The economy continues to be highlighted in polls as the most important issue to the voting public, although illegal aliens have been closing rapidly. People “feel” economic effects that can’t be spun, watered down, renamed, or “squirreled”: but that’s not stopping the Biden Administration from trying.
I mention those two issues because it is inevitable that the symbiotic relationship between the two in terms of adverse impact on communities can no longer be hidden. Call them migrants-which has a nice, “feel good” Palestinian kind of vibe-which is unclear to murky at worst and dubious at best.
Tuck them under US “immigration” policy and you are at risk of being exposed as a dummy, liar or hair-splitting lawyer with a shallow argument who no doubt is aware of immigration law requirements and yet is talking nonsense about it anyway. And what exactly does that point mean-and very simply it is that we have quotas and requirements for immigrants that are very clear and well understood and are in most cases being illegally applied to illegals.
Only a mental Ju Jitsu ace or liar would use that term when they really mean “illegal aliens”: all terms well described in US law. It is not surprising that the canard of “asylum seekers” keeps coming up-again-pushed by shameless liars who have to know that somebody from another continent or even our own has myriad stops to make to declare such a status-none of which gets them to the US border for Mayorkas VIP processing.
The relevance to economics at the community level is best exemplified locally, in this case Denver, Colorado. Politicians from the mayor on up to governor have been very vocal about allowing illegals into Colorado and Denver-embracing “sanctuary” status much like failed policies to solve the homeless problem and also drug issues, as well as rioters represented by ANTIFA, the Black Liberation Revival Movement, spin-offs of the “Hands up, don’t shoot” liars club and-pretty much any group that needs a venue-gun control, climate, abortion-you name it, we’ve seen it.
All of which include wonderful, feel-good issues. A big problem with the “migrant” issue is that these illegal aliens are not immigrants, which means they don’t have to demonstrate a source of support in family, friends, resources, jobs, etc., which leaves the benevolence of friendly government leaders willing to spend your tax dollars paying for them: and that is becoming the “rub.”
Denver-in particular-which is truly “small potatoes” in terms of the numbers, nonetheless, went public about the “problem.” Mayor Mike Johnston recently announced cutbacks and curtailment in taxpayer funded and supporting activities in order to meet “the need:” like the Department of Motor Vehicles. From the Mayor:
“This is a plan for shared sacrifice,” Johnston said in a news conference. “This is what good people do in hard situations as you try to manage your way to serve all of your values. We want to continue to be a city that does not have women and children out on the street in tents in 20-degree weather.”
The mayor also claimed the cuts were not the last, or the hardest, for the city.
That all sounds very nice and bumper stickery-but then there was this “gem” from the very same Mayor: Denver Removing 800 illegals from shelters, presumably-one would think-with “dignity.”
Mr. Mayor’s “plan” is exposed for all to suffer from, given ~40K illegal aliens and a bill projected at 120M for FY2024, almost $200 per citizen. Worse may be the curtailment of services like the DMV (and that is a relative term) that-much like schools, medical, law enforcement and human services-are all experiencing increased costs and degradation of support and services.
For instance, one of the local and somewhat iconic public community hospitals is going broke from treating illegals-and these treatments are at the expense of not only community taxpayers-but US Citizen Denver Colorado patients.
In case you are getting the impression this was a “sudden and unforeseen problem,” Governor Polis announced over a year ago that Denver was redirecting illegals to other states because Denver was “not their final destination.” He calls them “migrants,” but also notes:
“No one should play politics with the lives of migrants who came here to escape oppression, and in Colorado, we are honoring our values of treating people with dignity and respect,” Polis said.
Hmm, that doesn’t sound like what “good people do in support of their values…” Do you wonder what the final destination is to escape oppression? Or why Colorado-Denver taxpayers should foot the bill to get them there?
I would think treating people with dignity and respect would apply as a priority to Colorado taxpayers not being saddled with paying for illegal aliens who have no business being in Denver in the first place. Anyone escaping oppression-which is easy to tout-should be at the first country in their journey at an embassy for processing: not in Denver at the airport or a Bus Terminal with a taxpayer funded ticket-and-oh yes-traveling like an VIP or celebrity-no passport, ID, shots, pat down-or waiting in a terminal with stinky citizens…..
Besides being very poor planners and even worse politicians-as evidenced by them cutting government and city services funded by taxpayers-they are also funding illegals with taxpayer dollars-and threatening to do more of both in the future. It is telling that if you can believe anything these political hacks are spouting, the city was housing ~1500 illegals in January 2023, but that figure has grown to 40K in the last year: all you can say is, great job!
Looked at another way, 40K potential votes in a city of ~700K is a pretty good leg up for your favorite candidate-or against “Hitler.” And I know what you’re thinking: they can’t vote, they are illegal aliens. Since I see that horse twitching, I’m going to beat it again…
Colorado voted in a previous election that you have to be a citizen of the US to vote in Colorado-over 2M people agreed with that proposition: Alfred E. Newman is like, “What, me worry?” But old Alfred is forgetting that there has been a push to get these folks identification cards-and for those of age-driver’s licenses, because-they are going to drive anyway, am I right?
