This is an editorial from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that opines on the FBI raid on President Trump’s home in Florida. It is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. Their cause is righteous, and generous donations are welcome at the link at the end. Note: I am on the PAC’s board of directors in the capacity of Director of Congressional and Public Relations.
The op-ed:
The scales of Justice should be blind! However, the trust the American people have in the United States System of Justice was severely damaged by the Biden/Obama administration on August 8, 2022.
For the first time in US History, in a pre-dawn 9-hour raid, under the cover of darkness, 100 heavily armed FBI Agents from the Washington Field Office and a small contingent from the Miami Field Office, with guns drawn, raided President Donald J Trump’s personal residence at Mar-A-Lago in Florida.
A warrant was served on President Trump’s attorneys by 30 FBI Agents from the Washington Field Office to “only” search for historic presidential records for the National Archives and for classified documents. The warrant was issued by a Judicial Magistrate, not a US Federal Judge. The Magistrate, Bruce Reinhart, had previously donated to Obama’s political campaigns, represented Jeffrey Epstein, represented Jeffrey Epstein’s employees, and posted multiple negative posts on social media about President Trump in 2017.
The Agents refused to allow President Trump’s attorneys to observe the boxing of material that was removed from the residence and refused to allow the attorneys to remain in the air-conditioned entryway of the residence; they made them stand outside in the 91-degree hot sun, until they departed at 6:30 PM. The Agents went thru every room in the residence, and even rummaged for 2 hours thru Melania’s clothing in her wardrobe and material in her private office.
The FBI removed from 50 to 100 boxes of documents and material from the residence, without even first reviewing the documents in the boxes. The agents refused to allow President Trump’s attorneys to watch the collection of the documents. Mar-A-Largo has a skiff and authorized storage for classified documents for the former President of the United States. A sleazy safe cracker was brought into President Trump’s residence to break into his safe; the safe was empty.
The disgraceful and uncalled for raid was an attack on the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, the United States System of Justice, and the American people. In truth, the raid was a search warrant in search for something to charge President Trump with. It was a witch hunt for any information the Biden/Obama administration could find about the January 6th event at the US Capital, to build a case on, to indict President Donald J. Trump with a charge of insurrection.
There was no justification for the pre-approved raid by Obama’s Deep State Representative in the Oval Office, Ron Klain, who is also Biden’s Chief of Staff. President Donald J. Trump’s attorneys were already in negotiation about transferring certain documents to the National Archives; President Trump’s attorneys had previously turned over 15 boxes of documents. A subpoena to review and transfer certain documents could have been easily served on President Trump’s attorneys to turn over additional documents. There was no need to serve a warrant on a former US President’s personal residence in an abusive and inappropriate raid. Upon departure from the residence, the FBI Agents provided a receipt for every item and document taken.
Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton did not turn over historical presidential records and classified documents when they left office, yet 100 FBI Agents did not raid their homes, and remove documents and material in 50 to 100 boxes. That fact is further proof of a two-tier justice system.
The upper echelons of the FBI on the sixth floor of FBI Headquarters interfered politically in three national elections in a row, filed four false FISA documents with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, supported the false Russia Collusion Hoax with Hillary Clinton’s created false dossier, tried to take down a duly elected President, and raided the personal residence of President J. Donald Trump.
The Leadership of the Bureau has negatively affected the reputation of the 12,000 very hardworking “honest” FBI Agents in the field who put their lives at risk daily, have severely damaged the 114-year outstanding reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and have lost the trust of most of the American people.
Justice is being weaponized by the Biden/Obama administration, there is no longer equal application under the law or justice under the law. The protection of legal rights, personal Liberties, and individual Freedoms provided to all American Citizens by the US Constitutional, is hanging in the balance, by a thread!
Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
CAPT, USN(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108
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Heck, you are just getting wound up.
I have one problem, however.
It’s with this paragraph:”The Leadership of the Bureau has negatively affected the reputation of the 12,000 very hardworking “honest” FBI Agents in the field who put their lives at risk daily, have severely damaged the 114-year outstanding reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and have lost the trust of most of the American people.”
I have truly believed this for an awful long time, but it has gone on, too long, and the only ones, from the FBI, who appear to be sick over all this tyranny, are the retired ones. I think it is well past time we issue a carve out for those who are in active duty with the FBI, since, and I know this sounds painful to hear, but they take their orders from the same bosses, and they perform their duties. The problem is that they should be distancing themselves without our having to make carve outs for them.
You may even know some of those you speak of, and that makes it more difficult, but the day will come when those thousands of FBI agents understand that they, too, have become the problem, not just leadership because they have placed that paycheck ahead of their oath to the Constitution, the same as Gen. Mark Milley and SECDEF Lloyd Austin, as heads of the military.
