Within Islamic theology, the concept of “jihad” is often understood as having three levels or dimensions. These dimensions represent different aspects jihad, or the “struggle,” and are hierarchical. The ultimate goal of Islam is world domination where all humans are devoted followers of Mohammed.
Jihad Level 1:
In regions with a relatively small Muslim population, there is often a strong emphasis on the outreach and sharing of the Islamic faith with others. This is where the positive aspects of Islam, including acts of kindness and good works, become more visible and serve as a means to introduce and promote the religion to a broader audience.
Jihad Level 2:
As the Muslim population surpasses 20% or more, a noticeable shift occurs in the dynamics. It’s at this point that Muslims claim persecution and discrimination from followers of other religions. They’re vocal and demand sympathy. This is often referred to as the “lesser jihad” and relates to the physical and defensive aspect of jihad. It involves the use of force in self-defense or in defense of the faith and the Muslim community.
Jihad level 3
When Muslim population grows to around 70% or greater the dynamics change once again into the final form of Jihad. This is when Islam becomes dominant and its goal becomes to eradicate all those who refuse to believe in Mohammed. Jews are to be eradicated and Christians may be left alive as slaves if they pay a tax. This is well documented written in their scripture, but most Muslims either don’t know this, or refuse to acknowledge these facts.
Furthermore, it’s permissible under the theology of Islam for a Muslim to lie to a non-believer in order and deceive the enemy.
The concept of jihad is complex and has been the subject of various interpretations and debates within the Islamic tradition. While It’s crucial to understand that the majority of Muslims have not read or have not been educated correctly.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is a complex issue, but it’s imperative to know the three different levels of Jihad to better understand this situation. When one side of the conflict wants to eradicate the other, this is not a rational coconversation
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