(The above story is here. Should we tell him? Nyah.)
Media fact-checkers rose at the turn of this century when the DNC realized it could discount legitimate arguments this way. The bias came first, then the apparatus. I could forgive or at least tolerate the lies if occasionally these journalists did some public good by pointing out a blatantly misleading lie on the left.
Let me try my hand at this.
CNN said, “As airstrikes in Gaza have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes and overwhelm areas, including hospitals, there is little room to go. Across the Middle East, Gaza is among the smallest and most densely-packed cities.
“The urban area around Gaza City is home to nearly 2 million people living in an 88-square-mile expanse, which is about 21,000 people per square mile, according to data from an annual Demographia report. Demographia looks at the urban footprint of cities to calculate density, as opposed to official administrative boundaries.”
88 square miles. 21,000 people per square mile. How cruel is is that Israelis force Palestinians to live there, right?
Steven Thomas reported, “The population density of NYC (27,013 people per square mile) dwarfs most other metropolitan areas of the United States. And if you only look at the population density of Manhattan (69,468 people per square mile), it still dwarfs other famously packed places internationally, such as Paris and Hong Kong.”
So Manhattan is more than three times as dense, but it is (or was) a First World city. What about the Third World town?
Thomas reported, “However, cities like Manila (171,301 people per square mile) and Phnom Penh (193,730 people per square mile) dwarf the Big Apple’s density!”
So the population of the capital of Cambodia is nearly 10 times as crowded as Gaza City but somehow Palestinians are the ones who are unfairly packed in like sardines in a can, and not Cambodians.
In the middle of Manhattan is Central Park, which is one of many parks in New York. I tried to find a park in Gaza online. All I came up with is Crazy Water Park, an attraction of three slides and three pools. It opened in May 2010. Hamas closed it down for mingling men with women and three terrorists burned it down in September 2010.
Islam is why Gaza cannot have nice things.
That and the fact that the Palestinian people are rabidly anti-Semitic and consumed by waging a terrorist war to destroy Israel.
My point is Gaza is not overly crowded by any stretch of the imagination.
Then there is the myth of the two-state solution.
Sky News reported, “The two-state solution has long been proposed as the best hope for peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
“It would see an independent Palestinian state established alongside the existing one of Israel — giving both people their own territory.
“It is the official position of the U.K., U.S., United Nations — and even Israel itself — but many now say there is little hope of achieving it.”
The two states already exist.
One is called Israel, the other is called Gaza. One side flourishes and provides food, fuel and water to the other while the other side sits around the house collecting welfare checks from Iran.
One makes hormones for trannies while the other side would throw them out the window and to their death.
One had to develop an electronic defense system to keep the other’s rockets from hitting their targets.
One keeps making concessions while the other side keeps up its terrorism.
NBC reported Biden forced Bibi to cave in again and restore water to Gaza. They call it humanitarian aid. I call it inviting even more violence from Palestinians against Israel. The Biden Crime Family collected its bribes from Iran, so what does he care about Israel? He’s a plain old-fashioned anti-Semitic Democrat.
Then there is the myth that Jews are colonialists. Amnesty International and other Marxists join the jihadists in promoting this lie.
AI said, “For half a century, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there.
“Since the occupation first began in June 1967, Israel’s ruthless policies of land confiscation, illegal settlement and dispossession, coupled with rampant discrimination, have inflicted immense suffering on Palestinians, depriving them of their basic rights.
“Israel’s military rule disrupts every aspect of daily life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It continues to affect whether, when and how Palestinians can travel to work or school, go abroad, visit their relatives, earn a living, attend a protest, access their farmland, or even access electricity or a clean water supply. It means daily humiliation, fear and oppression. People’s entire lives are effectively held hostage by Israel.”
The Arabs attacked Israel in 1967. In six days, Israel routed them and won the land. There is nothing illegal. Don’t want none, don’t start none.
As for human rights, Israel provides for Palestinians in Gaza, not Arabs.
As for colonization, that’s on the Palestinians not the Israelis. Jews took Jerusalem from the Canaanites more than 2,000 years before there was a Muslim religion. Jews are the indigenous people, not Palestinians.
Then there is the myth that there is no difference between the RINOs and the Democrats on the issue.
Nikki Haley definitely sides with Israel as she did when she was ambassador to the UN. Her initial reaction to the October 7 attacks was “Finish them. They are only going to try and kill us and kill Israelis. We’ve got to put an end to this.”
It was reported that she wants the USA to take in a million Palestinians. Nonsense. She said half the people in Gaza don’t support Hamas and should be allowed to settle elsewhere. Her spokesman later clarified, saying, “Nikki Haley opposes the U.S. taking in Gazans. She thinks Hamas-supporting countries like Iran, Qatar, and Turkey should take any refugees.”
Meanwhile, National Review reported, “U.S. representative Cory Mills (R., Fla.) successfully rescued 96 Americans stranded in Israel after launching a rescue operation of his own early last week, in the wake of the Jewish nation’s recently ignited war with Hamas.”
Notice how the Never Trumpers made the war sound like Israel started it.
And not to be outdone, Governor Ron DeSantis worked with a non-profit group to get nearly 300 Americans rescued from Israel.
I cannot decide whether the biggest myth is 1. Palestinians are the good guys, or 2. Palestinians hate Hamas. Good guys do not kill their own people.
The Sun reported, “Drone footage and a wiretapped phone call between two Hamas terrorists are said to prove the deadly Gaza hospital explosion was caused by a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket.
“Israel released its evidence after vehemently denying responsibility for a catastrophic explosion at the Al-Ahli Hospital that reportedly killed more than 500 people.”
This is but the latest example of Black September/PLO/Hezbollah/Hamas hiding behind women and children.
But the myth of Palestinians not supporting Hamas may be worse than considering terrorists who rape, kill and mutilate to be good guys.
Newsweek reported, “Hundreds gathered in a theater in Dearborn, Michigan, on Tuesday night to share their support for the Palestinian cause and condemn the Israeli government.”
Mind you, these are alleged refugees from the maelstrom that Palestinian terrorists unleashed in the 1970s. They are Muslim moles.
The final myth is that America is a friend of Israel. That may be true under a Republican president, but both Obama and Biden turned the USA into a frenemy as they coerced Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians that only encourage more violence and terrorism.
This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.
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The Palis HAD their shot, they tried to pick an all-or-nothing fight with their Jewish neighbors. They lost. THEN when Jordan offered to take them in, they said “thank you” to the king with an assassination attempt.
Sorry, I’m short on sympathy until I see some efforts to get their own house in order rather than using their kids as shields and walking bombs.