A few minutes before 9:00 AM on September 11th 2001, a phone call roused me out of a sound sleep. I had worked the 3-11 shift the night before, as a Deputy with the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office in Ft. Pierce, Florida, and was scheduled again that same night.
Get up. Turn on the TV. A plane just flew into the World Trade Center. The caller’s voice was almost deadpan, yet strangely strident. I ran to the living room and turned on the TV. Just as I recognized one of the World Trade Center towers billowing smoke and heard the announcer say something about a plane crash, the second plane appeared, flew into the other tower, and exploded.
At that point I knew, we were at war. All over America, at Reserve and National Guard facilities, phones were ringing off the hook. The question was unerringly the same: “When do you need me there?” I called my Army Reserve boss, asking the same. His response: Get your ass in here.
36 hours later (delay due to grounding of all aircraft slowing my movement) I was on active duty as the Operations Officer, in charge of a command center identifying mission requirements and bringing Soldiers to active duty and placing them in harm’s way. From that day in 2001 until the Army finally turned me loose in 2013, I had the enormous privilege of leading some of our nation’s finest in a crusade against the most evil of forces. I served on 4 continents and supported multiple operations, including a POW rescue mission, in the effort to bring to justice, those who murdered 3,000 American innocents. I am proud to have helped defeat those criminals who were promoting the cause of a socio, politico, military construct, bent on world conquest. That construct, masquerading as a religion, is not the “religion of peace” as President George W. Bush notoriously mewled.
Here we are, 22 years later, with an even more inept President…a President through his own decisions, is PERSONALLY responsible for 13 families having to attend a Ramp Ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, as the remains of their loved ones are returned home…in this case, dying needlessly. Dying needlessly as the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ceded victory to the Taliban.
Osama bin Laden, in whatever circle of Hell he currently resides, is doubtlessly chuckling through the flames. He’s giddily cackling, as President Biden, through his border, economic and diplomatic policies, continues to allow those who hate America and its singular philosophy of liberty, happiness and above all…LIFE, to infiltrate these United States of America.
On this particular day of infamy, perhaps we should take a much harder look at who we want to be our Commander-In-Chief. Based on current events, mostly led by China and in a secondary role, Putin’s Russia, our next existential battle is likely to demand many more American families to attend a 2:00 AM Ramp Ceremony at Dover Air Force base…unless we choose wisely in 2024.
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Never Forgive, Never Forget. ESPECIALLY never forget that the current occupant of 1600 is the one Osama Bin Laden wanted… so a vote for Biden IS a vote for Bin Laden.