A Wealth Of Material. Joe Biden as Rodney Dangerfield 2.0. “NATO is organizing a Quick Reaction Force to repel invaders at OUR southern border. Hope they hurry.” “USA Today maintains the definition of a woman is complicated. They really need to get out more.” “The New York Times finally admitted Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. So too, the Watergate Tapes.” “If God Sent Biden/Harris, did He run out of locusts?” “Pay your taxes—nations of the world are depending on them.” Finally, “The Dems still didn’t give up Trump for Lent.”
They say comedy echos reality. Let’s see and replay some Administration hits.
In Biden’s world all problems can be blamed on Putin or Trump or DeSantis or whoever else springs into his mind at the time. But didn’t he: kill energy independence; oversee inflation as the worst in four decades; ok’ed a 21% Congressional staff pay raise with an already out-of-control debt; on-going supply chain crisis; oversaw an airline snafu we haven’t seen since 9/11; self-directed the Afghanistan chaos; had SCOTUS axe his overreaching business vaccine mandate; sold scarce computer chips US automakers needed to CCP spy agency Huawei; oversees a crime and illicit drugs increase nationwide; set DOJ/FBI on parents; talks about a “New World Order” but doesn’t talk about decline in US families’ finances; and, as he and his incompetent Press Secretary Katherine Jean-Pierre both say, he takes the handling of classified material very seriously. Those locked garages are as secure as Ft Knox you know. Whew!
From his past: VP in 2014, when Russia invaded Crimea violating the 1994 Neutrality Agreement got crickets from the Administration; ignoring the Iranian people’s revolt in 2009; coined the term “borking” which means using tactics of vilification and defamation; tried to apply borking to the nomination of Clarence Thomas; against homosexuals before he was for them; against abortion before he was for it; denied locking illegals in cages—before the pictures came out; and, most egregiously, he spawned Hunter.
As the foregoing two paragraphs indicate, being a POTUS or a VP must be a very demanding job. Even when you are mentally competent. But does anyone else have flashes of “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”? Here’s what I mean. Biden’s NSA Director negotiated the 2015, fiasco of the Iranian nuclear agreement. Luckily the deal currently proposed by Sullivan has been tanked due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Back in the Paris Energy Accord which ignores that 84% of the world’s energy relies on fossil fuels. Wind and solar comprise 2%. So how does 2% overtake 84% in ten years? (Institute of Energy Research) The CDC and FDA responses to Covid are disasters. The Treasury Secretary got inflation wrong. DOD is in shambles and DOJ is crooked. These are not good looks for a two year old Administration led by an incompetent President. You can obviously have village idiots but you don’t want them all to show up in the same room at the same time.
So the world looks to Joey’s Administration for solutions. Finding none, they watch as the USA exits the world stage—-leaving the Ring of Power behind. But on the bright side, there’s a lot more material for comedians. As Tim Allen joked, “Biden was on 60 Minutes and he asked how long the show was.”
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