Was It A Miracle?

Was it a Miracle? The thoughts whirl around in my mind, but the words escape me.  What can we do?  School board councils are covering up a rape to allow non-women wearing dresses to use the restroom.  Teachers unions allow you to pick your color with self-identification!  I have always wanted to be a Boston Celtic, I identify, but so far, I have not received the uniform or played on the parquet floor.  “Get curious with VP Kamala”.  That sounds gross, knowing her alleged background.  A President is mocking elected leaders in conservative States.  The borders are open for business, yet all marxist progressive democrats keep the doors to their homes locked.  The largest producer of Ivermectin for animals has preached for years that Ivermectin is no good for the WuFlu, yet they have recently developed a pill for humans that cures the ChinaFlu.  Simply amazing!!  Military leaders are breaking their oaths to the troops by demanding a vaccine mandate…

And yet, with all this chaos, the leaders of AFNN still want an article!  I am in the midst of fixing up all the odd jobs over the past 25 years, when I was working and solving water issues.  God bless my mother for teaching me how to paint, I hate painting.  Being Catholic, if I take shortcuts, I feel guilty!

And then late Sunday, I recovered from a JBM (Joe Biden Moment) and remembered that I had not filed the tax returns!  Why does it take over 150 printed pages of TurboTax (do not laugh!) form to pay one’s taxes?  

But I am missing a deadline.  I am part of the team; I should not let them down…

What can be said about this world, this Nation, this President or the people around him?  Is there a message of hope, a message that frames the future, a message that lifts the souls of the electorate in what was once the greatest Nation in the history of mankind?   Well is there?

 When Hal Michaels passes away, his tombstone will have the words “Do you believe in Miracles?”  engraved for all to see.  Those unfamiliar with the events of February 22nd, 1980, will no doubt look it up, or continue playing games via their 3-D glasses.  Will it matter to them?  If they are living in Constitutional Republic, it will matter; but if they are part of the global order, then who cares?

Let’s talk about other miracles. 

What was this Nation, bound together with the Articles of Confederation, going through in the spring of 1787?  The States were at odds with each other, the New England states wanted to secede.  The Articles provided for super-majority approval of the States, nine out of thirteen states had to agree with the State assembled in Congress each receiving a single vote. Some States paid much more than others in excise tax, whiskey tax and others.  Keep in mind that whiskey indeed was the first official currency of many living in the “uncivilized” western sections of the States.  

The official currency, the Continental dollar, was inflated almost out of existence, wheelbarrows of currency purchased nothing.   The economy was in shambles as States found it difficult to trade with each other.  Major cities had riots. It was so severe that Spain and England were hoping to pick up the pieces.  Daniel Shay marched on the Springfield, Massachusetts armory to protest the falling crop prices and the confiscation of homes.  Individual states issued their own money, worthless indeed.  France wondered if it would ever be reimbursed.

There was no national pride, simply state by state resistance to a national government, even though they had all participated in the War of Independence.

In September of 1786, several States sent delegates to Annapolis, Maryland, for the purpose of discussing trade between the States, which was not regulated by the Articles.  Remember, the word “regulated” in the 1780’s meant that the rules would be regular between all States within the Union.  Maryland could not charge more to Virginia than to Delaware.  This was viewed as the basis of creating national unity.  In the end, five States attended, four States arrived after the refreshments were consumed and four States, including Maryland, failed to send delegates.  As such, the convention to remedy the failures of the Articles ended with a draft resolution by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, calling for a nationwide convention to resolve the issues with the Articles.  As noted by Madison 

“All agreed & owned that the federal Govt. in its existing shape was inefficient & could not last long.”

Was it a miracle?In February 1787, the assembled Congress called for a nationwide convention to address the issues with the Articles of Confederation.  The members recognized six huge defects which needed to be resolved, otherwise, the new Nation would fail.

  • There was no national leader
  • There was no method to enforce laws passed by Congress.
  • Congress could not raise taxes.
  • Congress could not regulate trade.
  • There was no national court system to resolve inter-state issues
  • All changes to the Articles required unanimous approval.

But without a star, without a recognized leader, the savior of the Nation, James Madison and others realized that the convention would be a failure.  Thus, began the courtship of retired George Washington, the gentleman farmer wanting to live out his life with Martha at Mount Vernon.  

In the midst of national unrest, a leader stood up and was counted.  It was expected that the Convention would take six weeks, not four months.  It was done in secret so that the delegates were free to morph into other opinions without facing the wrath of the people.  As an example, it took 60 ballots to resolve how the President was to be elected, even though there was a plurality achieved after the first ballot.  

Washington, Madison, Hamilton and so many others wanted a united outcome.  They wanted to limit the scope of the national government, knowing that the states could handle the rest.

Was it a miracle to achieve an outcome which created the first national government whose sole responsibility was to protect and defend the rights of its citizens?  The best men of the States attended, each with different qualifications, resulting in a very diverse group of experiences and personal achievements. 

When asked what had been created, Ben Franklin said,

A republic, if you can keep it.”  Was it a miracle?

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3 thoughts on “Was It A Miracle?”

  1. It sure seems miraculous that we are still mimicking one. After the last election, and the lack of equal justice, our republic is shaping up to be something someone will write about in a history book, not too far in the future, and about ours.

  2. Yes, it was a miracle. That’s all doesn’t happen without God’s blessing. If we look around this nation at our rebellion from Him, it is understandable why He would remove his hand and leave us to our own devices.

    The Founders also knew that this government would only work for a godly nation. We are not that anymore.

  3. Washington will always be the greatest President. He was the first. He set up the job and how it was handled and treated.

    Most importantly he established a voluntary precedent of laying down power after two terms. Merely his example was enough that no one broke it until FDR, 144 years later.

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