So much to say, so little time and space to say it all. Is time speeding up? Seems so many awful things are happening so fast that one can hardly keep up. Actually, one cannot keep up. We are being bombarded daily, hourly, by the minute with news here and around that world that makes you scratch your head. Is it all coming to a head? The Good Book told us there would be times like these.
“28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:28-32 (NKJV)
God gave us free will and he has turned us over to it. Look what we’ve done with it. Temptation is all around us and many have succumbed to it. Can you think of a better description of the wicked times we live in? Who can be one of those whisperers Apostle Paul refers to? Are you reminded of someone on the national stage who whispers in his speeches as he “also approve(s) of those who practice them”? I can think of one “leader”, in particular.
Just this week a deranged transgender person (sorry for the redundancy) went on a murderous rampage against innocent school children and their teachers at a Christian school in Nashville, TN, transgenderism being the antithesis of Christianity, which to most rational folks is an obvious hate crime. The mentally ill transgender (another redundancy, sorry) murderer even left behind evidence on social media and a “manifesto”, that the activist trans-fascists don’t want released to the public, detailing her motive. The media cover up is out in the open. CBS News has banned the word “transgender” in their reporting on this crime. It doesn’t fit their narrative. Instead, they should ban the word “news” from their broadcast. The Democrat run Nashville Police have thus far refused to release the manifesto. I wonder why? Shouldn’t we know the killer’s motive? Don’t the parents of the innocent victims deserve to know why their child was killed?
What did the aforementioned “whisperer” do in response? He claimed not to know the motive jokingly and defended the LGBT Alphabet community and instead named them as the victims. According to our Whisperer in Chief, “Transgender Americans shape our nation’s soul”. His paid Spokesliar even had the ironic nerve to say, “Our hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now.” Huh?! The Joker in Chief in his address about the shooting rampage then went way off script and began to joke about ice cream and good looking kids in the back of the room instead of taking a serious stance on the massacre of the good looking kids in Nashville Covenant Christian School, who could never again enjoy ice cream. Watch this bizarre display, if you dare:
This is the sad excuse we have for a President. Nine-year-olds with their heads blown off are not the victims. Those who suffer through misgendering and wrong pronoun usage at the hands of civilized citizens who won’t go along with their delusions are the real victims. You have the right to claim you are the opposite sex. You don’t have the right to make me believe you and you certainly don’t have the right to make me address you as such. It should go without saying that you also don’t have the right to kill innocent children and their teachers just because you think their Christian faith is offensive to your delusion. If the LGBT Alphabet community is so angry and riled up now, when their biggest advocate is in charge and they are running everything, just think how much angrier and volatile and violent they will be, if Trump gets back into office. Scary thought.
Then we get word with no fanfare or official announcement that the supposed Q-Anon Shaman, Jacob Chansley, is finally released from prison to a halfway house. We now have halfway houses for Capitol Hill tourists. Who knew? The Garland “Justice” Department was shamed into this early release by the sunlight of video showing Chansley committing no crimes.
Yet, on the same day of Chansley’s release, as real insurrectionists violently occupied the Tennessee state house and the Kentucky Capitol, as drag queens are exposing themselves to children (once a crime), as violent criminal thugs are being released en masse from jail, as Soros (why isn’t he locked up?) prosecutors are unleashing a never-before-seen crime wave on our cities, as children’s perfectly functioning genitals are being mutilated at what were once respectable hospitals, as our immigration laws and borders are being ignored and overrun by drug cartels and illegal aliens, as our military is being emasculated, as the President* is pushing for the start of WWIII with a blank check of other people’s money (ours) to the most corrupt nation in Europe as our economy and dollar fall off a cliff, the Manhattan DA (Defense Attorney) Alvin Bragg indicts a former President, Donald Trump, on trumped up charges, pun intended, for the first time in our history and well after the statute of limitations has expired. Our nation is now officially, fundamentally transformed as the premier America-hater himself, Barack Hussein, planned all along. We’ve gone from a shining beacon on a hill, to a rusty, dimming, foggy and fading light under murky waters.
