Stasi Techniques of our US Government: Go after Perceived Enemies With The Full Might Of Our Taxpayer Dollars Part 1

In case you haven’t been paying attention, our government under the Biden administration has become Stasi-like when it comes to what should be applications of law-in the land of the rule of law. But more often approximate perversions, distortions and aberrations for the favored, and the full force of the law against the disfavored.

What is the Stasi, anyway? Once the Berlin Wall and demarcation of the East-West German wall/concertina came down, it was discovered that 1 in 6 citizens were paid informants, while 1 in 3 former German Democratic Republic (DDR) citizens were being monitored by the Stasi.

The Nazi’s had the Gestapo and later the Waffen SS, the Russians had their KGB, and the DDR had their Stasi.

The infamous saying “show me the man and I will find you the crime” and variations thereof and thereby stem from these state level enforcers. The good thing these organizations had going for them was ultimate power and no accountability to the people, only to the state.

Lord Acton said thatPower tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

What I believed throughout most of my military and government career is it is far easier to be truthful and abide by oaths, laws, regulations and agreements. I met many who had a somewhat “informal or casual belief” in these tenets and obligations of service. Fewer still who believed they were optional, and I disciplined and testified against those who willingly violated them.

President Biden is the head of the US government Stasi-like entity, with a leading role by Attorney General Garland and his corrupt Department of Justice, tied to State Attorney Generals across the nation who abide by and play by their Stasi-like rules. There is almost a second order effect or actors in this effort with the DOJ subordinate FBI, and other agencies such as DHS, the IRS and other functionaries.

The Biden administration led by the DOJ is that Stasi-like element of our government. Don’t take my word for it, let’s look at the evidence.

Julie Kelly has been following a lot of Stasi-like efforts flowing out of the DC swamp like so much wastewater. Including all things January 6 (including her book,) the faux FBI Pipe-Bombs, myriad trials being conducted under the Biden Stasi State, and of late all business of trump trials: and business is good.

Which brings us to the lede of the story. There has been a panoply growing into a cacophony or symphony of emerging regret in all things Stasi State versus the evil incarnate Bad Orange Man (BOM.) In brief the question-pearl clutching-hand wringing-is “What in the name of Great Caesar’s Ghost and all things Stasi is taking so long?”

The answer is not really short or brief, but when the Stasi State acts like it is based in one of those communist countries that can just make up the rules as they go along to “fit the crime” to the man-in America-that describes DC and often Virginia, there is still-even if just a “smidgeon or skosh-” a matter of the rules, aka, the law, in the land of law and not men.

Without getting all “I dottie” and “T crossy,” Jack Smith first pursued the BOM in the best mimicry of the coyote going after the roadrunner in some futile Acme explosion ending episode.

The Oath keepers and Proud Boys made it to DC for 6 Jan and there must be-had to be-evidence of support in some way, shape or form-collusion, if you will-between the BOM and these groups. Just like with the Russians (coyote cried!) But even the great evidence manipulator Jack Smith found nothing: zippo, nada, zilch.

Meanwhile in the backwaters of the Stazi Swamp the United States librarian-the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA-) who many Americans have rightly never heard of who aren’t in government because if there is anything less exciting than being the official government records custodian-I’m hard pressed to name it…

But our government was going through what is ordinarily a routine function for transitioning one term presidents to civilian life in terms of categorizing US government official business-presidential records-from other presidential but personal records. Stop me if you remember this being discussed after any other presidency…

There was ongoing cooperation between NARA and the BOM designated records agent. The key words here are “ongoing” and “cooperation.”

How do we know this? NARA being NARA-they would obviously be the last ones that you would think might not keep detailed government records on official business such as this (and on this you would be wrong with the new age, 21st century political NARAbut a story for another time.)

In this case you would be right. How do we know this? Well, at one point it was somewhat a matter of public record that there was an ongoing dialogue about NARAstuff” with the BOM before the Stasi Playbook was dusted off and they-the DOJ-discovered they “had a man” and now began to find the crime.

