Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series by Chuck Klein a, recognized expert in firearms safety. This article is merely to foster thought and where appropriate, encourage further training in proper, safe and legal use of force by American Citizens The contents of this article should NOT be construed as legal advice.
Lethal force confrontations are not
poker games. Losers with nothing to
lose can’t be bluffed!
5) The “keep and bear arms” clause of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution means:
a. Keeping and bearing arms is limited to government permission;
b. A mandate on the government not to violate the right of the people to own and carry arms;
c. The militia of the individual states are required to horde arms for protection of their state from invasion, insurrection or control of their constituents;
d. Only the Federal Government has the right to keep and bear arms.
6) Before retiring for the night, you should check to see if:
a. Everyone is home that should be;
b. The doors are locked and night lights set;
c. Your home defense device is in place and undisturbed;
d. All of the above.
7) In relation to using or handling firearms, the rule: “Don’t Mix Alcohol and Gunpowder” Means:
a. Ingesting alcoholic drinks might impair judgement thus creating dangerous conditions;
b. There could be an explosion;
c. Firearms can’t function when cleaned with alcohol;
d. There is no such rule.
8) In the SCOTUS case, Riss v. City of New York, the court created the rule, referring to the police: “Because they owe a duty to everybody, they owe it to nobody,” This ruling, like many similar rulings, means:
a. The police have the right and duty to carry firearms to protect the citizen;
b. The police have the duty to protect the individual citizen;
c. The police do not have the duty to protect the individual citizen;
d. The police have no duty to protect anyone other than themselves.
5) a. Wrong. Permission is not part of this right.
b. Correct. The right of American citizens to keep and bear arms is inalienable and inherent to America. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to keep the Federal Government from infringing or restricting this right. Since ratification of the 14th Amendment, the states are also precluded from infringing upon this intrinsic, individual right;
c. Wrong. Though states may keep and bear arms, this clause is not about the militia;
d. Wrong. Nothing in this clause suggests this.
6) a. Wrong. Not the best answer. See d. below;
b. Wrong. Not the best answer. See d. below;
c. Wrong. Not the best answer. See d. below;
d. Correct. Prudent people should routinely make these observations including checking their “home defense device” which can be anything from a firearm to a baseball bat to the telephone.
7) a. Correct. Aside from the civil liability, in most states it’s a criminal offense to handle or have control over any firearm when consuming and/or under the influence of alcohol;
b. Wrong. That’s not what this question is about;
c. Wrong. Come on, you can’t believe that;
d. Wrong. Just like driving and operating machinery the rule is never consume booze when driving, operating machinery or handling firearms. The “rule” is codified in most states.
8) a. Wrong. They might have the right to arms, but this is about duty to protect;
b. Wrong. No, only the duty to protect society, per se;
c. Correct. Contrary to what many believe, if you call the police to save you from a criminal attack and the cops arrive too late to help or don’t show up at all, there’s nothing you can do about it. Police only have a duty to protect the citizenry in general – not individually;
d. Wrong. They have a duty to protect the general public.
© Chuck Klein, 2024
About the Author: Chuck Klein is a former: police officer, Tactical Defense Institute Level 6 firearms instructor and Licensed Private Investigator (ret.). He is currently: an active member of International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI), NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and the author of INSTINCT COMBAT SHOOTING, Defensive Handgunning for Police; LINES OF DEFENSE, Police Ideology and the Constitution. His education includes Bachelor of Laws. Information about his writings and e-mail contact is available on his web site: chuckklein.com
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