The Erosion of Civilized Discussion: The Impact of Closed Minds on Societal Polarization

In today’s society, the art of civilized debate seems to be a “lost art,” and the culprit lies in the closure of minds to dissenting narratives. When individuals become entrenched in their beliefs, anything contradicting their chosen narrative is viewed as a threat that must be silenced. This aversion to conversation fosters polarization within families, schools, churches, friendships, communities and across society at large today. It’s only gotten worse since the plandemic and a very odd election in 2020.

Psychological research supports the notion that closed-mindedness leads to polarization. Studies have shown that individuals tend to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs while dismissing or ignoring contradictory evidence. This cognitive bias, known as confirmation bias, reinforces preconceived notions and further entrenches individuals in their ideological bubbles. Social media feeds us a constant diet of what we want most. Information that confirms what we already believe. We don’t like being challenged to defend our closely held narratives, but we like and share those that agree with what we think we know.

As dialogue gives way to confrontation, the consequences of closed-mindedness become increasingly evident. When people cease engaging in meaningful conversation, they often resort to adversarial behavior. The opposite side is a threat to my tribe… the enemy. This breakdown in communication can escalate tensions, leading to conflict and even violence.  Regardless of your opinion of January 6th; we looked like clowns from an international perspective on that day and afterwards too.

It’s essential to remember a time when critical thinking and independent thought were celebrated virtues. Each individual possesses a “meat computer,” as some humorously refer to the human brain. Remember your parents saying, “God gave you a brain; why don’t you use it?” It was good advice and still is. Humans were given the capability of discerning truth from falsehood through rational analysis and open-minded inquiry; but, that’s a perishable skill and a lost art.

In conclusion, the erosion of civilized debate can be attributed to the closure of minds to dissenting viewpoints. As individuals cling to their chosen narratives, dialogue gives way to polarization, exacerbating societal divisions and leads to violence. By embracing critical thinking and valuing independent thought, by humbling ourselves, we can cultivate a culture of open-mindedness and constructive conversation. The current trajectory we’re on is unsustainable. We need to safeguard the foundation of a healthy and “free” society. We need to break the chains of slavery to the current political narratives tearing our Nation apart.

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