Bidenomics, meet Biden diplomacy; He sent white women to talk down to black men in Africa. They kicked us out

Biden just got America kicked out of Niger, a nation of 25 million people north of Nigeria, itself nation of 215 million people. That may sound unimportant except Niger has uranium and having two U.S. military bases there helps in the battle against Muslim terrorists. Of course, having those bases along our border would stop more Muslim terrorists from entering America but that might interfere with pouring millions of Future Democrat Voters into the USA.

The Wall Street Journal said, “Niger’s decision to end its counterterrorism alliance with Washington came after senior U.S. officials accused the country’s ruling junta of secretly exploring a deal to allow Iran access to its uranium reserves, Nigerien and U.S. officials say.

“The decision to end military cooperation with the U.S. was announced Saturday night by a spokesman for the Nigerien junta. It deals a serious blow to the Biden administration’s efforts to contain a sprawling Islamist insurgency in the Sahel, the semiarid region south of the Sahara. It could affect a $110 million base that was built by the U.S. and is used to fly surveillance drones over West Africa. It could also possibly force the withdrawal of more than 600 American troops still stationed in Niger.”

We know how concerned Biden and Obama are about Iran getting nukes. The Damaging Duo believes Iran is behind schedule.

in Niger, a military junta took over in July.

The Hill reported, “The future of a U.S. military presence in Niger has been in question since a military junta in late July put the country’s president on house arrest and took control of the government.”

What kind of country replaces and prosecutes presidents? Imagine having to live under such conditions.

You’re soaking in it.

President Trump installed two bases in Niger. At the time, the border with Mexico was the most secure it had been in decades. As with the border, Biden is undoing everything Trump accomplished.

Rather than work with the new leaders, Biden decided to work against them. For three months, Biden refused to accept the change in governments.

The New York Times reported, “American officials say they have tried for months to prevent a formal break in relations with Niger’s junta.

“The new U.S. ambassador to Niger, Kathleen FitzGibbon, one of Washington’s top Africa specialists, has held regular discussions with the junta since taking office at the beginning of the year.

“In a trip to Niger in December, Molly Phee, an assistant secretary of state for African Affairs, said the United States intended to resume security and development cooperation with Niger, even as she called for a swift transition to civilian rule and the release of [President] Bazoum.”

I am no expert on diplomacy but telling a nation’s ruler — or in this case, rulers — that you want them to turn their government over to someone else does not show a willingness to work with their regime. I am not giving the Niger junta a pass. I am just saying that the reality is you work with others as they are. We used Stalin to defeat Hitler for crying out loud.

NYT quoted J. Peter Pham, a former special U.S. envoy to the Sahel, who said, “The potential fallout goes beyond the not insignificant damage to counterterrorism and intelligence efforts that loss of access to the bases in Niger entail, but to the broader damage to America’s standing on the continent.”

As readers may have suspected, Putin is moving in. For all the cries of Trump being Putin’s puppet, Putin sure has done well with Biden running our federal government. It is as if Biden were falsely accusing Trump of the things that he actually did, you know, like keeping classified documents in his garage.

Little did I know the profundity of “the smeller is the feller” when I first heard it 60 years ago.

In Niger, things finally came to a head. The Guardian reported, “The junta’s announcement follows a visit by U.S. officials this week which was led by assistant secretary of state for African affairs Molly Phee and included General Michael Langley, commander of the U.S. Africa command.” Langley is the first four-star in the Marines. Phee is just another career diplomat.

The Guardian said, “Colonel Amadou Abdramane said on Niger television on Saturday that the US delegation did not follow diplomatic protocol, and that Niger was not informed about the composition of the delegation, the date of its arrival or the agenda.”

Nothing quite shows disrespect by arriving at the spur of the moment. Thus, Niger is kicking us out.

The colonel said, “Niger regrets the intention of the American delegation to deny the sovereign Nigerien people the right to choose their partners and types of partnerships capable of truly helping them fight against terrorism.

“Also, the government of Niger forcefully denounces the condescending attitude accompanied by the threat of retaliation from the head of the American delegation towards the Nigerien government and people.”

The reaction was as one would expect. Given the willful ignorance of this administration, perhaps Phee and the rest are surprised. This reminds me of how Biden handled his first meeting with Saudi leaders. You may recall that the Saudis greeted Trump in 2017 like a conquering UFC champion with the nation’s media hailing and embracing his wife, his Jewish daughter and his Jewish son-on-law. Trump later became the first to fly directly from Saudi to Israel without a lame stopover in Cyprus to acknowledge that the Saudis officially do not accept the existence of Israel.

Biden went to Saudi and insulted its crown prince.

Reuters reported, “U.S. President Joe Biden said on Friday he told Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman he held him responsible for the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, shortly after exchanging a fist bump with the kingdom’s de facto ruler.

“On a trip to reset relations with a country he had called a pariah after Khashoggi’s killing in 2018, Biden said the crown prince, known as MbS, denied involvement in the murder and said he had held those responsible to account.”

Surely Biden cannot be that stupid. He looks like he is deliberately kneecapping our nation on the world stage. His plan may be to use his four years to ruin our reputation and our economy for the next hundred years.

His blunder in Africa seems planned as well.

NYT cited Abdoulaye Sissoko, a Nigerien columnist, who wrote, “The goal of American policy is not to help fight armed groups, but to maintain control and counter the growing influence in the region of countries such as Russia, China and Turkey. There is no public evidence that American bases in Niger have proven useful.”

That’s the thing about the Art of the Deal. The other guy must get something out of the deal — besides lectures on how to live his life from a regime that wants to jail and bankrupt the opposition.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe our forces are spread too thin across the world and Biden has depleted our military arsenal by financing a corrupt elf in Ukraine and leaving as tribute billions in weapons to the terrorist Taliban group in Afghanistan.

I will point out, though, that he just handed two new military bases to Putin. But Donald is the puppet, right?

This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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