Joe Biden is making it clear with great regularity that he’s unwell and his recent trip overseas is no exception. The G20 visit included a downright scary press conference in Vietnam that showcased a rapidly declining octogenarian on the world stage who is no longer capable of discharging the duties of his office. This is not hyperbole; in fact, the cascading situation requires a frank discussion with the American people. What’s happening here is far worse than President Franklin Roosevelt’s efforts to keep his wheelchair out of the public eye.
To be clear, President Biden — who is eighty going on ninety — expects the American people to elect him again without campaigning for the office. As the biased mainstream media obsesses over Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s two “freezing” episodes, they treat Biden’s ongoing health crisis and the White House’s handling of it with kid gloves. Our president struggles to make coherent points and can barely follow a teleprompter. He would rather sleep than take questions from the press — perhaps typical for many 80-year-olds — but not for the leader of the free world. The truth is this president can’t even execute a rigged press conference full of softball questions from his allies in the state propaganda service. (RELATED: DAVID BOSSIE: We’ve Seen Enough — It’s Time To Impeach Joe Biden)
Biden’s alarming cognitive deterioration is just one example of the troubled times our country is going through these days. Another obvious problem is the abysmal job performance of Vice President Kamala Harris, who’s used the past 30 months a heartbeat away from the presidency convincing people she should never be President of the United States. At this point, every time Kamala Harris tells a reporter she’s ready to be president, no one believes it — perhaps not even the Vice President herself.
Never before in our nation’s history has there been such a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of our government and that gets us directly to the point. In less than one year from now — believe it or not — ballots will begin mailing for the 2024 presidential election. So, before Americans decide who to vote for, they need to know the truth. For the folks who want to re-elect Joe Biden, they must understand that they are really pulling the lever for President Kamala Harris. Anyone paying attention to Joe Biden’s public appearances three years ago compared to today, must conclude with a fair amount of certainty that he’ll have to resign the presidency at some point in his second term — or worse.
Each time Vice President Harris opens her mouth, it’s apparent she lacks both the gravitas and credibility to occupy the Oval Office. She exudes inexperience, a lack of self-confidence, and has absolutely no grasp of the most pressing issues of the day or even a basic understanding of why the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are worth fighting for. This vice president has made clear — look no further than the Defund Police movement and the open border disaster — that her idea of leadership is doing whatever George and Alex Soros and the rest of the lawless socialist left thinks is best.
We already know how a President Harris would govern. There’s absolutely no doubt that she would continue to divide our nation at the worst possible time. In 2022, Vice President Harris falsely claimed that “our freedom to vote is under assault. In Georgia and across our nation, anti-voter laws are being passed that could make it more difficult for as many as 55 million Americans to vote.” Harris trumpets this tall tale as voter turnout surges and at a time when it has never been easier to vote. This is the left’s big lie — and Harris is all too happy to tell it.
There’s also ample cause for concern that a President Harris would fully support packing the U.S. Supreme Court with radical leftists who would have no problem gutting the First and Second amendments. And on matters of foreign policy, if Kamala Harris ever became commander-in-chief, it would confirm to the world that the days of American strength and resolve are gone for good. If you think Joe Biden is giving away the store to China, President Harris would hand them the keys. (RELATED: SUZANNE DOWNING: America Can See It And Joe Biden Can’t Hide It — He’s Too Old)
When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris say they plan to “finish the job” in a second term, think about what that means. It means fundamentally transforming America from the country we know and love into a failed socialist state where parents have no rights and boys can participate in girls’ sports; it means focusing on climate change extremism instead of inflation; it means more dependence on foreign sources of energy; it means ignoring our $33 trillion national debt; it means more alienation of our heroic men and women in blue; and it means voting rights for illegal immigrants. Make no mistake about it, a Kamala Harris administration would spell the end of the American Dream and the promise of American Exceptionalism would be a thing of the past.
So, don’t fool yourself into believing you’re casting a vote for Joe Biden next year. You’re voting for his radical successor who is primed and ready to hasten our national decline
David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United, and he served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President in 2016. @David_Bossie @Citizens_United
This article originally appeared at the Daily Caller News Foundation. Reprinted here with permission.
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