Lori Lightfoot Is An EPIC LOSER

Lori Lightfoot

Photo-Image Mark Bradford

Lori Lightfoot Is An EPIC LOSER and No,   It Has Nothing To Do With Her Race or Gender! I was born and raised in Chicago, and one thing is for sure, they will punish you at the ballot box. Chicago is a one-party town. Chicago is a safe haven for Democrats. Usually, the city elects its Democratic candidate and that person stays in office for quite a long time. Her predecessor Rahm Emanuel was in office for 8 years and decided to not run for reelection. His predecessor, Richard M. Dayley held office for 22 years, surpassing his father Richard J. Daley, who had a 21-year tenure.

So historically, Lori Lightfoot is the first sitting mayor of Chicago in 40 years not to win re-election. She couldn’t even make it out of the first round of voting. Lightfoot won all 50 Chicago wards in a 2019 runoff election against Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, defeating the powerful Democratic Party chairwoman as badly as Mayor Richard M. Daley used to beat political has-beens and nobodies, and making history as the first Black female and first openly gay Chicago mayor. In 4 short years, Lightfoot went from being a bright shining political star in the Democrat Party to a very divisive unpopular mayor. Chicago voters rejected her radical left policies and her demeaning attitude toward law enforcement.

The crime in Chicago was a key issue confronting Lightfoot. Violent crime in Chicago spiked by more than 40% since she promised during her inaugural address to end the “epidemic of gun violence that devastates families, shatters communities, holds children hostage to fear in their own homes,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The Sun-Times attributed many of her woes to bad timing, due to the pandemic and civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. Even with the media’s attempts to make excuses for her, Chicagoans saw right through the mess. Murders, robberies, and carjackings are happening in broad daylight.

Although I’m a resident of Michigan, I still commute to Chicago for work every week. Three years ago, I couldn’t believe my very own eyes when I saw the destruction firsthand from the BLM/Antifa riots. I will never forget how Democrat politicians, including Lori Lightfoot, supported, funded, and cheered on the violent deadly riots, causing billions of dollars in damages. The spectacle of mobs rampaging through the city, while police were demonized and told to stand down, convinced millions of ordinary people that unless they owned a firearm, they would not be able to defend their businesses and families. Well as many of you know, owning a legal firearm isn’t easy in Chicago. So many legally law-abiding citizens were left feeling helpless. Here are some photos I took:

It’s extraordinarily ironic how Lori Lightfoot has the nerve to cry about losing her re-election bid because she’s “a black gay woman in America,” when that’s exactly how she won the election in the first place.

When asked if she got treated unfairly, she replied: “I’m a black woman in America. Of course.” This is a crazy claim considering that one of the two opponents that beat her in the election was a black man named Brandon Johnson. Johnson is currently a Cook County Commissioner and is considered further left in political ideology than she is. Hell, our Vice President was chosen strictly because she was a “Black Woman.” Her refusal to take ownership or any responsibility for her failures and play the victim is pathetic. However, this is the typical Democrat mentality these days. It’s sad to see Lori Lightfoot’s denial over the simple basic facts that all every day Chicago citizens want are safe neighborhoods, quality jobs, and good schools regardless of race, sex, or gender.

Everyone is starting to see through the left’s B.S. Lori Lightfoot did not historically lose her reelection bid because of her race or her gender. She lost because she was a horrible, ineffective, ignorant, and incompetent tyrannical mayor who failed to keep her city under control. Perhaps, even the left is starting to realize that we can’t have nice things when you use affirmative action to pick and elect people because of their race, gender, and skin color instead of merit, achievement, and ideas.

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