There’s been a lot of hooraw in the news lately about the Biden family’s corrupt dealings, but we shouldn’t forget to pay attention to some of the other perennial heroes of the Left; this time it’s the daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, he of the three mansions, who is in the crooked-dealings spotlight.
FIRST ON FOX: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders quietly funneled $200,000 from his campaign’s coffers to his wife’s nonprofit institute, which appears to do very little work and pays six figures’ worth of compensation to her son, Fox News Digital has found.
The independent senator’s committee cut two $100,000 checks to the Sanders Institute for reported charitable contributions in January and March, its Federal Election Commission records show. The expenditures are the largest from the Sanders campaign to any entity this election cycle.
The senator’s wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, and stepson, David Driscoll, co-established the Sanders Institute in 2017 to act as a think tank to promote progressive voices, The Washington Post wrote at its launch.
Apparently this is a Corrupt Dealings 101 tactic; set up some kind of “think tank,” “foundation” or the like, and funnel millions of dollars through it to be used for… what?
This is a guy, mind you, that owns three houses and has an estimated net worth of about two and a half million. Pretty good for a guy who has never done an honest day’s work in his life. I’d say “pretty good for an old Communist,” but in Communist systems, that is precisely what you could expect for someone in the ‘ruling class.’ According to Fox Business:
That money comes, in part, from his book royalties and his income as a senator, which pays him $174,000 a year, according to the Congressional Research Service report on Senate salaries last year.
Sanders also receives an annual pension from his time as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and owns three homes, according to Forbes.
He has a home in Burlington, a home in Washington, D.C., and a Vermont vacation home that he and his wife bought in 2016 a few months after his presidential campaign ended.

Book royalties? He wrote a book? Who knew?
While you would indeed expect this kind of wealth in a guy who promotes Communism – he actually honeymooned in the Soviet Union – you would at least think that, with three mansions and a net worth in the millions, he’d be a little better turned out, instead of always looking like a refugee from a major flood.
Bernie Sanders – and Elizabeth Warren, and Nancy Pelosi, and, yes, Joe Biden, are not causes, they are symptoms. They are symptoms of a government grown wildly out of control, wherein talentless hack like Sanders can grow wealthy sponging off the taxpayers and selling ghost-written books to adoring leftists. Someone like Sanders could never grow wealthy or influential in the private sector; he’s not terribly bright, he doesn’t appear to have much self-discipline, and his ideas of how an economy should work and how corporations should govern themselves are, well, ridiculous.
These people grow monstrously rich while in office because the government itself has grown monstrous. Overwhelming government intrusion into our lives seems to turn into gold in their lives. They grow rich wielding power, and that’s because our monstrously bloated government gives them plenty of power to wield – and influence to sell. There’s simply no other field of endeavor in which a Bernie Sanders could be anything more than a sanitation engineer, a line of work that, unlike what he does now, actually produces value.
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