Remembering October 7th: Preserving the Memory of Unconscionable Evil


What happened on October 7th can never be allowed to happen again.

The events of October 7th represent some of the darkest and most horrifying acts imaginable, serving as a stark reminder of the depths of human depravity. The atrocities committed on this day must never be forgotten or brushed aside, as they stand as a testament to the evil that can lurk within human hearts. It is our moral obligation to ensure that the memory of October 7th remains alive, serving as a poignant reminder of the atrocities that should never be repeated.

The heinous acts perpetrated on October 7th were not merely acts of violence; they were calculated, systematic atrocities that targeted the most vulnerable among us. Women endured unimaginable suffering, with their pelvises broken from multiple sexual assaults, while mothers were forced to witness the unspeakable horror of their infants being placed inside ovens. These acts are beyond comprehension, and they highlight the depths of cruelty that humanity is capable of.

To forget the events of October 7th would be to dishonor the victims and trivialize the enormity of the evil that transpired. By remembering and acknowledging these atrocities, we honor the memory of the victims and reaffirm our commitment to preventing such horrors from ever happening again. The memory of October 7th serves as a solemn reminder of the need for vigilance against hatred, violence, and inhumanity in all its forms.

Furthermore, preserving the memory of October 7th is essential for educating future generations about the consequences of unchecked evil. It is through remembrance and reflection that we cultivate empathy, compassion, and a collective resolve to stand against injustice and oppression. By confronting the past and learning from it, we empower ourselves to build a more just, compassionate, and humane world for all.

In conclusion, the events of October 7th were a harrowing reminder of the darkest aspects of human nature. We must never forget the atrocities that occurred on this day, and we must actively work to ensure that such evil is never allowed to happen again. Remembering October 7th is not just a duty; it is a solemn commitment to honor the victims, learn from the past, and strive for a better future.

Here is a link to a website documenting this horror. Note: The vast majority of the imagery is from body cams worn by the Hamas terrorists.

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