Rush Limbaugh (boy do I miss him) used to refer to the media as the “Drive-by Media”. The media would shoot us full of stories, mostly filled with lies about conservatives and move on to the next before we could recover. The point was to pepper us with bad images with no follow up or facts. Peppering us was the purpose. Soften us up to the bad news of conservatism and just take it for granted that whatever they said about it was true. Just Believe Us as they moved on to the next story. The story of the day or the story of the week was fleeting.
The Biden White House has learned well from the drive-by media. We now have the story of the week, or more accurately, the scandal of the week or better yet, penumbras formed by emanations. We are left dizzied by so, so many scandals that they become the norm. We were told Old Joe would usher us back to the old norm, well this is what they meant, the new norm or abnormality.
America should have known that Joe was, is and always will be a liar. He’s corrupt and criminal. We shouldn’t be surprised but we should be outraged. Like the Chinese spy balloon, each scandal seems to just fly by. Out of sight, out of mind.
White privilege isn’t real, but Biden Privilege sure is. You try getting appointed to corporate boards around the world in industries you have no clue about and get paid million$, just for the last name you carry, plus the fact that your daddy has a (D) after his name. You try not reporting those millions of dollars to the IRS and not paying taxes on that income. Then try having some billionaire pay the taxes, interest and fines for you. Then finally try negotiating a watered down, slap on the wrist plea deal with a slow walking expert prosecutor, who formerly worked for your shady business partner, only after being shamed into it after a five-year long sham investigation. Good luck with that. See you in prison.
You try getting away with causing a forty-year spike in inflation and then blaming the previous administration by claiming falsely that inflation was increasing when you took office. Or try destroying all of America’s energy production in pursuit of an imaginary clean energy unicorn.
![oil rig](
If that’s not enough, how about needlessly getting thirteen brave young people killed plus another 200 civilians in a far-off hell hole called Afghanistan, then leaving your own citizens and allies behind to fend for themselves, along with $85 billion worth of the latest military hardware. You can even pretend to care when the bodies of these heroes are returned in coffins at Dover Air Base, while you constantly check your watch because you have more important places to be.
Even after that, you wouldn’t have to worry because your press would cover for you when you finally release (just before the Independence Day weekend, when no one is looking) a report on your withdrawal planning and actions, that you then claim was flawless. Must be nice. Boy, that Biden Privilege. P.S. The genius “journalists” at USA Today had the gall to run a “fact check” telling you that you didn’t see with your own eyes that Brandon checked his watch during that video. Go get your eyes checked, plebe!
That Biden Privilege is valuable. They should sell it. Oh wait, they did. They sold it to Ukraine and China and who knows where else. Bank records prove it.
They are even selling it now, to anonymous buyers of Hunter’s newfound art skill, oil painting. And for a measly $500,000 a crack. Oops, did I say crack? That guy Hunter is so talented. He can juggle so many balls at once – prostitutes, boards of directors, coke (not the drink), multiple LLC start-ups, more prostitutes, more start-ups, more crack, more boards, oil painting….
How many scandals can one administration fit into just two years? There’s nothing deterring this administration from piling up more. Biden’s minions are so daring they are indicting or in the process of indicting their number one political opponent, like they do down in El GuataSalvadorica or wherever. They don’t care how this looks to the world. SWAT raids of heavily armed US Gestapo are conducted on every “dangerous” opponent of the Dems, including raiding a former President’s house for the first time in our history.
Now, El Presidente, against all US flag code regulations, places the gay-trans porn flag in the position of honor at our White House, while fake “women” run around the lawn of the White Hnouse topless showing off their fake breasts, as the rest of us normal folk are supposed to be celebrating a full month of the pride we feel in sinning. Our media – Nothing to see here, move along. Sick.
Simultaneously, El Jefe’s (the Big Guy’s, in English) miscreant son is apparently playing hide and seek with cocaine around the West Wing, like he did with his laptop. The follow-on scandal – the cover up. I’m sorry, but we all know the West Wing is not a “highly trafficked” area as Biden’s “Historic” press secretary keeps telling us. The White House is one of the least trafficked places on the planet. We should have known days ago who the culprit is. They know and we know who it is and they know we know but they don’t care. They are daring us to do something about it.
What is next week’s scandal going to be? It’s anybody’s guess. Buckle up. It ain’t gonna get any smoother between now and November 2024.
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Hey 🦅 , thank you for excellent excellent observations & the article. RE: us patriots… I don’t know how much more of this crap we can (or will) take. This Resident et al is a crap sandwich, a 12 foot long crap hero! yikes. God save the Queen!👺
Thanks CaptBill56. 2024 is only the start of the clean up.
I would not be surprised if the next call on Hunter’s cell phone after that baggie was discovered was to “Junior”, to meet him at the 7-11 again to bring him another of those things he does.
I’m afraid you’re right.