I was reviewing a research paper of one of my students who stated that wedding costs have an inverse relationship with marriage length and cited numerous studies to support her argument.
“Money is known to be a point of contention in relationships—even when it’s being put toward a good cause. Research has found that if you’re spending piles of money on your wedding, you’re more likely to get divorced. A 2014 study, published in Social Science Research Network, found that as the price tag for the wedding went up, the likelihood a couple would stay together went down. To find out how much you should really spend on a wedding, read on, and for more warning signs, Women Focused on This One Thing Are 60 Percent More Likely to Get Divorced.
Researchers found that for each jump in wedding price, the divorce rate shot up. Couples who spent $1,000 or less on their wedding were 53 percent less likely to get divorced, while those who spent anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000 were 18 percent less likely to part ways. On the other end of the spectrum, if a couple dropped $10,000 to $20,000 on their big day, the marriage was 29 percent more likely to end in divorce. And blowing over $20,000 on a wedding made couples 46 percent more likely to split.”
So if you have a son or daughter considering marriage, you my wish to discuss this relationship as it applies to their future relationship. This is especially true if you are the father of the bride!
Final thought: Savings from not having that extravagant wedding can tide couples over during rough financial patches that always occur early on in a marriage. Those rough financial times cause many of the pressures that result in divorce.
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Add the rudeness of “ destination “ weddings…👺
I completely agree with this. I would add engagement rings though. I’ve already warned my sons if a woman demands an expensive engagement ring, they need to re-think the woman. I know a woman who would only accept a ring from Tiffany’s. Big shock — she left him. Conversely, I asked my husband not to give me an engagement ring. I always hated how people would ask to see the ring when someone got engaged as if that somehow demonstrated the worth of the man. I wanted him to know I was accepting him, not the ring.
As an aside, we spent about $1,000 on our wedding (we were also young and poor at the time!). It would have been less but my mother insisted on live flowers which was half the budget!