The following brief Biblical Timeline, based on personal studies and beliefs, raises unique observations and questions.
Hebrew/Jewish Year One (3761 BCE) On the third day, God forms the sun; creates Adam & Eve in Canaan (later called Palestine and now identified as present-day Israel). Scientists claim the earth is billions of years old and it most likely is. The explanation might be that since there was no sun those first two “days” those days could have been billions of years long – time for another God to developed planet earth, a sun, dinosaurs and “pre-historic” man. That first sun then burned out killing all inhabitants.
Hebrew/Jewish year 1600 (2100 BCE) +/- God tells Abraham (the first Hebrew/Jew) his seed – his descendants – are to be the leaders of the world if they keep the covenant that all male children are circumcised. In addition, God promises all the land of Canaan to His Chosen People.
Hebrew/Jewish year 2500 (1200 BCE) +/- Abraham’s descendant, Moses, after receiving the 10-Commandments, leads his people to the Promised Land. However, God orders all the Canaanites be killed. They are not.
Why would God order the killing of His people?
1) Perhaps, the God of Abraham told the people living in Canaan (Canaanites) to make way for the new inhabitants and they ignored Him?
2) One of the 10-Commandments clearly states: “Thou shall have no other god”. In other words, the God of Abraham and Moses is admitting there are other gods, but He is their God and the Canaanites are the product of another god and these gods are feuding among themselves using their creations (humans) as pawns?
3) Is the violence against Israel, today, the result of these Chosen People not obeying God’s demand to kill all the Canaanites?
4) Did the Canaanites (who became known as Palestinians) despise their conquerors consequently commencing 2500 years of animosity?
Hebrew/Jewish year 3100 (600 BCE) +/- Muhammad, a man born in the city of Mecca, located in present day Saudia Arabia, believes he hears directly from God. His teachings/prophecies become the Quran and his followers are called Muslims.
Hebrew/Jewish year 3200 (500 BCE) +/- The first recorded notation identifying Palestine/Israel is by Greek historians who referred to this land as Palestine without acknowledging the difference between Canaanites, Palestinians and The Chosen People/Hebrews/Jews.
Hebrew/Jewish year 3800 (1 BCE/CE) +/- Jesus, a Hebrew, is born in Canaan/Palestine. His most significant affect was dividing His own people – those who followed Him became Christians while those adhering to the Covenant remained Hebrews/Jews. The Romans controlled Palestine and, fearing the power of a Messiah, killed Jesus. But it was those who refused to follow Him that were blamed for his crucifixion thus, beginning almost 2000 years of persecution against Hebrews/Jews by Christians. Officially this persecution waned after the Pope (Second Vatican Council (1962–1965 CE) confirmed that it was the Romans and not the Jews who killed Jesus. Why it continues today appears to be, consciously, subconsciously, scape-goatism a Catch-22.
Jews are hated due the complexity of simple jealousy and fear. Jealously due to their success and feared because they are successful. Jews have always been noted for their accomplishments in business, medicine, law, arts and science while overcoming subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle bias such as when refused entry into country clubs, they established their own which ofttimes were better than what the gentiles had developed. Ditto, retail, wholesale businesses, banks and even hospitals.
The fear – unfounded and unsubstantiated – is that these very talented, educated, intelligent peoples were/are aspiring/conspiring to take over the world. It’s been 125 years since publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – a book that first prophesized a scheme and collusion that Jews were plotting to take over the world. It hasn’t happened and with the Jews split among themselves into sects of Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Ultra-orthodox it isn’t going to happen by this tiny number (15-million world-wide) of keepers of the Covenant.
Hebrew/Jewish year 5709 (1948 CE) The United Nations recognizes the land of Canaan/Palestine as the Jewish State of Israel. War breaks out and continues today. Are today’s Palestinians the survivors of ancient Canann who want “their” land back? Should Jews continue to forsake/ignore/repudiate a direct order from God by not killing them?
Hebrew/Jewish year 5784 (2023 CE) As WW3, the war between good versus Evils looms, nations and peoples align with whom they consider to be the good or the evil. The people/citizens of Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, America… support their warriors. Warriors are the extension of the people they represent, i.e., the people are each other’s enemy – each side believing they are the good guys. The unification of Humas, Hezbollah, Iranians, Palestinians, “radical Islamics” is their commonality of Islam. They subscribe to the teaching of the Quran which states infidels must be killed or converted (Islam means submission to God. Muslims are those who practice Islam). Worldwide, there are 2-Billion Islamic/Muslims – a fourth of the planet’s population and the second largest religion.
There are some non-Muslims who believe not all Muslims have evil intent. The question is: How does one differentiate between those who follow the Quran’s dogma to kill all infidels and those Muslims who don’t believe in the teachings of Muhammad? Is it an oxymoron to claim to be a Muslim and ignore the dictates of their holy scripture – akin to a Christian saying he/she doesn’t accept Christ, but is a Christian.
Chuck Klein
Georgetown, Ohio
About the Author: Chuck Klein is a former police officer, licensed Private Investigator (ret.), active member of International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI) and author of: INSTINCT COMBAT SHOOTING, Defensive Handgunning for Police; and other books, articles and columns.
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