Our States Need to Reunite

Greetings my fellow Americans!

While I don’t wish to speculate at this time whether our representative republic is truly “over,” it seems pretty clear that, from the results of our most recent election cycle, our federated system is quite broken. And while several key reasons for this most recent disappointment could be identified, of the notion that our national government has grossly outgrown its original constitutional charter of border security and national currency there can be little doubt.

Our founders recognized that having a relatively powerless collection of representatives vis-à-vis the first Continental Congress was not a viable solution to preserving the union of the newly formed States, but were still smarting from the “abuses and usurpations” of a monarch who believed he had the power and authority to impose whatever arbitrary restrictions and penalties he saw fit at any given time. They devised a system of checks and balances intended to maintain the relative sovereignty of the individual States while granting limited and enumerated authority to a central government that would preserve, protect and defend the United States as a whole.

A not-so-insignificant component of the aforementioned check-and-balance framework was the representation of individual State concerns in that government, via the national Senate. Under the U.S. Constitution, pre-Amendment 17, Senators were elected by State legislators, not directly by “the People” (the House of Representatives being The People’s House). In addition to the Senate not being subjected to the temporary passions and/or inflamed emotions of a generally less-informed public, the Senate was also intended to represent State-level concerns, and to provide balance thereof by allowing only two Senators per State, regardless of areal size or population.

The sovereign States had more of a direct voice in the national government than these do today, as the 17th Amendment all but dismantled the republican federation of power between the States and the national government, and enabled the latter to utilize the media, polls, and national political candidates to directly influence and propagandize the opinions and information of and to those who otherwise had little knowledge or background into how it would affect the sovereignty and culture of their respective State and local communities. This amendment also effectively made the Senate an extension of the House, and, intentionally or otherwise, enabled larger States to more greatly influence the general direction of national legislation.

Short of full repeal of the 17th Amendment (which will never be initiated from within Washington, D.C.), what we need (in addition to turning back to God) is a revival and recognition that the real strength of America lies in the oxymoronic individualistic unity of our States: Yes, we have a national government, but the States were supposed to hold the majority of the executive, legislative and judicial powers. Each State was empowered with adhering to the framework of the national Constitution as they saw fit, as it was recognized and accepted that the specific concerns of California were not the same as Kansas, for example. And, by virtue of this relative diversity, citizens of the United States could freely choose which State they would prefer to live based on the culture and societal norms of that State.

So, what am I actually advocating here? For those of us who still live in relatively “red” States, it’s time to either start or to reinforce relationships with each other, exclusive of the national government, which has largely abandoned any notion of America. For those who still ascribe to the American philosophy and principles of unalienable rights “endowed by our Creator” who live in so-called “blue” States, it is time to assess whether these States are still capable of being revived, or to bolster those who still embrace and embody America.

Either way, we need to unite locally, and re-establish and reinvigorate the federation of power across and among those States who still wish to be united under such a system. Sadly, this will not include all 50 of our current States who identify as being part of the U.S.A., but if we have any hope of “saving America” we need to come together as much as we can and stem the tide of anti-American infestation which threatens to completely obliterate us. If we truly believe that America is the best and greatest form of human society which has ever existed on this planet, our hope for individual freedom lies in stronger unity with, and support of, each other

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1 thought on “Our States Need to Reunite”

  1. It’s too close to the time when all the options left are another revolution, or an Article V Convention of states. I think it is fair to say that all of the political class will be against the COS, so unfortunately that leaves us with one option left.

    With the few exceptions that one or two states did to correct the theft of elections, and none did enough to take complete care of the problem, it won’t be enough to correct the slaughter that we will see in the 2024 election. When your vote becomes a joke, the joke is on the ones who let it get this way, because the day will come when we all get fitted for yolks if we don’t do more than just rely on unfaithful politicians.
    They are supposed to be our servants, not us as their servants. They need to be taught that lesson, and I’m worried that the only real solution is the one few dare to talk about.

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