Terry Stops and 3-Strikes Laws: A Series on Better Policing

Policing in these United States has a storied history. At one end of the spectrum, there have been stellar successes, such as the removal from society of such menaces as John Dillinger and the deadly duo of Bonnie Harper and Clyde Barrow.

There have also been eras of not-so-brilliant, or even adequate enforcement of the laws and deterrence of crime. We are in one of these eras right now. This series discusses how a simple and proper application of Terry Stops (known as Stop, Question & Frisk) along with enforcement of firearms statutes, coupled with proper application of 3-Strikes laws, can rapidly bring crime down. The series is broken into 4 parts for ease of reading.

Terry Stops and 3-Strikes Laws: Time to Revisit Them-Part 1

Terry Stops and 3-Strikes Laws: Time to Revisit Them-Part 2

Terry Stops and 3-Strikes Laws: Time to Revisit Them-Part 3-Broken Windows Policing

Terry Stops and 3-Strikes Laws: Time to Revisit Them-Part 4-Self-Initiated Activity or “That **** Don’t Look Right.”

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