Easter 2024 had new outrages and old harmony. It passed playing out the simple rhythms of life and edging to the cusp of great events. It was a day of gratitude, praise, and real joy for Christians celebrating Resurrection Sunday. And another clear indicator of Democrat depravity.
I was up at 0545 to get the chairs out for another Sunrise Service in my back yard on The Bay. About 30 folks enjoyed the unusually balmy temperature (50s f) and no wind. Makes such a difference. Gorgeous dawn as usual and a good message. Good to see family friends I’ve known for decades, but haven’t seen a year or so. Above all, I enjoyed the celebration of Lord Jesus Christ walking out of that grave. Because he did and because he still lives, we will also.
Sunday School and Church were more engaging, encouraging, and an energy pump. Got to spend time with two of my grown kids and three grandkids. Missed being with my newlywed (July 23) wife and one kid with her four children. Got home late, tired, and still grateful for this Easter and hope for more.
While one man’s family and church family kept the traditional holiday in worship and lovingkindness, others were busy offering us public insult.
The Roman Catholic-in-good-standing President of the United States of America and his Democrat minions celebrated “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
Also, there was no mention of Easter, Christianity, or Jesus. There were bunnies and eggs at the White House. No Christian crosses.
The provocation is intentional. It’s like probing an enemy position with fires to see where fire comes back – and target them.
Everyone who applauds the Transgender Day of Visibility is on team Human Secularist Totalitarianism, which is still called Democrat, or team “Commie” for short.
Everyone who keeps silent about the Transgender Day of Visibility is subjugated prole, properly intimated into silence, emasculated, and impotent. No threat to the Commies.
Everyone who complains or criticizes is accused of intolerance, bigotry, un-Christian behavior. Those who push back get fired upon by the bullies who provoked the fight.
Furthermore, the resistance is on the terms and in the language the Commies use. Christians are upset about the timing on the holiest day of the Christian calendar. That, presumes Transgender is a thing that could have its own day.
It doesn’t get the heart of the matter – that there is no such thing as Transgenders. There are mentally ill adults with Sexual Dysphoria and very confused and misled children.
The Easter insult keeps Christians on the defense. We should be on the offense passing laws to make Child Mutilation and Maiming illegal state by state.
The same tactic will be used when America has her October 7th attack by Islamist savages, the Cartels, or CCP People’s Liberation Army’s fifth column.
After the slaughter – and especially if there is violent reaction to the attack – the Commies will move to solve the problem. Disarm Americans. More of a surveillance and police state. Restrictions like Scotland just passed on free speech and Canada and the EU keep as obedient d’himmis to Islam.
It could be a burning of the Reichstag moment for the Democrats.
Easter 2024 was a day of such contradictions. Peaceful Christian praise and worship vs. creating chaos promoting mental illness and depravity.
Fortunately, we know who wins.
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