When they get their driver’s license, they are automatically registered to vote. But-you’ve probably heard Secretary of State Griswald-“we have safeguards in the system so these people can’t vote:” cue Alfred again…
But what Alfred is forgetting is that the mere filling out of the forms gets them in the system. When Griswald mails those 4.6M mail-in ballots out to the “no more” than ~3.7M actual registered voters, these illegals will likely enter the Dominion Voting System as a (1) registered voter who has not returned a ballot yet being processed for the Griswald issued mail reminder (2) or as a voter flagged as not having voted yet. If they enter the system in any way, shape, or form, the system likely generates a candidate image ballot-like off a Microsoft Sequel Server mailing list decrementing those who have voted-and those who haven’t that (a) need a mail reminder (b) or get forwarded into the system because it is too late.
Those are then processed into adjudication because-there is a problem with it-in this specific case it is a known non-qualified voter-because they are not a citizen. But-humor me here-there is a time crunch-you have a situation like in Fulton County where you have 113K votes awaiting adjudication-you have an option to clear all of them by designating a straight party-line vote-and viola, done in scant few minutes. And, surprise and “Golllly,” none of those people voted for Hitler!
Now the only thing you need to do is a risk audit-to make sure that 100 votes were counted as -100 votes: check! And then we would need to do an early software push from Dominion central to do an update-that just happens to include a routine to erase the election image ballots. None would ever be the wiser because without the image ballots-there is no log or link to the original paper ballots-if such a trace was created-it did not survive the software update, either! And wow that sounds plausible-well look into Tina Peters and Mesa County, Co, particularly the audit on the tainted Dominion files-that were certified, anyway.
But wait-there’s more! Another “great job Brownie” effort by Denver has been some of the green initiatives being pursued by the legislature-and damn the torpedoes-they are all-in on green! Gov Potato Head and the dems are kicking butt on all the important stuff—they fixed the shopping bag problem nobody knew existed-a recycling problem for our oceans (??) gun magazine limits, 3 day wait to obtain approved firearms purchase, etc., etc., and now this gem…Dem state cracks down on gas-powered lawn equipment as part of climate crusade (
By 2025 they are going to say goodbye to gas powered lawn mowers in Denver, because-saving the planet! What a great idea this sounds like-unless you consider that Denver has really done a good job over the years with zoning of green space and recreational areas, soccer, golf course, parks, etc. And with money problems exacerbated by the illegal bills, you would think one of the last things you would think to do is to push a proposal that likely requires the swap out of all government gas-powered landscaping type equipment with green friendly electric/battery powered equipment.
After all-we have to celebrate and live our values-so what’s tens of millions of dollars in new equipment for taxpayers when it is such a “feel good” idea?
Now I do have to give the Dems who dominate the legislature-and have since the cheating started in earnest in 2018-credit for thinking outside the box in order to help mitigate these money problems. And if you didn’t already come up with the answer-please pay closer attention, as I mentioned Dems and money problems and that can only mean one thing/solution: mo’taxes…
This one you have to admire in a state like Colorado-this is money, like taxing chewing tobacco, pickups or belt buckles, but even better: taxing non-livestock pets! Man, that is genius. But it did not take long in a state like Colorado for that “stinker” to get out and she has withdrawn her proposal (where do we get these people…)
In closing I have to include an issue that is reminiscent of some comments I made a short while back where Florida Governor DeSantis and lawmakers put together a bill that called for increasing the penalty for those who sexually abuse children up to and including the death penalty. When you had absolute simps-self-described apparent letter people-who came out publicly stating they would boycott Florida because of it: and this was not the Babylon Bee…If that’s the hill you are dying on, bro-find a mirror-stat-stop that person!
And I bring that up because there is apparently a topic that dems will not and do not support. Denver Dems have been closing ranks for years on the Pedo issue-playing pure defense-now while I agree it can get to be an absolute circus schtick show if unreasonable legislation or a lack of common sense is pursued-witness the DJT problems with that insane Carroll chick-does not know when-time, date-disavowed it after she brought it up-ended up being a libel suit-cause she is certifiable crazy and was called out on it-oh-and contrast that with Biden and Tara Reid–but either way that is a far different matter than catching adults soliciting and buying sex and trafficking in kids…
But-nope-dems closed ranks to kill the bill off…there were actually arguments put forth that the “adults are also victims, it is a sickness.” Well then write that into a law that passes, catch and identify them-tattoo their foreheads-get them help….
And finally, when you have been this good to illegals-been true to your values-is there any other idea out there that could also use some Denver-Colorado-Dem geniusosity? Hmm-there was a little bullspit action on the defund front, and a lot of police have voted with their feet-and frankly a lot of that did not turn out well. So here is a genius idea: illegals as city workers! That is money Jerry, money!
If there is a saving grace to some of these tales of woe in what still feels like conservative Colorado everywhere else you go except for these big illegal alien infected cities, Colorado Springs apparently weighed-in and sent a message to Denver “y’all keep all that illegal alien stuff up there: no thanks, no room at the Inn, go on now…”
We will see how long that attitude lasts when-not if-federal funds are unleashed to “hep.”
Max Dribbler
22 February 2024
LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)
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