Rush Limbaugh Warned Us

In October 2020, just months prior to his death, Rush Limbaugh warned us that Democrats were done with elections. He said they no longer “believe they should have to persuade anybody to agree with them. … [T]here’s no question that they resent the electoral process.”

What was happening at the time Limbaugh made these remarks? Well, rather than aiming to win voters’ hearts and minds, then-candidate Joe Biden’s handlers were trying desperately to limit his public exposure lest Americans see they were about to elect a man who was in the early stages of dementia.

We know from the “Twitter Files” that the FBI had scuttled an investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop which they’d obtained the previous December. The FBI was working frantically behind the scenes with Big Tech executives to get ahead of the blockbuster story they knew the New York Post was about to drop.

Additionally, Democratic operatives throughout the country were busy trying to skirt election laws enacted by state legislatures to increase mail-in voting. Moreover, Pfizer and BioNTech were waiting to announce that their COVID-19 vaccine had shown success in Phase 3 studies and would be available to the public the following month.

Democrats no longer even try to win on the issues. Instead, they put their efforts into creating conditions which will maximize their chances of victory. The disgraceful indictment of former President Donald Trump, they expect, will guarantee he wins the GOP nomination. They are convinced that Biden will prevail in a 2024 rematch. The indictment has the added benefit of taking the focus off the House Republicans’ investigation of the Biden family’s alleged foreign influence peddling scheme and even lesser issues such as calls for the public release of the “manifesto” written by the transgender murderer who gunned down six people at The Covenant School in Nashville this week.

I wish Limbaugh were alive today to weigh in on the Biden administration’s massive power grab.

Excerpts from the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 1, 2020 radio show:

They resent the whole premise behind elections. … Therefore, they don’t believe in campaigns. They don’t believe in the free, open exchange of ideas.

They don’t believe in giving legitimacy to anybody who is not already on their side. So if this is who they are psychologically — if they have no interest in persuading people, if they have no interest in acquiring power as a result of massive public support — then who are they? …

They don’t want it to derive from persuading people that their ideas are the best — and where is all of that codified? All of that thinking, all of that behavior is codified in elections. What are elections about? …

[E]lections are the result of persuading millions of people to support you. They resent having to do that.

They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support Black Lives Matter. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support burning down American cities and private property. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to go along with their ideas on guns and eliminating free speech. They can’t persuade anybody to agree with that!

Those are things they’re gonna have to force on people, and they are more than willing and eager to force that stuff on you, but they need the power to do it. So they have to go through the motions. …

But they resent the hell out of it. And in their world, it’s the one thing standing in their way: This need, this requirement to win elections. And I’m just telling you: As soon as they can figure out a way to eliminate elections, they will do it, ’cause they resent the hell out of it. …

They are attempting to win elections without broad public support. That’s what they’re trying to do. That’s just another way of phrasing what they’re doing. How do you win elections without broad public support?

You have to cheat. You have to game the system. Most people who consider themselves Americans and practitioners of small-D democracy, believe in the sanctity of elections. They believe in the sanctity of campaigning and convincing a majority of Americans to support them.

That’s where you get your mandate. That’s where you get the power to implement your ideas. And the more people voting for you, the more power you have, the bigger mandate you got. These people resent having to get a mandate. Why should they have to get public approval? Screw these idiots. …

That’s who these people are, and they’re so ticked off they’re burning down your town; they’re burning down your city. They resent the hell out of having to please you. They resent the hell needing your support. They hate it. They’re not interested in your support. They’re not interested in what you think. They’re not interested in your point of view. They don’t care to have to find out who you are and how to persuade you. And they resent the hell out of the fact they have to do it.

It’s all about knowing who anybody is. And how do I know? I listen to them. I watch ’em. It’s abundantly clear. They do not like America. It’s beneath them. They do not like the democratic process. They resent it. It’s beneath them. Their ideas, such as they are, are all that matter. And if you don’t agree with them, too bad. You can’t stop ’em. You’re nobody.


A previous version of this article appeared on Power Line.

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8 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh Warned Us”

  1. Rush was always on the cutting edge. He was so prescient. He was exactly right, as usual. This is a battle of Good vs evil. I miss Rush. We need him back. We need him more than ever.

  2. Yes, Rush was right, as usual. We all know the demoncrat/communists playbook. So should the republicans we have been electing since the criminal Clinton’s appeared on the national stage. WHAT have they done to thwart the onslaught of the communists; I will tell you, precious damned little. They all are in cahoots, dear friends, and we are no more than voiceless peasants in their eyes.

    Thanks for the reminder of Rush’s brilliance; like millions, I miss him so much.

  3. I miss Rush, also. He understood so much more than most of us, and could put it in a way that the masses could understand the problem. It’s too bad no one will do what needs to be done, because we all are those frogs in the kettle while the fire is burning underneath. We wait for someone else to clean up the mess, and that never happens. The Democrats know this, as well as we do. Now the water is beginning to boil.

    By the time we decide to do something about that one problem, election theft, the country will be no more, because the Democrats and RINOs will have burned through everything we have. We are almost there. It was always a simple problem to fix, but we did nothing, but argue among ourselves, while the left had us distracted.
    Rush said that, also. He was a very bright guy who had the pulse of our country in his heart.

  4. I wonder why God took Rush from us at that particular point in time. We must all steel ourselves for the coming war between good and evil. It’s been raging for quite some time, but I fear we will all experience it personally before it is all over.

  5. Rush was right. The other side isn’t the Democrats of old, of just 30 years, of even 2008 (just in public) when Obama said (lied about) marriage was between one man and one woman.

    The other side are Human Secularist Totalitarians. Commie – for short. And, always Bullies.

  6. Rush nailed it.

    This is also why so many leftists loved the Soviet Union. They like the power, and they don’t want to have to explain their actions. They want to rule, plain and simple.

    It’s why Bernie Sanders had his honeymoon in Moscow — during the Cold War.

    They consider themselves royalty. And the American people are their subjects, but their constituents.

    What does this mean? It means they can’t be reasoned with. That’s what it means.

    The only way America comes out of this is if we out-game them. No more of this “stoop to their level” nonsense. Taking the “high road” and losing is failing our children. Anyone who uses that kind of terminology doesn’t understand the problem at best, at worst, they’re part of the problem.

    If this doesn’t turn around immediately, we’re going to lose the country, and with it, all of our children’s future.

    We will head down a dark road, for a VERY long time.

  7. April 2/23…………… If ever we needed Donald Trump, it is now, he is the only one that can save our country. The people he knows around the world, the leaders Of foreign countries who Love him, and fear him.
    Abraham accords, His meeting in North Korea with Kim Jong Ung , Even Crossing the little line at the blue House into North Korea. Our country Was safe, our border Was safe…. just look what the Democrats are doing to him, they are so afraid. Joe Biden is nothing but a very old Liar and nasty man, has done nothing in his entire life except to destroy.
    God help our country!…. Carol Tucker Vancleave Mississippi

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