Alma Womack on the Super Bowl

No, dear hearts, I did not watch the Super Bowl on Sunday for several reasons. One, I have no television service since I am battling Directv over canceling Newsmax. Two, I wouldn’t have watched it if I had three television satellite networks, because I promised myself when ol’ Capricorn, Kapernick, whatever, was kneeling and disrespecting our flag and our country, and the NFL followed suit, I was done with them.

They may have stopped the kneeling now, I do not know, since I cannot be induced to watch. The third reason I would not watch the game is because of the so-called black national anthem being sung, along with our only national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. How Dare We let this group single itself out for a special song, which is also a way to disrespect our true anthem and our military that has kept us safe, at least until the current administration. What’s next: a LGBETC anthem, celebrating perversity, pedophilia and bestiality? A Latino national anthem, sung in Spanish? The communist national anthem, the true song of the Demoncrats? It could grow to so many anthems, that the game would be shortened by a quarter.

The fourth reason that I would not have watched this glorification of the secular world is the halftime show. Why does the NFL always select vulgar, crude, disgusting people to perform in front of the millions of people who tune in to the game. If the performers have any talent, it is covered up by outrageous costumes, lewd dancing, and vulgar behavior. And why do they always use the satanic colors of red and black-as if I didn’t know. It’s to send a message to all that they’ve sold their soul to evil, and they are inviting millions to join the evil band, too.

Everyone has the right to watch what they want (for now) but watching perversion is tacit acceptance, whether it is admitted or not. Perhaps I am just meaner and more hard-headed than the regular person, but no compromises here when I’ve made a vow to myself. National sports teams, that I once loved to watch, are in the same wastebasket as the pleas for money from republican politicians.

Speaking of republicans, or better yet RINOS, I see where back-stabbing, power mad, Nikki Haley, anchor baby living in South Carolina, has announced that she is running against Trump for the republican nomination for 2024. Personally, I wouldn’t vote for her for dog catcher, much less, something important. And why, you ask, do I dislike the turncoat so? Will be glad to tell you.

She was the one who took down the Confederate Flag from the South Carolina capitol after a fool ran his car into some people at a parade or rally or something. The cry went out to take down a flag that had absolutely nothing to do with the accident, but it was an opening for haters of the South and Southern tradition to start the ball rolling. The flag came down, beloved statues came down there in South Carolina and then across the South, all because she gave in to hysteria when a true leader would have held firm against a mob mentality.

Let me give you a quick history lesson. In 1861, people were more loyal to their home states than they were to the national government. The overwhelming majority of Confederate soldiers joined the army, not to protect rich men’s slaves, but to protect their state from the invading Northern armies. They fought for Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, etc., not for Jefferson Davis or anyone with slaves. That is a plain and simple fact that has been erased by Yankee history books, and it will never be acknowledged or corrected.

Monuments erected after The War were to honor those men of their states, for the sacrifices they made in service to protecting their homes from invaders. But Nikki Haley either didn’t know that or didn’t care, but how could she? She is an import, nothing more, no matter where she was born. She neither knows nor cares about the history of our ancestors. As Steve Bannon described her, “she is more ambitious than Lucifer and even less principled.”

She disparaged President Trump after he was elected, and then darn if his handlers didn’t appoint her to represent us at the UN. That didn’t last too long, so to get her name back in the news, she attacked the President after the stolen election of 2020, and continued to degrade him to promote herself. Well, that may have worked on the clueless fools around the country, but it ain’t flying here. She is being used by the RINOS to take votes from Trump, but I don’t think there are enough dummies to do her much good. I’ll be happy when she packs her bag and goes away for good.

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