What Would Be the Next Global Crisis in Trump 2.0?
“Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” ~ 11th Commandment of President Ronald Reagan
Greetings my fellow Americans!
Okay, I’m going to set some ground rules here, both for myself and for those about whom I intend to write this installment for AFNN, based on President Reagan’s 11th Commandment. My intent with this is to emphasize where I believe President Trump may be most vulnerable to voter sentiment outside of the diehard Democrats, and more importantly, to stress where I believe he has the power to put a definitive end to the Covid charade being perpetrated by our own government, as well as to greatly discourage those behind it from doing so again.
First, I do not intend to in any way diminish or question Mr. Trump’s patriotism or motives for both having been, and again wanting to be, President of the United States, nor what he was able to accomplish in 39 months despite vociferous opposition to, and obfuscation of, those achievements. And while I do wish he had called out his political opponents more poignantly yet elegantly, and been able to better build a groundswell of public support, both a la the aforementioned Reagan, I appreciate that he was able to show Americans what life could again be like here were our government to be more interested in promoting the general welfare of it citizens than apologizing for it.
All of this said, I believe DJT and his loyalists ignore the last nine months of his presidency at his political peril. Whether he was bamboozled by it or a party to it (I believe it was the former), President Trump enabled the fraud and deceit surrounding the early months of the Covid pandemic to be fully realized by turning his presidency over to the very “swamp” which he so adamantly committed to draining during his 2016 campaign and early days of his first administration. More significantly, he continues to trumpet Operation Warp Speed as “the greatest accomplishment of his presidency,” claiming that “hundreds of millions of lives have been saved” via the rapid development and distribution of the so-called vaccines.
I had ambiguously titled a previous AFNN article “Time for Trump to Come Clean on Operation Warp Speed,” and some readers appeared to see this as an indictment of the former president’s true intentions, as well as dismissed my call for reflecting upon his action (or inaction) from March 2020 through January 2021. To reiterate here: I do not believe Mr. Trump knew of the ten-year genesis of pharmaceutical boondoggle known as Operation Warp Speed before it was brought before him as a quick fix to the pandemic. What I do believe I have a right to question, however, is what he has learned from the experience so that “the swamp” cannot undercut him a second time, should he even be able to win given the bastardization of our national election process which was made manifest thanks to government’s response to that pandemic.
I believe it has also become quite clear to anyone who does not rely solely on the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, NPR, or Facebook for news that the mRNA shots which were purported to be our salvation from the likes of Covid and coronaviruses heretofore incurable are anything but, and Trump would do well to reverse his position on these and become the advocate for tearing down, and holding accountable, the public health establishment who enabled this virus to be via gain-of-function research with Communist China, who was empowered to shut down much of the U.S. private sector economy through imperial mandates and edicts, and who, in partnership with global pharmaceutical companies and the media, forced distribution of untested and unscientific cocktails of chemicals which have now proven to be more harmful to the human body than the virus these were intended to “prevent.”
Mr. Trump, you will get my vote in 2024 if you are my only non-Democrat option, but between your seeming lack of self-awareness regarding Operation Warp Speed and your penchant for tearing down anyone who deigns to compete with you (or is expected to) instead of proudly touting your 39 months of accomplishments and actively leading on undoing what the last nine months of your previous presidency hath wrought, I’m finding it very difficult to be confident that your second presidency will ultimately be any better for me than your first. I benefitted from your pre-Covid leadership, and was harmed greatly by your lack of it from then on. Please help me, and others like me who were wiped out and permanently harmed by lockdowns and unabashed government tyranny, understand how you will prevent this from ever happening again in the United States of America
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You have nailed Trump’s biggest obstacle. He is dangerously close to passing the point of no return where he can no longer reverse course on the jabs and maintain any credibility. As of yet, most Americans aren’t paying much attention to the primaries, even most Republican primary voters. The rest of us are carefully weighing everything anyway.
There is simply no excuse to keep declaring that Operation Warp Speed was a success. It was a disaster with jab side effects now being equal or greater than those from covid. Trump wasn’t the guy in the lab, so I don’t blame him for them not working or the lies they told about them. I do blame him for either being too dumb to see it now, or too stubborn to admit he messed up in trusting the same people who had been lying to him for months on end about everything else. Neither one is flattering, but the longer he waits, the worse it gets.
Meanwhile, his strongest challenger is one of the four best Governors in regards to covid response if not the best. He certainly took more heat than anyone else for his policies of liberty and common sense. That makes Trump’s weakest point a strong point for his main challenger. That is how candidates lose elections.