger audience than the hearings, and probably even have more news value.
But it appears that we have reached the point in this country where the Democrat Department of Justice will not hold criminals accountable, and press will not hold Democrats accountable so that the DDOJ can’t even be shamed into action.
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