Elections and war; Whose rules does a successful military use to win battles? Is it the enemy’s rules? I’m asking because some seem to think, in politics, that we should play by the opponent’s rules.
Someone, somewhere else, came up with the idea that we should begin to march as our opponents and ballot harvest. I thought ballot harvesting was generally illegal. I recently received a text from someone portraying themselves as Donald Trump, saying that Trump is about to promote ballot harvesting to win elections. Whoever started that idea should just go and become a Democrat. I think that is a profoundly terrible idea, to go and promote a previously illegal act, into a nationwide campaign. And, if this is Trump 2.0, I might be looking to vote for someone else in the primary. I want Trump to win, but that is one of the most irresponsible ideas on how to “win” an election that I have ever heard.
Democrats began experimenting with ways to steal elections before I was born. They used the names of dead people to place on ballots, in the voter roles, so that electronic voting systems have some level of cushion for their statements about the votes being by “people”, whether or not they are dead people. During the cooties pandemic, we saw emergency laws, or supposedly temporary excuses to allow for massive mail-in ballots, for “all the people” to be allowed to vote. Doesn’t matter that all those people probably are just electrons on a spreadsheet, and someone voted in their stead, does it?
Something else that gets under my skin is the media, and mostly stupid Republican(claiming to be, anyway) journo-wizards using this technique in posting what they extrapolate as news articles, is the phenomena that often leads by saying “This is how we will win elections, from now on”, then telling what the plan is. Yeh, if it is so brilliant an idea, that they need to go and plaster it all over the internet and even some printed magazines, the people coming up with this crap are dumber than I ever expected, or they are playing for the other side. Could be either, quite frankly.
When we have a long history of knowing how stealing elections was always the attempt, but somehow we made it all the way to the 2016 and 2018 election, somehow seeing our election system basically intact, and then some fool thinks that we should go even farther into playing by the enemy’s rules when 2020 and 2022 opened up ballot harvesting. What’s that old saying about doing the same thing expecting different results? Seems that it might be applicable. Instead, we should be putting a stop to all this garbage with the ballot harvesting, the programming of computer based electioneering, and dead voters(!), and start to get what we had, and lost, back.
But the only reason I said this is because it seems obvious to me. I don’t usually have flights of fantasies, thinking that we can somehow re-invent that wheel by using what the enemy does. I think we should, instead, put our boot on the enemy’s neck until they surrender and let our republic remain a republic, or they can just die off. You can fight tyranny when you see it, but when you let tyranny in the front door, serve it tea and cookies, and let it corrupt everything, and you don’t see that letting it in the door is the loss of fair elections, there’s your problem.
Everything else is downstream.
Since I have not served in the military, but try to study a little history, I know that our military has doctrine, tactics and procedures, and the successful military leader looks back in history to see how battles were won and lost, in order to better prepare for the future battles. He also observes his enemy’s tactics and doctrine. Seems prudent to me. That’s demonstrated by Gen George S. Patton, and several other great general officers. So why would we choose to fight a battle with an enemy by using their rules? That’s what we would be doing if we chose to ballot harvest, when we never had this problem until the 2020 and 2022 election, right?
Whoever came up with this stupid idea for ballot harvesting your way to victory, I think you should just go away, and never come back until you come to your senses, if you can. You know it is wrong. Just get lost.
If it is not priority number one, to rip every piece of law that allows an enemy to cheat and steal an election, our country will officially be lost. There is nothing else in the way of preventing that from happening.
Just remember, “we gave you a republic, if you can keep it.”
“We are one generation away from…” Ring any bells?
Stalin weighed in on this, also. Something to do with who “counts” the votes, not the voter?
This is a war, so act like it.
So, to the idiot who sent me that text, claiming to be Trump, and promoting ballot harvesting as the meal ticket to success, get lost! You are a traitor to everything I ever learned about doing what is right. And, if it does turn out to be someone in Trump’s campaign, Trump just lost my vote.
Maybe that is what the fool who suggested ballot harvesting intended
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