I’m glad to see this article, and agree with everything else, but the time has come, the Rubicon has been crossed, and those still employed and going along with this tyranny had better wake up and make sure they get out of the way, because Americans are angry.
Beria must be laughing his ass off.
Any FBI agent who took part in that raid is suspect, by association.
This cannot be tolerated, anymore. This has been going on too long to let some in the FBI agents off the hook. Anyone remaining with the FBI is holding on to some serious character issues, and are just sinking alongside some really sick partisan criminals.
My tax dollars have no pity for anyone in those ranks, especially when it could be me that the next raid is focused.
To be fair in my analysis, the same can be said about all the alphabet agencies. In recent memory, I have only heard of one BATFE agent who just retired, a year or so short of his retirement, because he has been experiencing a lot of issues with his orders and deeds he has had to carry out, and he finally said the heck with it. He wrote a very long letter of resignation, explaining every bit of his frustrations, including the lack of constitutionality of many of the orders he carried out.
This man is a patriot. I want to see more of those.
I want to know where all the rest of the patriots went, when they turned in their soul for a paycheck. I know it sounds harsh, but life is tough.
There is a very solid way that all this tyranny can be put to a stop, regardless of us winning some kind of a red tsunami in the midterms. The people who have all the rank and file jobs, who are made up of very well educated types, stood up to their bosses over silly things, like the lack of constitutionality their orders force them to comply with.
Those twelve thousands need to be doing their own protecting, by living up to their oath, which was never to their boss on the seventh floor of the FBI headquarters. It was to the flag, the Constitution, the people, basic crap like that, which gets swept under the rug.
I know it might seem like I’m being a hard ass but at this point, if we wanted to toss out the deep-staters and/or the people that have failed to protect our constitutional rights, I don’t know how to design a process to sift through the FBI’s personnel and expect to detect and fire the offenders… at least with any level of confidence. The entire organization, from top to bottom, new hires or old hands, all bear the stink of the organizational rot, including the ability to lie to the people and themselves that they understand the Constitution and what it means to them and how they’ve been doing their jobs. And, because of that, I don’t see a path to reconstitute the FBI as an organization that is constitutionally based.
I realize that there will be good, moral, and law-abiding agents that will be thrown out with the bad but, at this point, I just don’t see a path forward that doesn’t involve tossing the whole mess out and starting again.
This was not a raid. It was a search- warrant being served.Trump has a long history of lies. The more I learn about him the more I will be voting for Desantis come primary time, if he runs and God I hope he runs. Trump is furthering his dividing of the country. The more evidence that comes out against Trump is spun to make him look like the victim. Trump is a victim only to himself. He wanted into politics to take revenge on Obama, and that was fine and dandy with me. His hatred for Obama has caused his once so quiet billionaire life into a shamble. All is fair in love and war as they say. If Trump indeed had Top Secret Nuclear files, then he should be held accountable. Trump in my personal belief should never be trusted. Evidence is mounting that he indeed tried to over throw the Government on Jan. 6th. Even though I know this may get me kicked off afnn site, I had to respond to this article.
Showing up at a location and taking control of it while executing a search warrant is exactly what a “raid” is. I say that as a retired law enforcement officer for more than 30 years who authored hundreds of search warrants and participated in hundreds of “raids”.
Wait until we learn that there was no predicate to perform a search warrant before you rely on the possibility that what one reporter used as embellishment to juice up a raid, to add some perversion of the word “credibility”, before you write Trump off.
There is so much wrong with the FBI doing what they did, that one might consider the same tactic becoming so broad that you or I could fall into the same trap, just for writing something that someone might disagree with on the internet.
I’m not trying to convince you to believe anything, but there are too many precedents of this thing happening to too many people on one side of the political divide to be buying into anything being reported about this raid, and yes, it was a raid.
If I saw armed federal agents coming on my property, I might die in the process, but it would not have been in vain. Mainly, because I know I have given no one the reason to act in that regard, except a tyrannical and unjust government, and I will act accordingly.
With the ongoing hoaxes over the last six or more years, against Donald Trump, you might have thought that, by now, those powers that have been at this would have been successful at something. After the first attempt, that failed terribly, everything that has followed has been all harassment, and you don’t do that in a civil society.
It doesn’t bother me that you don’t like Trump, but be fair about all this. He has been harassed the entire time he has been campaigning for, and being President, and now, afterwards. Just how much should any human being have to take? His actions, while in office, were extraordinary and beneficial to more people than any other president in my lifetime. It is those actions that I look at, not the newspaper’s derision of the man, nor his particular personality.
The bit about nuclear classified documents is so ridiculous that I am surprised you mentioned it. However, even if I sometimes disagree with what you write, I always seem to read it. If you are concerned about someone wanting you gone, you already left. Don’t go anywhere. That’s also absurd.