Without Conservatives, America Dies

Citizen Writer, Unpopular Politics says…Without Conservatives, America Dies.

Folks, do you realize that if the conservatives never entered the media space there’d literally be no one holding Democrats and the left accountable? 

Do you realize this? 

Until Rush Limbaugh came on the scene, all the news and commentary painted conservatives in a negative light, and portrayed them as a bunch of rubes, while coloring leftism in the most beautiful, compassionate colors.

Then came the late Great Rush Limbaugh, unabashedly conservative, unapologetic about what he stood for,  pointing out the blatantly left wing bias and corruption in the media.

A few years later Fox came on the scene and the media landscape changed forever. Instead of welcoming the challenge of the new media, and covering the news more honestly, the fraudulent media doubled down and has been seeking to destroy all of conservative media ever since.

Imagine if we had an honest media how things would be different in the country with an informed public demanding accountability from the powerful.

Would an honest media turn a blind eye to a senile old man running for, being elected President, and having a bunch of unelected radicals running the country from behind the scenes?

Would an honest media be silent as an old senile President embarssses himself over and over and over again in front of the world, with his bumbling, crumbling, fumbling mumbling, stumbling, tumbling gaffes?

Would an honest media remain silent as the country is invaded by millions of unvetted illegal aliens coming into the country, and getting bussed into America’s cities.

Would an honest media be silent as we witnessed the disastrous pull out of Afghanistan, and in the process turn a terrorist regime into one of the most well armed militaries in their region.

Would an honest media be silent in the face of one of the the worst supply chain shortfalls in the country?

How would an honest media report on the high rate of inflation that our country has seen in the last two years?

How would an honest media cover the thousands of flight cancellations at airports all across America that seems to have become the norm since this regime has been in power?

Imagine if we had an honest media covering one of the biggest environmental disasters in our country like what has occurred in Ohio over the last few weeks.

In a country with an honest media, the Biden regime would be questioned about their constant appeal to race, and their race based policies that seek to exclude white people from certain benefits for no other reason than their race.

An honest media would have demanded that Congress release the film of the 6 January 2021 riot at the Capitol.

Each time that  Democrat leadership lies and says that five Capitol police officers were were killed during the 6 January riot, the media would challenge them and point out  it’s not true. No Capitol police officers were killed during the riot that day.

These are just a few of the things that an honest media would cover to hold the powerful accountable in the interest of the people.

Instead the media complains. They get angry. They try to shame and discredit those who hold the powerful to account. They target them for reputational destruction because they have no interest in the truth.

This is why they hate media organizations like Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart News, the Daily Caller etc. They are quick to point out if one of these organizations get the facts wrong on a particular story, while they ignore their own journalistic malfeasance, which is always much more egregious, and happens a lot more often.

They can’t stand that they have been exposed, yet they are not ashamed. They are only interested in protecting whatever status, and influence they have left, and regaining what they’ve lost.

Perhaps even worse is their low information minions, sheepishly go along with every narrative they are fed. Their followers have an adversarial relationship with sense making, and have no interest in the truth. 

With them ignorance is indeed bliss, and it is folly to be wise. They are just happy to repeat every mantra that makes them feel like they are filled with virtue, while they continue to sidestep reality.

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