The “debate” between Blue State (Commie) California Gov. Newsom and Red State (Free) Florida Gov. DeSantis was a big win for DeSantis. It’d be much bigger win if all of the media wasn’t a ministry of propaganda for the Dems or shilling for the Establishment R (Nimarata Nikki Haley) or desperately pumping up Trump. It’s indicative of how the Left will campaign in 2024. They’ll do whatever wins in the swing states. No lie and no cheat is out of bounds.
Listening to Gavin Newsom deny the facts before him, over and over, on California’s failures was like Baghdad Bob declaring victory in Iraq, but making bigger lies with better hair.
The Biggest Lie for 2024 will be “Republicans are going to ban abortions. All abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest, or age.” It doesn’t matter any Republican candidate’s position is, the “j’accuse” will be repeated. The dark and dangerous money of wealthy elites will pay for the avalanche of ads.
A batch of big lies will play to every political identity group constituency.
Getting rid of the “Woke” Cultural Marxism cancer of DEI and CRT will be racism, White supremacy, censoring Black history, etc.
Keeping pornography away from children in public schools will be “banning books” and anti-LGBT homophobia.
Keeping men from dominating women’s sports and exposing themselves in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms will be Transphobia.
Closing the border will be anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic hysteria – although this will have to be sold carefully as the Biden Administration opened the border to over 7m illegal aliens, making the size and cost of the illegal invasion obvious to everyone everywhere.
Climate change hype and hysteria will be sold, easily, to the Climate Cult.
Any small bounce back of the American economy doing what the powerhouse of capital does naturally will be a credit to “Bidenomics.” The lower rate of inflation will be ballyhooed and not added to all the inflation caused by government – all of it – since the Biden regime started it. This will have to be sold hard, because all Americans know how much inflation has cost them. The numbers don’t lie. Just the Democrats do.
Israel’s War with Hamas should be in a different phase from the current slow destruction of Hamas. Who knows what will be happening in the Middle East and across Europe with angry Muslims? What lie can be told to satisfy conflicting constituencies of pro-Israel Jews and pro-barbarian Hamas Muslims in the Democrat camp?
The World War I trench warfare made more murderous by robotic drones in Ukraine will be sold as the defense of “Democracy.”
Like Newsom did in the debate, the real bullies will call their opponents bullies. The COVID close down and mandate tyrants will ignore scientific data and science itself to accuse their opponents of being against science.
The Democrats lie about the damage they’ve done to energy and the economy, rotting American military power from within, decreasing security and stability across the world, allowing fentanyl deaths and facilitating an illegal alien invasion, increasing crime in cities and indoctrinating division in education. They lie about their lawfare, two-tier legal system, and arrogant abuse of the Rule of Law.
Can their lies move the moderates in the five or six swing states to re-elect the emerging domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution? A win for their lies is really letting the feces hit the fan for America.
Everything the Democrats touch with their policies turns to feces. The proof is in the human fecal map DeSantis displayed.
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