As followers of Christ, our spiritual journey is often filled with moments of wrestling, questioning, and seeking deeper understanding of the teachings presented in the Bible. For many, one passage that tends to stir both intellectual and emotional challenges is Romans 13. The call to submit to governing authorities has been a point of contention and struggle for numerous believers throughout history.
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1, NIV)
Romans 13:1-7 is a significant passage in which the apostle Paul addresses the relationship between Christians and governing authorities. In this passage, Paul instructs believers to submit to the governing authorities, emphasizing that they are established by God.
However, it’s important to note that the Bible also presents instances where believers, including the apostles, faced situations where they had to choose between obeying God or human authorities. For example, in Acts 5:27-29, Peter and the other apostles stated, “We must obey God rather than human beings,” when commanded to stop preaching about Jesus.
This suggests that if an authority commands something that directly contradicts God’s commands or requires believers to act against their faith or conscience, it may be permissible for Christians to respectfully and peacefully oppose that authority. In such cases, believers should follow their convictions and remain faithful to God’s principles, even if it means facing consequences or persecution.
It’s important to interpret and apply biblical teachings with discernment, seeking guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and studying the broader context of Scripture. Different interpretations and perspectives on this matter exist among Christians, leading to a variety of approaches when it comes to opposing authority.
Here is a list of ten key figures in the Bible who challenged authority:
1. Moses: Challenged the authority of Pharaoh in Egypt and led the Israelites out of slavery.
2. David: Challenged the authority of King Saul, who pursued him out of jealousy, but still showed respect for the established authority.
3. Elijah: Challenged the authority of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel of Israel due to their idolatry and injustice.
4. Daniel: Challenged the authority of King Nebuchadnezzar by refusing to eat the king’s food, remaining faithful to God’s dietary laws.
5. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Challenged the authority of King Nebuchadnezzar by refusing to bow down to the golden image, standing firm in their faith and trusting God.
6. John the Baptist: Challenged the religious and political authorities of his time, including King Herod, for their immorality and corruption.
7. Jesus: Challenged the religious authorities of his time, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, by preaching a message of love, mercy, and challenging their legalistic interpretations.
8. Peter and John: Challenged the religious authorities when they continued to preach about Jesus despite being commanded not to.
9. Paul: Challenged both Jewish and Roman authorities as he preached the Gospel and faced opposition and persecution throughout his ministry.
10. Stephen: Challenged the religious authorities and was martyred for his boldness in proclaiming his faith in Jesus.
These individuals demonstrated courage, conviction, and a commitment to God’s principles while challenging the ruling authorities of their time.
In conclusion, Romans 13 presents a general principle for Christians to respect and obey governing authorities, recognizing their divine appointment. However, this call to submission does NOT imply blind adherence to every command, but rather prompts discernment and wisdom in discerning when earthly authority aligns with God’s commands and principles.
As believers, we are called to live as responsible citizens, seeking to bring God’s values and justice into our interactions with the world. While navigating the challenges of submission to authority may be complex, it is through prayer, studying Scripture, seeking wise counsel, and listening to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit that we can find clarity and discern the appropriate actions in our individual journeys.
Let us hold fast to the timeless truth that our ultimate allegiance is to God, and in doing so, we can navigate the tensions between obedience to authority and our commitment to faithfully follow Christ
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Today there are many occasions to disobey the legal authorities since so many are directly anti-Christ, anti-Christianity and downright evil. Obey God first.