What Do You Call the Leaders of Gaza?

What do you call an organization that takes billions of dollars in humanitarian aid funds, and invests it in foreign private resorts and bank accounts for its elite leaders instead of improving the lives of the rank and file people under its care?

What do you call an organization that is given greenhouses to raise food for their refugees, and tears them down out of spite?

What do you call an organization that spends about half a century teaching all the children under their care that the surest way to achieve paradise is to kill a bunch of innocent strangers – and hopefully oneself too in the process – as a “suicide bomber?”

What do you call an organization that constantly acquires irrigation piping and other agricultural and building equipment, and uses it to make rockets instead of providing water to their people or to farmland?

What do you call an organization that has never honored a ceasefire in its history, has always been the first to break a deal, always the first to attack innocent people so they can return to a state of constant war?

What do you call an organization that uses ambulances and charity/relief vehicles to disguise terrorists driving toward their targets?

What do you call an organization that works with foreign relief agencies, charities, and global NGOs whose supporters think they’re funding charitable goods like food and clothing shipments, but secretly works with corrupt insiders to get them to ship weaponry instead?

What do you call an organization that launches attacks from nurseries, food banks, schools, places of worship, clinics and hospitals, knowing that doing so will turn those locations into legitimate (and necessary) targets for retaliatory strikes, specifically in order to concoct a PR narrative painting their opponents as villains, when in fact anyone watching can tell who the real villains are?

What do you call an organization so single-minded in its bigotry that it concocted a massive tunnel network – more extensive than the New York subway system – to facilitate attacks on its neighbor?

What do you call an organization that has taken an unprecedented international opportunity for apprentice nationhood, and twisted it toward the solitary goal of the eventual genocidal destruction of its generous host?

You call it Hamas.

Copyright 2024 John F. Di Leo

John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation and trade compliance professional and consultant.  A onetime Milwaukee County Republican Party chairman, he has been writing a regular column for Illinois Review since 2009.  His book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes I and II) are available only on Amazon, in either paperback or eBook. His latest book, “Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volume Three,” was just published in November, 2023.

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2 thoughts on “What Do You Call the Leaders of Gaza?”

  1. What do you call this? A rectal carcinoma on the body of humanity… one best treated with Radiation Therapy.

    Paging Dr. LeMay, Dr. Curtis E. LeMay, please pick up the nearest red phone…

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