They all laughed; Do they realize that after President Trump, they’re next?

I have underestimated the lack of intelligence of the media whores in DC, perhaps because in my brief 35 years in newspapering I worked with publishers and editors who could walk and chew gum at the same time. But Byron York’s reporting on a DC shindig showed just how tiny the brains are in the media.

York reported, “Democrats hope a guilty verdict in a criminal trial — any trial will do — will peel away voters who say they support Trump now but would not support him if he were a convicted felon. We’ll see.

“But the lawfare campaign is already having another effect on Trump. It has put the former president under severe financial stress in two ways. The first is the tens of millions of dollars in legal fees Trump has already spent defending himself against the onslaught of criminal charges and lawsuits. The other is the crippling financial penalty, $454 million, in the lawsuit brought by the elected Democrat attorney general of New York, Letitia James.”

On top of that, there is that $83 million judgment against him for denying he raped E. Jean Carroll, a fabulist funded by a bulky billionaire to bleed Trump dry with these unprecedented and unconstitutional civil suits.

Forbes reported, “Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman funded E. Jean Carroll’s prosecution alleging former President Donald Trump raped her, through a nonprofit group the major Democratic donor backs; now that a jury has found Trump guilty of sexual abuse, some have questioned Hoffman’s role in the process—here’s what it looked like.”’

The details were interesting and revealed that Hoffman also funded other similar lawsuits.

The original jury award in the Carroll case was $5 million. Through the magic of a government in New York no longer tethered to the Constitution, the judge fluffed it up to $83 million. Trump’s treasure is tied up in real estate. In order to appeal the case, the kangaroos running New York’s courts forced him to put the money up before they will hear his appeal.

That’s right. You can bonk someone in the head and walk out of jail without posting a bond but for Trump, the rules are different. Rather than stand up to this injustice, the American media embraces it and applauds his loss of liberty.

York’s report said, “It happened in Washington at the Gridiron Dinner, a fancy white-tie gathering of major media figures and the top politicians they cover. Biden delivered a speech that was part comedy routine and part inspirational talk to his media base.

“And this is a joke Biden told, according to news accounts: ‘Our big plan to cancel student debt doesn’t apply to everyone. Just yesterday, a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘I’m being crushed by debt. I’m completely wiped out.’ And I said, ‘Sorry, Donald, I can’t help you.’

“Ha ha ha. The media audience, of course, laughed. With one joke, Biden acknowledged the work his party’s lawfare warriors have done in the Trump matter. And how could Biden not be grateful? He’s trailing Trump in the polls, is facing an electorate that largely believes he is too old for a second term, and is underwater in approval ratings for his handling of most issues.”

Now the audience were not the bylined bimbos who write the crap in the newspaper or read the teleprompters on the air. They get the children’s table that we call the White House Correspondents Association dinner. The Gridiron is for the swells who own or manage media properties. A few reporters may get in too. I suppose there was a time when having Maureen Dowd on your arm was a thing.

The laughter shows a group of people who might not get it. They laugh at the crucifixion of Trump while the Biden regime builds crosses for them. For you see, the Bush 41 vision of Red China magically changing into America by playing nice with them has become an American nightmare where we became Red China. Biden flew to Beijing as vice president in Air Force Two so his son could collect a bribeand the media yawns. Who knows? Maybe Chairman Xi bought them off, too.

Democrats are doing to Trump what Xi did to Jack Ma. He was the richest man in Red China and worth $48 billion ($48,000,000,000) on October 24, 2020, when he dared publicly criticize Red China’s banking system. His minders — spies — reported him to the proper authorities.

9 days later, he was called in to explain himself.

Time reported, “the listening cadres were infuriated. On Nov. 2, Ma was summoned by Chinese authorities for questioning. The next day, the $37 billion IPO of Alibaba’s fintech arm Ant Financial—touted as a record-breaking offering—was nixed by China’s securities watchdog despite it earlier having received a green light. By late December, regulators had instructed Ant Group to restructure its operations to adhere to new anti-monopoly rules, shaving billions off its valuation.”

The story is a man once hailed as a rock star got too big for his britches. He disappeared from public view. But he likely knew what he was doing all along. Trump did. None of these outrages surprise him. He knew what taking a baseball bat to the hornets nest would do. Men stand up to evil knowing even when they lose they have inspired others to rise and eventually topple evil.

Ma’s disappearance led to plenty of rumors.

Finally, BBC reported on March 27, 2023, “Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who has rarely been seen in public in the past three years, has resurfaced at a school in Hangzhou, a report says.

“The 58-year-old has kept a low profile since criticizing China’s financial regulators in 2020.

“Mr. Ma was the most high-profile Chinese billionaire to have disappeared amid a crackdown on tech entrepreneurs.”

The nail that sticks out gets hammered — and not in that nice sense of going on a bender.

Oh we don’t do those sort of things here, right? Just like we don’t spy on political opponents, but Obama did in having his FBI spy on Donald Trump — and just like Obama’s flunky Biden is going after him now.

Just like Biden is trying to make Elon Musk the American Jack Ma for buying Twitter out from under federal propagandist control.

NBC reported, “Musk, the world’s wealthiest person, is waging at least 11 separate regulatory or legal battles with the Biden administration or independent federal agencies related to his sprawling business empire, according to a tally by NBC News. If those fights extend into next year and former President Donald Trump returns to the White House, Musk would be likely to gain from relaxed enforcement, experts in regulatory law said in interviews.”

Wall Street meanwhile is steadily driving the value of Tesla down and a judge in Delaware arbitrarily cut his salary by $56 billion ($56,000,000,000). Shareholders were OK with giving the man what once amounted to as 5% of the company’s market cap. But the government now is run by totalitarians who abuse power out of habit anymore.

If that doesn’t work, the Clintons — through their surrogate Jimmy Carville — announced Arkancide is next if the prosecutions fall through.

Breitbart reported, “Democrat strategist James Carville said Wednesday on CNN that President Joe Biden should let surrogates do the wetwork against former President Donald Trump.

“Using the euphemism for spilling blood during murder, Carville said, ‘Not so much him I mean to be candid Anderson, President Biden is not the best attack politician. I’ve ever seen in my life and hopefully leave it at that. But they are a lot of people to do what I call a quote, the wetwork, unquote.’”

Seth Rich and Vince Foster were not available for comment.

Did I say the media moguls who laughed are idiots? I forgot my own rule, which holds that if I can see it from Poca, West Virginia, they know it in DC. They laughed because they know they have minders now.

He who laughs lasts.

This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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