The Biden Administration has so damaged the idea of military service, that the Army is now having to lower its standards to meet recruiting goals. My friend, fellow cigar & bourbon aficionado, and host of the David Webb Show** sent me this little gem yesterday morning:
The United States Army has dropped its requirement that recruits must have a high school diploma or a G.E.D. degree in an apparent attempt to increase the number of troops.
On Thursday, the Army announced the changes. Recruits must be 18 years old and eligible for a job in other areas of active duty and they also must score at least a 50 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to test their academic ability, according to
Read: U.S. Army Drops High School Diploma Requirement As It Struggles To Find New Recruits
As part of their attempt to infiltrate and destroy the American institutions that underpin our society, the leftists have managed to alienate the demographic that we absolutely rely on to win our wars; young, American males. Young men and women join the military to make a difference, “to be the hero.” They don’t join to leave American civilians in the lurch as the Biden administration did in Afghanistan. They certainly don’t join to be harangued at every turn for not being part of a favored demographic. We are now seeing the results of this in that the United States Army cannot meet recruiting goals. We have been to this particular rodeo before.
I raised my right-hand July 7th, 1976, on the parade ground of The United States Military Academy at West Point, swearing to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” At that time, service in the U.S. Armed Forces was not as respected as it is today, or at least as it was just a short few years ago. Back in 1976, Vietnam still formed a pall over American view of our military. Side note: If the military had been as respected as recently, greater competition would have likely precluded my acceptance by the Academy.
The lack of interest in military service was reflected in how the recruiting arms of the various services went about convincing young men to join up. With the exception of the Marine Corps (more on that further down) Army, Navy and Air Force recruiting materials and TV commercials tended to focus on the opportunity to acquire marketable skills and experience. This actually got some traction in minority communities as a path out of the squalor of Democrat-run cities. One interesting side effect of this was that service in the military demonstrated that success was indeed based on effort…a true meritocracy. In an effort to undermine that image, the Democrats invented the term called, “economic draft.” That’s another conversation.
The Marines chose not to meander down that particular path…and still don’t. Their consistent message, obviously targeted towards young men said, “If you think you are man enough, we’’ll let you try and qualify for membership in the baddest team there is.” And that still works for them.
In the early eighties, the U.S. Army finally got the memo. They were joined by the Navy and the Air Force in altering their recruitment message to align more with the Marines. Although recruiting brochures still contained a decent amount of emphasis on education, training and other ancillary benefits, the focus moved more towards recruiting warriors…warriors who understood that it was about America and Americans, not just themselves.
Two of my favorites from that era still stick with me as they show what it is so many young men are looking for when they raise their right hands. The first, “We Were There,” is a musical history of the U.S Army.
When We Were Needed, We Were There
My all-time favorite is, “My Hometown.” It shows Soldiers doing cool, Soldier stuff: driving tanks, jumping out of (perfectly good) airplanes, and yes, often shivering in the rain. Just before it was released for public viewing, Army Recruiting Command showed it to their Recruiters, hard bitten Sergeants, all of whom had been around the block a time or two. A Recruiter friend of mine told me that (his words) “After they showed it, we had to get the mops out.” Pretty effective messaging I’d say. Here it is for your enjoyment.
My Hometown; Freedom Isn’t Free
By now you are likely asking, “OK Ford, you goin’ somewhere with this?” Patience. Fast forward to today and military recruiting efforts. As much as I absolutely hate to admit this, but the U.S. Navy has produced one of the best recruiting videos I’ve seen in a long time. It visually shows in the simplest way possible, what it is we do as a military. Have a look, then we can proceed further.
To get To You, They’d Have To Get past us.
“To get to you, they’d have to get past us.” That’s right. That’s what we warriors do—we defend our citizens. Note the visual. An American family inside the protective circle of Sailors of all ranks, specialties, and demographics. Also note, the families are inside the protective ring of Sailors looking out at the “threat.” Now let’s have a look at Afghanistan and the situation in Kabul. What’s wrong with that picture?
At the Kabul Airport, we had our military and its protective circle, but our citizens were on the outside of the circle, told to make their own way there or, ”shelter in place.” Even our NATO military allies questioned our military’s commitment to our stranded citizens. Read: Retired British Colonel Held Nothing Back in his Brutal Assessment of Biden’s Monumental Failure. Colonel Kemp’s attitude is reflected by the leaders of NATO, all of whom were distressed by the chaos of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. That is now reflected by Germany and France calling the shots in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict because they have so little respect for U.S. civil-military leadership.
But what of the troops? What of my beloved Infantrymen, the Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division who along with other units, formed the protective circle around the military side of Kabul Airport? What were they thinking while they watched their British counterparts launching raid after raid into downtown Kabul to locate their citizens and bring them inside the protective circle?
What were these fine soldiers going to be able to tell their grandkids? “Well, son, I stood inside the wire while Americans who I’m sworn to protect, were beaten and killed trying to escape the rabid dogs of the Taliban.” The actor George C. Scott covered that question during part of General George Patton’s famous speech. I’ve embedded the video here. WARNING: Contains Infantry Language, not suited for children.
