The credentialed media: Be just as aware of what you are not being told as what is presented

That’s how you can spot the biases!

We have reported, several times recently, on how the credentialed media write their stories to obscure the incidences in which teachers accused of sexual abuse are actually being accused of homosexual sexual abuse. I stated explicitly, when I see a story in the credentialed media about the sexual abuse of a minor, if it is written in a manner to obscure the sex of the victim, I suspect that the abuse was homosexual in nature.

So, when I saw this story, in the Lexington Herald-Leader, I had to read it to see if it went along with my suspicions.

Kentucky assistant principal with past discipline issues resigns amid investigation

by Beth Musgrave | Monday, March 4, 2024 | 1:14 PM EST | Updated 5:12 PM EST

Aaron Anderson, from a McCreary County schools TikTok video.

An assistant principal at McCreary Central High School has resigned amid a police and state investigation, school officials confirmed Monday.Aaron Anderson resigned Feb. 27 rather than face termination, said Superintendent Brian Crawford.

No, of course the Herald Leader did not include a photo of Mr Anderson, but at my website, The First Street Journal, we always include mugshots or other photos of the accused. However, the only image I was able to find was a TikTok video, from which I took a screenshot.

Kentucky State Police is investigating Anderson’s conduct along with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services Department of Community Based Services, which investigates child and adult abuse complaints, said Crawford.

Crawford said he could not comment on the nature of the investigation.

Officials with Kentucky State Police did not immediately respond to questions about the investigation.

Crawford said Anderson has been disciplined in the past. He was suspended with pay in January but Crawford said due to privacy and personnel laws he could not say why Anderson had been disciplined.

In 2017, Anderson was reprimanded by the Educational Professional Standards Board, which oversees educator’s teaching licenses, for having a sexual encounter with an adult on a school bus during an elementary school basketball tournament, according to a September 2017 article in The Voice, the McCreary County newspaper.

So, reporter Beth Musgrave had the 2017 article she referenced, an article which explicitly stated that the “sexual encounter” for which Mr Anderson was “reprimanded” involved an adult woman, and was thus heterosexual in nature. Miss Musgrave was the same Herald-Leader reporter who wrote the initial article about the accusations against April Bradford, and structured it in a manner which concealed the fact that Miss Bradford’s actions were homosexual in nature. Did she also conceal the nature of Mr Anderson’s actions?


The allegations came out after the woman later applied for a position with the school system and did not get it. Anderson told investigators the relationship was consensual and he did not have any say in the woman being hired.

So, Miss Musgrave was perfectly willing to tell us when normal sex was involved, but kept it unspoken when the allegations were homosexual in nature. McClatchy reporter Mike Stunson did the same.

However, journalistic honesty requires that I also report different results. As we reported previously, Herald-Leader reporter Valarie Honeycutt Spears did not include whether the sexual offenses alleged against Henry Clay High School teacher Kevin Lentz were heterosexual or homosexual in nature in her original story on August 8, 2023. However, in her follow-up story on August 9th, she did report that the accusations against Mr Lentz involved attempting to lure a 9-year-old boy into the production of child pornography.

I have stated before that I much prefer newspapers to television or radio news, due to my seriously compromised hearing, and because the print media have the ability to treat stories in significantly greater depth. But in reading newspapers, or getting your news from any of the credentialed media sources, you have to be aware of what you are not being told, as much as what is presented.
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