The ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (and now Explosives) (BATFE) is using the regulatory process to make criminals out of ordinary Americans. Whether or not a gun control law is constitutional, what is the intent of a bill that makes more criminals, especially a gun control bill? Since the scope of how laws are fashioned, those that make gun control laws that are supposed to protect the citizens, and those citizens already have legitimate firearms that are made into being unlawful, what can be the intent, if not simply to disarm and make the citizen powerless? It is simply to disarm the citizen and to make that citizen a felon.
At the beginning days of our republic, there were no firearms laws, because the ones who had firearms, and joined the militia(the military) had to bring those firearms to duty. How could there be firearms laws? Firearms were the property of the farmer, the shop keeper and the ordinary citizen. They were relied on for hunting, self protection and the call to duty to protect the newly formed country. Public safety, which is an over-rated and completely mischaracterized function of the people, was never part of public law, until well after the republic got off the ground, and well into post Civil War America.
When the Supreme Court ruled that Bruen was wrong in his argument against the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, they set the course for the public safety argument to be dismissed, since there was none like it, at the time of our founding, around 1791. Good thing, because no gun control law has ever worked. All every gun control law has ever done is to take a right, specifically an Amendment to the Constitution, and only neuter it, for the sake of government having a monopoly. Monopolies are never good. They are the breeding ground of tyranny, and that means all gun control laws have to be made unconstitutional, or else we surrender the rest of our freedoms, along with that one, which is the 2nd Amendment. So, that makes Shannon Watts a defacto legislator. Who elected Shannon Watts? Same goes for the ATF. Who elected them? How can a federal agency just make up a regulation that can jail you for 10 years and force you into bankruptcy, along with you never getting your rights back? Huge problem, when you start looking at things, this way, isn’t it?
When you have Congress using tax laws to ban firearms, as in the National Firearms Act of 1934, and executive agencies making up regulations, with no congressional legal authority, you have a tyrannical government, only for one purpose: to put you in jail for something previously held as legal. But, the reason that law(NFA of 1934) was enacted, had as much to do with keeping blacks from obtaining firearms, as much or more than it had anything to do with anything resembling public safety. Originally, pistols were going to be part of the ban. The government wanted all guns effectively out of reach of blacks. The subject was brought up about barrel length, which caused a provision of the NFA to include the short barreled rifle, or short barreled shotgun. The lawmakers decided that pistols would have to be taken out of the bill, else all heck break loose. The pistol dilemma is the way we got the Short Barreled Rifle included in the NFA law, because it was only included to prevent people from sawing off barrels claiming them as pistols. But, hey! It is still something else we can keep out of the hands of those who can’t afford a $200 tax stamp hurdle, isn’t it? So it remained. That is the only reason we have them as part of the NFA. On top of the NFA being an unconstitutional law, anyway, and rarely had the chance to be challenged, what doesn’t a good little gun controller want, else?
I don’t remember if it was before or after the Bruen decision, but another power grab was ruled as unconstitutional. West Virginia v. EPA. The EPA was making up regulations, without any congressional authorization. That ruling is very important in the recent garbage concerning pistol braces, which the ATF(BATFE) just recently decided they would try to ban outright, but give everyone a gift they cannot legally give, by the form of registering them as Short Barreled Rifles, and not collecting tax stamps during the so-called 120 day amnesty period. Are you following me?
Anyone who believes the ATF would grant amnesty to anyone needs to first understand that this is the same agency that said pistol braces were just fine, repeatedly, not just once. If they changed their mind on this, and resort to trying to bribe people into believing they are giving amnesty protection to anyone, who already knows you absolutely must apply for the tax stamp before you buy or build your short barreled rifle, they think the gun loving public are just a bunch of fools. The ATF is not legally able to give amnesty, and furthermore, they would now have a new stack of criminals, in their minds, to go out and prosecute, which is exactly what you would be doing if you went to their website and applied for a Form 1. You would be admitting to a crime. You not need to be a lawyer to figure this out, and I am not a lawyer, so I am not giving legal advice. If you take it as such, yes, you are an idiot who will likely go to that site and test what I warned you about.
In light of all the wins in the courts concerning 2 Amendment infringements, that the ATF would do such a blatantly evil attempt at making new criminals is enough evidence to push as hard as possible for their extinction, because the case I mentioned, West Virginia v. EPA already reversed one of their idiot regulations, yet they decided to go and try this stunt, thinking everyone is just a fool and an idiot.
It is the track record of imprisoning lawful people over lawful firearms being turned into something by corrupt officials in the ATF that should make anyone want to get rid of each an every one of them, in that agency, and the agency, itself. As far as the ATF is concerned, all it takes to make you into a felon, with fines and imprisonment, is a worn part that causes your AR to unintentionally and accidentally become a machine gun. That has happened, friends. A Supreme Court decision had to come about just to get a man out of prison over that exact event. He had already been convicted and was serving time. And he wasn’t the only one.
This is just a summary of the latest attempt of the BATFE to make anyone who owns an AR-pistol, AK-pistol, or other type of pistol converted from rifle variant, into a felon. It needs to be stopped dead in its tracks, and you need to see a lawyer before you go and make yourself the latest buffoon sitting in a federal prison, because you went and tried to register what is not required by existing law to be registered, because all it might do is just land you in prison.
Just so you know, there are a lot of idiots on Youtube giving a lot of wrong information about this, and they should be ashamed not warning people of potential liability. Last night I sat and watched several videos explaining this mess, and only one or two even bothered mentioning what I just did.
Be real careful when dealing with the ATF, because they are not your friend. They have tricked many a lost soul into a prison cell, for nothing more than they can do it. Do something much more productive, and go and drum up all the support you can, by calling everyone of your representatives to join and fight the ATF, over this, and maybe you won’t have to worry over your 120 day “Amnesty” magic carpet ride into prison. All they want is to make another criminal.
Illegitimate and unjust laws display intent. Theirs is bad intent, and I don’t care if your daddy works for them. One thing is certain, and that is that this piece of excrement of a regulation will be challenged by the GOA, FPC and others, and will have individuals in the lawsuits. Where are ‘ya, NRA? All over a piece of plastic at the butt end of a legal pistol, which has never been used to commit a crime, by anyone. That says a lot. That says their intent has nothing to do with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. Its only intent is to make you a criminal.
They will not stop until we stop them.
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Registering your firearms is a sure ticket to making them easier for the government to confiscate.
That’s all this is about.
I hope, before I die, that I can walk into gun shop and buy an M-4, and not pay a tax stamp, nor wait for anything to come back to say I can, because I already can. We just need to assert that to that rogue agency.
All these laws have to go away.
A society which can no longer clearly distinguish the male from the female of our species with conviction will also generslly struggle with the notion that enacting more laws means nothing to those who are breaking those we already have, and those unwilling to enforce against said violators.
I finally saw where a Gun Owners of America lawyer confronted the ATF at their booth at the SHOT Show, in Las Vegas, yesterday. It took the GOA lawyer a week to find out what I said in my last article about pistol braces, that this was all about taking your guns. The ATF Karen acknowledged that if during your application process, NICS has gone past so many days, and whatever the amount was, it is still bound to go past that, that the ATF would then perform an “Enforcement action” , to, at the least seize your gun, or prosecute you for admitting to and having in your possession an NFA weapon. She just came out and said it. How does that outrage you? It should, anyway.