Old Gray Lady Protects the Master of Smear

His eyes get big when he thinks he’s close to damaging someone he sees as an adversary.

When he fires and misses, his eyes narrow as he begins searching for another possible weakness in his target.

Adam Schiff is the Master of Smear.


He was recently censured by the U.S. House of Representatives in a partisan vote.

Searching for a way to discredit the Durham Report. Schiff is the Master of Smear. But didn’t shake Durham

A New York Times reporter, and DNC in-house hack, wrote a piece entitled “House Censures Adam Schiff Over His Role Investigating Trump”. It first posted on the last day of the Durban hearing, and then reposted on 22 June 2023.

The Gray Lady reported:

“The G.O.P.-led House formally censured Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, on Wednesday over his role investigating former President Donald J. Trump, the first in what could be a series of votes seeking to punish those whom Republicans have deemed the party’s enemies.”

A correction from the Gray Lady is in order. Schiff was not censored for investigating Trump, but for being an enemy of Truth. He lied. Repeatedly–and for years.

Several times during the interrogation of Durham, Democrat members of the committee referred to their opponents as “MAGA Republicans”. (We wait in vain for the Republicans to retort with a suitable moniker for their opposition. Perhaps they’re afraid of offending?)

Back when Schiff was formally scolded with a toothless sanction, “Democrats erupted in chants of Shame! at the Republicans after the vote and surrounded Mr. Schiff in a protective circle as he walked to the well of the House to receive the censure. Representative Eric Swalwell, Democrat of California, called out that the proceedings were a disgrace.”

Swalwell, once infamous boyfriend of a CCP female spy (aka: Honey Trap), joined the chants of “shame” and “disgrace.”

During the late stage of John Durham’s marathon appearance before the House Committee on the Judiciary, several Democrats yielded their time to Schiff so that he could continue grilling Durham. Searching for a way to discredit the Durham Report. Schiff is the Master of Smear. But didn’t shake Durham.

Republican Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. Gaetz asked why Durham’s long investigation failed to find and involve key persons behind the Crossfire Hurricane fraud

Oddly enough, that role was momentarily played late in the hearing by Republican Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. Gaetz asked why Durham’s long investigation failed to find and involve key persons behind the Crossfire Hurricane fraud. It was a unique and important moment in the marathon hearing. But no answers were offered.

The NYT writer stated that: “Mr. Schiff, who is seeking a Senate seat and has cited the censure against him in fund-raising efforts, said he was being made a target solely because he had stood up to Mr. Trump.”

It seems the Gray Lady remains supportive of Schiff’s multi-year and thoroughly debunked Trump-Russian Collusion scam. She should be ashamed. But isn’t.

Schiff, as a candidate for the U.S. Senate representing California, will use his censoring by Republicans (most of them anyway) as a Badge of Courage.

“‘You honor me with your enmity,’ Mr. Schiff told the Republicans from the House floor, pointing out that Mr. Trump had been indicted over charges that he mishandled classified documents. ‘Donald Trump is under indictment for actions that jeopardize our national security and McCarthy would spend the nation’s time on petty political payback, thinking he can censure or fine Trump’s opposition into submission,’ Mr. Schiff said. ‘But I will not yield. Not one inch.’”

Willie Sutton, the famous bank robber, when asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, reportedly said, “Because that’s where the money is.”

For the Master of Smear, political fame gained by hook or crook, is the equivalent of money in the bank.

There for the lying.

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