McCarthyism 2.0; This didn’t start out to be about Adam Schiff—really. It started out to be about weasels, or politicians as we generally refer to them now. You know, those who assume politics is a profession. I realize that may be a pessimistic outlook and when I get feeling this way I go to one of my favorite guys to bring me back into the light, George Carlin. This one did it today for me, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” Wow! And I thought, “There must be someone specific who exemplifies this truism.” And I had it, Adam Schiff. Before we explore Adam’s lack of dignity and common sense, let’s crank the Time Machine back a few decades.
It has been years since Senator Joe McCarthy sent scores of people to an early career grave. For those who may not remember, the Britannia encapsulates McCarthyism thusly, “…a series of investigations and hearings during the 1950s in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government. The term has since become a byname for defamation of character or reputation by means of widely publicized unsubstantiated allegations.” Said another way, anyone making unsupported accusations or engaging in unwarranted investigations in an attempt to silence or discredit can be said to practice McCarthyism. This can include government agencies as well since even federal agencies, such as the IRS targeting the The Party, can violate First Amendment rights. But let’s look specifically at Adam.
As exposed by Matt Taibbi in the Twitter Files, Adam elected to purposefully disregard First Amendment freedoms by demanding speech that did not fit his narrative be cancelled, thus seeking to trample journalists who did not parrot his talking points. Among his hit parade was included the Steele dossier, the Russia collusion hoax, fabricating conversations, leaking classified information, FISA warrants (BTW, when do we rescind the Patriot Act?), among others that played full volume from Adam’s soapbox. And Adam had help. As Taibbi points out, he enlisted the aid of Twitter’s Yoel Roth, an admitted anti-Trump guy, who met with the FBI, the DHS, and the Director of National Intelligence on a weekly basis leading up to the 2020 election. There’s more but it really is tedious work to exhume this much dirt.
So here we are, proven collusion between the feds, a private entity, and a Congressional office to kill free speech. Here’s a portion of Schiff’s oath, one that he will again take for the 118th Congress: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States…” Adam, Adam, Adam. How can we trust anything you say since you’ve already violated your oath numerous times? And how can we trust any of the officers of the aforementioned federal organizations when they knowingly violated theirs?
You know, and as I’ve said before, when we old guys took off the uniform the oath didn’t go with it. But it must be different when you’re in politics. You can throw out the oath right after you swear or affirm to uphold the Constitution. Now it appears that the standard for some is no longer service to We The People. Nor is it “Country above Party.” And Adam appears to be one of those guys. Alas, when politics became a profession I guess the oldest one was retitled.
Perhaps later we can explore if the Congressional slush fund used to pay off accusations of sexual harassment against members is still active. But until next time, adios amigos. (Is that cultural appropriation?)
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With the history of lying shown by the guy with the TV character’s name, he might make a super duper used car salesman in any skid row part of town. Didn’t he leak classified information to the media, during breaks in a classified hearing?
Was he ever investigated for that? And how did he even pass a clearance check? Sarcasm.
I always thought that the irony of the character in Law And Order, named Adam Schiff, being more of what one might aspire to, than the real Adam Schiff, was outstanding, and kind of an insult.