They say that grand juries are so one-sided that a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Perhaps the very rotund Alvin Bragg should have indicted a ham sandwich, since we can see what many ham sandwiches have done to him over the years. But why take it out on Trump? He has no case against Trump. Bragg took an alleged misdemeanor (payment for a nondisclosure agreement – NDA) that the federal prosecutor, the former Manhattan DA and the FEC all decided not to prosecute because there was no case to be made and morphed said misdemeanor into a federal criminal offense. No wonder Dems think men can become women and women can become men. This is what passes for their “thinking”. They can make all sorts of voodoo happen such as nouveau election interference under the fig leaf of the legal process. How else to describe a leftwing Democrat prosecuting the presumptive presidential nominee of the opposition party?
Bragg has no case because there is no victim. Stormy Daniels (the alleged victim) said so herself, that no affair occurred between her and Donald Trump (the alleged perp). Donald Trump claims the same thing. In 2018, Stormy Daniels wrote in a statement,
“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.”, Stormy Daniels
Her legal adviser authenticated the veracity of this statement. There is no underlying crime, period. Accounting errors under an NDA are not criminal offenses. Rich people are constantly hounded by nuisance lawsuits. Ambulance chasing lawyers always go after the deep pockets. Paying off an extortionist to go away is no crime. A local DA has Zero authority to turn a misdemeanor into a federal election criminal offense when the statute of limitations has expired, much less any authority to prosecute such made up legal mumbo jumbo. A good judge would throw out this case on its face and Bragg would be indicted for prosecutorial misconduct. Of course, that would be in a just world, not NYC. As big Alvin reduced felony charges to misdemeanors, by 52% in NYC in 2022, and purposely refuses to prosecute violent criminals in Manhattan, and as he put a bodega owner in Riker’s Island on a murder charge for successfully defending himself against one of Alvin’s career criminal thugs and released a bank robber five times after robbing five banks, he then tries to turn an alleged misdemeanor into a federal election felony, where he has no jurisdiction and no such felony occurred. In the 2020 election, Manhattan voters voted 87%/12% for Biden/Trump. Can a fair-minded jury of Trump’s peers be found in NYC? Does he have any peers in NYC? Can a fair-minded judge be found there? Highly unlikely.
Without the Rule of Law, we are not an ordered society. When law enforcement becomes political enforcement, we become a third world country. When we pick and choose what laws to obey and enforce and which to disregard, we pick and choose to be lawless. Our inner cities are despicable testaments to lawless chaos, the kind that George Soros paid for with Bragg. Soros and his handpicked DA’s are trying to turn the entire country into one big inner city. Inner cities are filled with fatherless homes. Fatherless homes are broken homes. Broken homes produce broken kids. Our jails and prisons are filled with broken kids, all grown up.
When those empowered to enforce our laws abrogate their responsibilities, so goes our society. No responsibility for our actions and no consequences for them is the way savages live, not ordered societies. Compared to the rest of the world, we are still a fledgling nation less than 250 years old. We have so much to lose if we fail as a nation. Where in the world could we flee to, that is better, should our nation fall from God’s grace? Modern day liberalism is an existential threat to the United States and to civilization. Look at all the chaos and havoc liberals are happily wreaking across the country every day. We are in a much bigger and much more important fight than just between two political parties or even two ideologies. We are in a spiritual battle between Good and evil. Good must prevail. I shudder to think of the alternative should the forces of evil win. We don’t want to live in such a country or such a world.
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There you go calling illegitimate Pedo Joe the plagiarist and liar a president. Not from where I sit. He is and always will be illegitimate.
I guess you missed the point of my column.
Profound perception poignantly put to prose!
You have an uncanny ability to analyze the administration’s abject absence of talent, and all things traditionally American, and attribute them accordingly.
Thanks for putting into words what we have all been processing. Rush would be proud!
Thank you my good friend, Big Bill!!