The endgame for the woke is the annihilation of everything America was built on; It’s time for action

In an October 2020 speech, French President Emmanuel Macron identified an existential threat he claimed was stirring up division among citizens and undermining the country’s cultural heritage. “Certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States” were to blame, he said.

Then-French Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer echoed Macron’s sentiments. He warned, “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities.”

They were referring to the toxic wokeness that had originated inside the hallowed halls of America’s finest universities. This menace, even at the time these remarks were uttered, had spread its tentacles well beyond academia, and begun to alter the very essence of American culture. It was also starting to take root in Europe. Macron and Blanquer were right about the threat, but they’d arrived at this realization too late. This malignant ideology had already gained a foothold in France.

President Joe Biden’s victory the following month served to put this affliction into overdrive. Two years later, we are living in a country we barely recognize. Wokeness has crept into every aspect of our lives at a breathtaking pace. Those who claim that men can get pregnant, that we must empty our prisons, and that children should be allowed to make life-altering decisions about their gender, are being taken seriously. Climate change and white supremacy are considered the deadliest threats we face, our borders have been opened, and our military has been neutered. Equity has replaced meritocracy. This dangerous philosophy has even worked its way into sports and children’s entertainment. And it’s all happened with relative ease.

During the pandemic, parents learned how deeply the woke worldview had already infected public-school curriculums. This was terrifying considering the students of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. A recent message I received from a middle school parent shows just how far this ideology has gone. Her children told her about a new gender called “furries.” She wrote: “Furries go to school acting like cats or dogs. They literally meow or woof and their teachers must treat them like animals. They have their own litter box in the bathroom and everything.”

It almost makes me pine for the days of bullying which would have put a swift end to the “furries.” Imagine how past generations of middle schoolers would have dealt with a “furry.” But I suppose if a child is allowed to choose their gender, why not let them decide their species as well.

We have two choices at this point. Either we can allow wokeness to continue until it destroys everything that made America great, or we can fight to eradicate it. I’m not suggesting that we take up arms. But if each one of us pushes back against this madness in any way we can, however small, the insanity will end. As they say in the stock market, a thousand “eighths” add up fast.

Last week, for example, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge James C. Ho, a Trump appointee, took aim at Yale Law School during a keynote address at the Kentucky Chapters Conference of the Federalist Society. The title of Ho’s speech was, “Agreeing to Disagree — Restoring America by Resisting Cancel Culture.” Citing the cancel culture that runs rampant at the Ivy League school, he told listeners he will no longer hire clerks from Yale and encouraged other judges to follow his lead.

According to prepared remarks obtained by the National Review, Ho said, “If they want the closed and intolerant environment that Yale embraces today, that’s their call. But I want nothing to do with it.” He acknowledged that cancel culture is a problem at law schools throughout America but noted that “cancellations and disruptions seem to occur with special frequency” at Yale.

Ho’s message is simple, but powerful: It’s time for Americans to cancel those who embrace the cancel culture that is destroying the country. Ordinary Americans have allowed themselves to be intimidated into silence by the woke mob that has taken over our culture, never realizing that we have the power to reject it.

Ho is just one of hundreds of federal judges in the country. But he has thrown down the gauntlet. Hopefully, others will follow. Perhaps they’ll add to the list of law schools to avoid. They might start with the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law where, according to the Jewish Journal, nine law student groups have amended their bylaws to ban speakers who support Israel or Zionism from the campus.

If we continue to mollify the woke, they will gain strength. It’s time for a little civil obedience and even some ridicule.

Sen. John Kennedy, (R-LA), showed us how it’s done in his latest campaign ad. After condemning the defund the police movement, he told voters: “Look, if you hate cops just because they’re cops, the next time you get in trouble, call a crackhead.”

Our path is clear.



A previous version of this article appeared in The Washington Examiner.

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1 thought on “The endgame for the woke is the annihilation of everything America was built on; It’s time for action”

  1. I really am apathetic about Macron and his views, because France is part of the same problem. But, it wasn’t Macron who causes the problem, but his ideology. The same can be said about Germany. Where did the American schools get the fuse that was lit in the early 60s? From those two centers of marxist ideology, particularly Frankfurt, Germany. The garbage that was imported for the Frankfurt School into Columbia University, during my childhood, was where this entire mess came from, so I don’t care to hear Macron’s excuses for where this stuff came from. It spread like a wildfire through academia as an adjunct to undermine future generations through the public and secondary schools, mainly in America, but I’m sure it was alive and kicking as far back as the first brain was planted in Frankenstein’s skull, just in time for the good doktor-professor to do his life experiment in a storm. Amazing, also, that once upon a time, one could have sworn that the original wave of feminism captured women during the lives of those who had scary parties around the times of Mary Shelley and Lord Byron, and that, along with all the other waves of feminism and this current trend of wokeness, being inextricably connected, somewhere around a few elite, drunken brains(better to use g rated anatomical features), could point to where the problem lies. If we hadn’t ever learned it we wouldn’t have had to forget it, so, we forgot it. Then enter Thomas Malthus, who planted the seeds of birth control.
    Our academia took this crap and ran with it, and if a little got backfilled in France, well, tough, Immanuel. France has always been a country with famous and some infamous ideas to come out of, throughout all its generations, monarchies and now, supposedly a republic, so Macron can go complain to someone who cares what he says.
    Macron is no different than many of his contemporaries, who wish to blame the mistakes and inconveniences of his country, on others. We even do it on this side of the pond, but this stuff occurred closer to the time of our founding, so I seriously doubt Macron’s crying could ever gain traction.
    Society’s woes have been crying while hiding underneath so many layers of evil, for so many years, that it would take a Cat D5 to dig up the roots out of the global refuse dump, known as Europe, so let him cry and moan.
    We just need to kill the ideology that got imported from his side of the pond, and let them rot in their septic nightmare.
    We have our problems. They came from his land.

    Well, it doesn’t really matter, since history isn’t a thing, anymore.

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