Patton Speech.
Finally, let’s return to where we started. Consider the issue of replacing old farts like me, with competent, motivated young men to fight our nation’s wars. The Soldier (Marine, Sailor, Airman) we are looking for, wants to be the hero. He does not want to be stuck inside the wire, forbidden to rescue his fellow citizens from certain abandonment and death. He doesn’t want to have to rely on team members who are so mentally disordered that they cannot figure out what sex they are. These young men do not want to be continually harangued for being MEN. They don’t want to be continually browbeaten by lesser men for demonstrating the attributes that are necessary to win wars…the manly attributes necessary to protect our citizens. If the Army thinks it has recruiting problems now, just wait.
**David Webb can be found on Sirius XM Satellite Radio, Channel 125, M-F, 0900-Noon EST
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If you want warriors recruit warriors and then train them and let them act like warriors. Our Military has lost its way.
The Navy video and the old Army “When we were needed, we were there” are winners. You nailed it. If the Rs can get past the cheating in 2022 and 2024 to win POTUS and Congress, I want to be appointed Grand Inquistor for the Army – or at least his assistant – to clean house and get the Army back on track. Top to bottom, inside and out.
My first move would be a Rebuttable Presumption against anyone who got his Eagles or First Star after December 2008.
Excellent, Mike. Loved George C. Scott’s rendition of General Patton’s speech to his troops. Where are the George Pattons today? Our military leaders certainly are not speaking or leading like Patton. Instead, they are nattering about gender fluidity, critical race theory, and a plethora of other woke crap that seems calculated to transform troops into woke wimps rather than inspired warriors. God help us!
The message that I gave to my sons 40 years ago is that America is only free as long as brave men stand at the door to protect the American people. This has proven to be true as both my sons volunteered to be two of the brave men protecting that door. They did not have to stand at the door as they were PreMed and Chemical Engineer. They could have left the door for other, lesser men to defend. But that is not our way, we are Americans. Generations of men who have stood in the doorway!
Your assessment is right on, the older Army ad and the newer Navy spot are great. Biggest downfall of recruiting ads is singing…needs to be one catchy slogan, not a story.
Nicely put together update on what we were , what we’ve devolved to, and how to get back there.
Thank you Mike.
Great article, Mike!
Thanks for the article, Mike. It was well put and said and I could feel your anger. We should have gone in there and gotten our people out of Kabul. Biden made us look weak, scared, and running for cover. We never run we stand and fight. Our Warriors should have been turned loose to go and get our people, they should have been allowed to kick a^^. That’s what we do. Thanks also for your service, Mike. God Bless the United States, God Bless our Warriors.
Better yet, we should have been coordinating with our allies to START by holding Bagram, extract everybody’s civilians FIRST, then the sensitive gear, and finally MILPERS. Hell, IIRC we left enough Hummers in base junkyards there you could practically give one to every second or third household in America for free…
But then they couldn’t afford Biden’s gas hike.
There is that…
Excellent article, Colonel.
The left attempts to destroy, damage every institution, such as family, schools, Supreme Court, religion, etc, so it is no surprise that the military is on the their list
Great article Mike! I didn’t know you are friends with David Webb – love his show!
He humors me by allowing me to come on and vent as…Mike…In Alabama. I’m supposed to be on this coming Tuesday in the 3rd hour to talk about this….unless of course, I’m pre-empted by something else.
We are facing a worse recruiting than during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. We had young men and women volunteering when there was a good chance that they’d be sent to actually fight, and a realistic chance that they would be seriously wounded or killed.
The difference between having something to believe in worth making the ultimate sacrifice FOR vs being asked to throw your life away for a drooling moron and the rank incompetents (at best) puppeteering his Bernie Lomax act.
Interesting way to develop the problem statement, but how do you measure high employment and demographic factors into your assessment? I find that woke politics is going to keep someone from serving when it’s their calling. Additionally, once a trooper arrives into their 1st unit, a lot of this nonsense gets pushed to the background because training and mission takes precedence. Of course, there is no denying our coarse politics has a negative effect within certain recruiting cohorts, but if that becomes your reason for not serving, I’m more inclined to label it an excuse.
WRT AFG withdrawal, any expectation that the end result is any different than we have today is nonsense. No doubt, the Biden administration COA was a political “rip the band aid off”approach that was not the best, but if you supported the act of withdrawal; you got what you asked for. The fate of AFG was sealed the minute the Trump administration negotiated with the Taliban without the AFG National Government at the table. It was a strategic mistake that created the conditions that allowed Biden to do the ripping.
The biggest influencers remain defined by sociologists Moskos and Janowitz, followed by Mom and Dad. The people who join to be the shooters that take the vast bulk of the casualties also happen to be the same people constantly being called privileged, racist, and fringe, and some even persecuted by the military for their opinions. Who could blame them for not wanting to join now? The joke’s on you, Mr. Secretary, except it’s not funny.