February 20, 2024, I had back surgery in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The surgeon said it was a very boring, ordinary surgery, and I’d be fine. I thought it an odd thing to tell me, “a boring surgery,” but I reckon that meant no weird complications of any kind, so it was okay. The way he talked, I’d be up and about, walking all over the place in just a few days.
Well, his idea of a “few” and my reality of a “few” have not been the same. It’s been five weeks now, and I am still not back to speed, which means that I cannot get on my ZTR and mow the yard, nor can I clean out the rest of the flower pots and beds that will soon need the new spring plants. I am trying to be patient, but it ain’t easy, comrades.
While I sit in my chair and piece squares for another quilt top, I listen to the news as long as I can stand it, then sit and glower for a while over the insanity I have just listened to on the telly.
It’s all been said a million times, and still being said daily, Biden is a desiccated, feeble minded dolt, carrying out his instructions from behind the scenes, actions that are intent on destroying America. You know as well as I, that he and his demonic party are succeeding beyond their wildest hopes. And what do we do about it?
It’s as obvious as mud on a hog that the Republican party is not worth ten cents anymore, for they continually back down, then cave-in to what ever Chuckie Schumer and the third Obama administration want. I despise them just as much as the Demoncrats who proudly hate the America that our forefathers built. The Republicans in Congress do nothing to close the border, to refuse to fund the outrageous spending of the demoncrats, to protect our people from the criminal DEI, CRT, BLM, etc., madness that has taken over this country. They do nothing to protect children from the insanity of the gender garbage being taught in our schools or in allowing known perverts to perform in front of children, all over this country.
The Republicans in Congress are just as guilty as the demoncrats when it comes to destroying our country, and it’s not just bit by bit as the communists used to do. Oh, NO, now it’s done in leaps and bounds and laws and regulations and taxes and inflation and a destroyed military and ruined, once beautiful cities. It is all so disgusting that I don’t see how people can stand it much longer.
I know that there are people fighting back, all over the nation, but I also know that there are plenty whose heads are buried in the sands of denial of what is happening before their very eyes. When women and young girls are accosted in the street by 200 pound feral cretins or men twice their size, they don’t stand a chance in protecting themselves from these attacks. But where are the bystanders when this is happening? No one steps up to help, no, they stand around and take pictures with their phones.
What has happened to society in general that this kind of behavior is just ignored by people in the vicinity, when someone is being hurt by a bigger oppressor? When a little child is beaten up on a school bus by people twice his size, why does no one step up to help? Why are the sub-humans who initiate these attacks only slapped on the wrist instead of being thrown in jail for a while and fined for their evil?
I never thought I’d live to see Americans being pure cowards when it came to standing up to bullies or crooked politicians and despicable, pretentious, incompetent judges and district attorneys and attorney generals. Where is the outrage from us?
Wackos are out in the streets everyday, protesting Israel and promoting Hamas, others parading around in their pervert costumes, interrupting meetings and blocking traffic, and nothing is done to them. But let someone put an American flag in the back of their truck, or heaven forbid, the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, and people go crazy because the vermin of the nation are being made to feel “unsafe.”
We are told to pray for our enemies, and I take that to heart. I pray every day and every night that God will see fit to smite these enemies of America and Christ. That He will send them to hell where they belong, and the rest of us can get on with the business of restoring our country and church.
That time is coming, when patriots and people of God will once again rebel against the forces of evil prevalent and prevailing in our country.
That time is long overdue
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