Hail to the Chief

Restoring the soul of the nation. That’s what Biden promised. Instead we got division and ridicule. Condoning aberrant behavior beginning with his family and extending into all facets of society. Ignoring illegal behavior in his Administration. Fabricating positive foreign policies and economic successes. POTUS approval, 40%. Ethics approval, 40%. news.gallup.com And military.com reports even confidence in the military is the lowest it has been since 1997, dropping to 60%.

But just as companies are finally distancing themselves from Environmental, Social, and Governance policies, the government and academia still push Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Noble concepts when taken individually. However, when combined and forcibly administered they become discriminatory. Color over character. Over merit. It seems Joe Biden has set out to destroy the very fabric of who we are as Americans. My question is, does he even know? As much trouble as he has with reading, speaking, and walking (accompanied by bouts of “where am I going next”) he is not a well man—and the world sees. And so does his Party. Yet they excuse his observable weaknesses and frailty. For power. Will winter come soon for them? I hope it will.

Joe’s abysmal and humiliating surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, which cost thirteen American lives, can be applied to the entirety of his Administration. His Presidency has yielded a deeply flawed leader in the White House. Incapable Secretaries in the Departments. Bickering between Parties and Branches. Seemingly totalitarian bureaucrats who pick away at our freedoms one by one. Remember this Benjamin Franklin response to the 1787 query, “What have you given us?” “A republic, if you can keep it.” But to do so we are dependent upon the active and informed involvement of our people.

And our leaders? Their duty is to protect our borders and our citizenry. They need to love the country, be of good moral character, have integrity, and exhibit courage. In each of these, Joe has failed us. Failed our country. Badly. And similar to what Woodrow Wilson’s wife Edith performed in 1917, who is the real steward of the Executive Branch? It can’t be Joe as August 4th marked his 365th day of vacation. Maybe 44? Are you watching? And if you are, who can you trust to tell the truth?

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