As we have previously noted, the very lovely Amanda Marcotte, native Texan and later Brooklynite, moved away from the Big Apple to South Philadelphia sometime in late 2018 or early 2019. I have no idea if Marc Faletti, her POSSLQ, and she still live in the City of Brotherly Love, because, at least in her gig with Salon
, she almost never writes about the city, but, at least for this article, I’m operating under the assumption that they still do.
Miss Marcotte might not really care that much about Philly, but she certainly does care about guns, or at least she does when a white guy kills a bunch of other mostly white people!
More mass shootings like the one in Maine? Supreme Court will soon consider unleashing the violence
A case made to appeal to Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito may end mental health and domestic violence gun restrictions
by Amanda Marcotte | Friday, October 27, 2023 | 6:00 AM EDT
Wednesday night’s mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine was many things: horrific, terrifying, unfathomable, all the adjectives that get trotted out after these now-routine massacres. What no one can pretend it was, however, was surprising. Maine is especially hostile to even the most reasonable gun laws. The state has been scored an F by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Sure enough, initial reports on the suspected shooter, 40-year-old Robert Card, show he is a bundle of red flags that, in any functioning legal system, would have prevented him from being armed in the first place. He was recently released from a mental health facility that he had been committed to for two weeks. Maine has no “red flag” law to allow law enforcement to take guns from people in a mental health crisis, nor do they require convicted domestic abusers to relinquish guns. In a little more than one week, arguments in favor of and against expanding such relaxation of gun regulations nationwide begin in the country’s highest court.
On November 7, the Supreme Court will hear a case that could force every state to let men like Maine’s suspected mass shooter run wild with all the guns they wish. Unfortunately, there’s a very real chance that the court — led by the gun radicalism of justices like Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett and Samuel Alito — will pull the trigger, unleashing even more would-be mass shooters to prey on us all.
There’s much more at the original, and Salon is not behind a paywall, so you can follow the embedded link and read it at any time.
Miss Marcotte complains that Maine, a state normally carried by Democrats, doesn’t have a lot of gun control laws. Of course, upstate Maine is very different from Portland and Augusta and Kennebunkport; while Joe Biden carried Vacationland in 2020, it was only due to the more heavily populated area of southeastern, coastal Maine, primarily Portland, while upstate, and the 2nd congressional district, was carried by President Trump. Mainers are a particularly independent breed.
I should note here that my mother’s family are from Maine!
But what doesn’t seem to bother Miss Marcotte is that there are a lot more killings, including in her new hometown, than in mass shootings. From The Philadelphia Inquirer, a newspaper of which there is no evidence that Miss Marcotte reads:
A 21-year-old woman has been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of a SEPTA bus driver
Philadelphia Police said Zhontay Capers, 21, shot Bernard Gribbin six times.
by Rodrigo Torrejón | Friday, October 27, 2023 | 10:11 AM EDT
A 21-year-old woman who police say shot and killed a SEPTA bus driver in Germantown on Thursday morning is now facing a murder charge.
Zhontay Capers was charged with murder and related crimes overnight for the fatal shooting of Bernard N. Gribbin, 48, a Route 23 SEPTA bus driver, said Interim First Deputy Commissioner Frank Vanore.
Looking at that mugshot, provided by Steve Keeley of Fox 29 News, because the Inky doesn’t provide photos of black killers, it sure looks to me like she has an, “Oh, what the f(ornicate) did I do?” look on her face! Her family have subsequently claimed that she suffered from ‘mental health issues,’ and blamed the ‘mental health system.’
Just before 10:30 a.m. Thursday, police said, Capers shot Gribbin six times, near Germantown and Abbotsford Avenues. Police took Gribbin to Einstein Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead just minutes later, at 10:36 a.m.
Gribbin had been a SEPTA employee for 12 years, the transit authority said.
Early indications were that the shooter may have shot Gribbin after a dispute, Vanore previously said. But SEPTA Transit Police Chief Charles Lawson previously said that bus security footage did not appear to show any “substantive interaction” between the shooter and the driver.
“Literally, it occurs without apparent rhyme or reason. … For some unknown reason, she began firing as she was exiting the bus.” The woman then reboarded, fired and left the bus several times, he said.
There’s more at the original.
According to the Philadelphia Police Department, there have been 356 murders in Philly as of Thursday, October 26th, which happens to exceed the entire year’s total for any year in which Mayor Michael Nutter, District Attorney Seth Williams, and Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey were in office. While the current pace of homicides puts it well into the 400s, the over 500 totals of 2021 and 2022 will almost certainly not be reached, nor will 2020’s 499.¹ But Miss Marcotte doesn’t seem to be all that worried about the murders (allegedly) committed by black Philadelphians against mostly other black Philadelphians, though Miss Capers’ (alleged) victim was a white male.
Of course, for the Salon senior writer, it really does depend upon whom the alleged perpetrator is! On September 8th, she wrote about a heterosexual white Christian woman accused of child abuse, but kept her keyboard quiet when homosexual and homeless advocate Josh Kruger was murdered in her hometown — something widely publicized by the Philly media, and not just the Inquirer — allegedly by a black male sexual partner in some sort of domestic dispute case. When the alleged killer’s family accused Mr Kruger, 35-years-old at the time, of having sex with the alleged killer, aged just 15 at the time, Miss Marcotte said nothing.
Of course, the entire political left in Philly quickly shut up about the Kruger case at that point!
Today’s left only make their arguments for abridging our Second Amendment rights when white people get killed, and a heterosexual white male is the killer. Why do you think that the ‘manifesto’ of Audrey Hale, is still being kept secret? It’s because she was ‘transgender.’
Of course, some, and perhaps even Miss Marcotte herself, might argue that the killing of black victims doesn’t make a good argument, because we evil reich-wingers don’t care about black people getting killed, right? Well, it ain’t conservatives who continually minimize the news of blacks being murdered, mostly by other black killers, in Miss Marcotte’s adopted hometown, but the mostly liberal media, led by the Inquirer.
¹ – There are good reasons to suspect that 2020’s statistics were fudged, and that the real total was 502.
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