We Can’t Stand You!!

I have an idea for the governors of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas: send a few score of busloads of illegal invaders up to New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, where they voted against President Trump and his strong border policy. Give those people up there a taste of what it is to have their social services overrun with illegals, their streets turned into open sewers, their parks ruined, hotels and motels filled up with freeloaders. They are all so welcoming and accommodating when it’s only signs on the lawn; give ‘em some illegals on the lawn and see how quickly they want to see Donald Trump reinstated as president in order to see the border closed and Americans protected.

Those independents and democrats turning out to vote for Nasty Nikki would get a big wakeup to reality. They are all living in a very protected environment, where the real world of invasion never intrudes. They don’t even have to deal with the ghetto behavior of many big cities where democrats rule and ruin, cities that are prevalent in the rest of the country. Listening to those crossover democrat cheaters tell why they voted in a republican primary makes me furious. This is cheating, pure and simple, but hypocrites excel when it comes to skirting decency.

I’d like to see a busload of those snooty people dropped off in Jackson, New Orleans, Birmingham, St. Louis, Chicago, the Arizona andTexas border towns, and see how their high minded ideals work in the real world. They would be begging for transportation back Up East, where their bubble would protect them from the crime and poverty and corruption that we face every day. But, hey, their girl Nasty Nikki, says we shouldn’t call those invaders criminals, they are just families wanting a better life. Right…………

According to the U.S. Constitution, Nikki as she plays the race card on the people of South Carolina sometimes, cannot legally run for the presidency, because she is the daughter of non-citizens. Cannot legally run for president. But it didn’t apply to Barack Hussein Obama, who was born in Kenya, so why should it matter to Nimrod or whatever her real name is. However, the Constitution has been ignored and subverted for years under obama and biden, so to even mention the Constitution any more is just a waste of time when it comes to politicians, both parties.

As Ray DiLorenzo wrote in March 2019, “OK, I’m Angry… I’m Tired of the Stupid Left,” and he listed a whole list of things that made him sick and tired of dealing with their abject stupidity. That article is in my folder of favorites, because he makes his case better than anyone else has. I found the following on the internet a while back that dittos what Mr. DiLorenzo said in his article, although this isn’t as polished as Mr. D. Here we are, an ordinary working Joe, who’s had it up to the wazoo with liberals:

“If you are liberal and can’t stand Trump and can’t possibly fathom why anyone would vote fore him, let me fill you in. We can’t stand you. You’ve done everything in your power by trying to destroy this country by tearing down our police, our borders, our history, systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into thinking socialism is the answer to everything. Demonizing religion and faith and glorifying abortion, violence and thug culture. And calling us racists by expecting everyone of every color to follow our laws; to have the audacity to wish someone a Merry Christmas or hang a flag on July 4th or stand for the National Anthem or, oh the horror, wear a MAGA hat out in public. So much for your tolerance. We are voting for Trump not because he is the most charming character on the block, but because we vote policy over personality. And we are sick and tired of your divisive, destructive, ignorant, intolerant behavior parading around as some kind of wokeness. We are voting for Trump because of YOU.”

I don’t who this is that expressed his frustrations in print so well, but I promise you, he speaks for millions of us, and he does it without a single expletive fitting for the occasion.

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