The gaslighting of America that began during the Obama years and increased after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has reached epic proportions over the past month. But the optics and content of President Joe Biden’s outrageous primetime address last week marked a new low for an administration that has presided over the most massive government power grab in U.S. political history.
Against a “blood-red” background, two Marines stood behind the president as he delivered a speech for the ages. Biden wanted to be “crystal clear” that everything is at risk in this country because of the Republican Party, including Americans’ so-called right to abortion, “the Social Security you paid for from the time you had a job,” children’s safety from gun violence, the right to vote, and “the very survival of our planet.” Heck, MAGA Republicans are even a threat to democracy itself, he warned, because they refuse to accept the will of the people and embrace political violence. Trump loyalists are trying to destroy the country, he railed.
This was gaslighting, pure and simple. Apart from Republicans’ efforts to place limits on abortion, everything the president said was a lie. Indeed, Biden was employing a tactic once favored by Joseph Goebbels and the KGB — the time-honored practice of accusing one’s political opponents of what they themselves are doing.
Biden is and always has been an imbecile. But now he’s become dangerous. In his undeniably diminished cognitive state, he is little more than a vehicle to be used by the far-Left ruling class to facilitate the transformation of America to one-party rule.
He is hardly the only voice parroting these lies. His entire administration is involved, including his communications team and his allies in the legacy media.
His Justice Department and FBI are at the tip of the spear. Little did former President Donald Trump know when he replaced then-FBI Director James Comey with Christopher Wray in 2017 that it made no difference. Both were well-connected members of Washington, D.C.’s permanent ruling class, an elite and powerful group of government bureaucrats who share a common objective: gaining and maintaining political power. The entire lot of them made it their mission to block the rude, crude interloper that was Trump from intruding upon the privileged, influential world they’d worked so hard to create.
To this day, the DOJ and the FBI are still working with Democrats and two anti-Trump Republicans in Congress to convince voters that Trump incited the Jan. 6 Capitol “insurrection.” Frankly, if I had insurrection on my mind, I wouldn’t have stopped to take a tour of the U.S. Capitol building. But that’s just me.
The DOJ’s August 8 raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate seems to have been a search for evidence to be used by Congress against him in that case. Democrats in Congress have even admitted that they hope the DOJ’s investigation will result in the indictment and disqualification of Trump.
All of this is a manufactured offensive against Trump and MAGA Republicans, the goal of which is to distract voters from the perilous state of the country after 20 months of one-party governance.
Is this strategy working? Maybe. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, as of Wednesday, 42.3% of likely voters approve of the job Biden is doing. At the end of July, just prior to the FBI’s unprecedented raid on Trump’s home, the RCP average of Biden job approval polls stood at 36.7%, more than 5 points lower. Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and other legislation boosted the average to 39.5%, where it stood on the day of the FBI raid. It has since climbed over 2.5 points.
Moreover, despite the record high inflation triggered by excessive government spending, our wide-open southern border that has allowed more than 2 million illegal aliens to enter the country in the past fiscal year alone, and soaring crime rates caused by soft-on-crime district attorneys, Democrats have prevailed in recent special elections.
It wasn’t too long ago that pundits were predicting a red tsunami in November because of these issues. Not anymore. The gaslighting is moving the needle. With speeches like Biden’s, well-timed leaks by the DOJ, and an obedient media, Democrats’ efforts to draw voters’ attention away from the real problems we face and to make the election about classified documents found in a Mar-a-Lago storage room are having the desired effect.
Republicans need to cut through this distraction and return the focus to the kitchen table issues that are important to most Americans. How much does it cost to feed our families or to fill up our gas tanks? Do we feel safe walking down the street in our cities and towns? Are our children being provided a worthwhile education?
Democrats will continue to abuse their power so long as they believe doing so will help them maintain it. We’ve been down this road before. Republicans can stand by and hope that independents, who decide elections, won’t be fooled again. Or, they can stand up and fight to expose the Democratic Party for what it has become: a group of far-Left ideologues seeking to transform the U.S. into a single-party state.
A previous version of this article appeared in The Washington Examiner.
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Regarding the optics of Marines standing behind The National Fool at Independence Hall, Mark Alexander made an interesting observation at The Patriot Post. The stance assumed by the two Marines is not described in their manual, it was neither attention nor parade rest. Mr. Alexander suggested the posture be labeled, “WTF”.