But how do we know this? Re-enter Jack Smith-having failed to find anything on the 6 Jan angle and the BOM-he still having the man, but yet to make up discover the crime-but the NARA thing looked right for the cause if spiced up with a little propaganda, some Stasi-like lies and friendly witting dupes in the LSMBTGA.

And the piece de la resistance-the Stasi raid-guaranteed to be leaked-and reported-and sensationalized-and yahoo! What could be more compelling to the average American than pictures of classified cover sheets-of course-they are unclassified when standing alone-but John Q. Public doesn’t know that….

Forgetting something? Oh yea, how do we know? Well Jack Smith is a clever guy, so he empaneled the Grand Jury in DC-the swamp-but was either ignorant of or had some gas induced pipedream that he would also get to try the case in DC. But au contraire, the jurisdiction for the case was the location of the alleged crime of misuse/possession/security violation/get BOM at any cost wherever he is at.

Now how we know about the NARA Stasi action by Biden and his DOJ is no thanks to Jack Smith, who provided a synopsis and summary of the ongoing actions and dialogue between the White House Office of Records Management, NARA Officials, the NARA Inspector General, and the DOJ.

I say “no thanks to Jack Smith” because he redacted just about 85% of the document context and ensuing actions. All thanks to Julie Kelly for doing actual journalism and reporting on this information. In fact it looked like this:

Because this was done in America and not in a true Stasi-land that a lot of people seem to be increasingly okay with, Judge Canon made the decision to publish the unredacted version that was the basis of the action to go after a former president that was somewhat akin to putting a parent in jail because their baby was banging on a highchair with a spoon.

It would make a good Saturday Night Live Skit: Revenge of the USNA (United States NARA Archivest)-scary stuff.

Note the amazing Stasi-like juxtaposition here where the NARA General Counsel Gary Stern is reporting on 5 May 2021-a scant five months after BOM left the WH-that he had several conversations with the WH Office of Records Management, that things are going along the normal chaotic pace, the transfer is ongoing and won’t be complete for several months. Also note that during ongoing “good-faith efforts” by BOM PRA representative to address issues raised by NARA, David Ferriero-the NARA Archivest-declared in early June 2021-barely a month later-“I am out of patience.” Well la-di-da…

If not familiar with the courts, legal documents, redactions, there is a very simple rule of thumb to be followed. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is to be avoided, as are personally sensitive information such as social security numbers (SSNs)-notwithstanding the US Govt replaced military service numbers with SSNs pretty much up to this century.

If all involved in the dialogue are government taxpayer funded civilian servants, the redactions are much easier-because there should be none. We don’t redact to mask the guilty or hide embarrassing information or malfeasance. Sources and methods, identifying locational data: PII, yes.

Collusion between the WH, DOJ and NARA/federal agencies to go after a political rival/enemy: no. Remember President Nixon? Did he do something this egregious?

Approving the raid of a former President over documents? Is a POTUS responsible for everything his administration does or fails to do? Hell, a lowly Squad Leader has that responsibility.

There are those who will be okay with this type of thing because-BOM. But this whole affair was conducted in the best traditions of the Stasi that you are probably getting sick of hearing about by now. But there is no better example of the lawless state of affairs conducted in this example than when viewed in the shadow or memory of the Stasi.

I always get whining when I explain this part of the issue that is a big Lesko deal. Here is somewhat of a novel hypothetical that I think will help. A person wakes up one morning and is presented a document, which he decides is classified, so it is handled accordingly. That same person the next morning decides the document is not classified after all. We don’t know why-and he does not explain himself.

One person in the US is the original classification authority who has the sole power to do this-all other responsible agents have delegated original classification authority.

We often use that term somewhat loosely, because even if the Vice President was delegated original classification authority, once it is classified he does not have the power to unilaterally declare it unclassified and take it home.

Only POTUS has that authority: it is cut and dry. The very idea that NARA-or another president, or the president’s DOJ or FBI would take such an action as raiding an ex-president because of a document dispute is unheard of for a reason: it is Stasi-like.

It is also classless, lawless, unprecedented, unsavory, disgustingly political, and did I mention- classless! What kind of heathen would allow something like that on their watch: never mind engineer it?

And in what universe would any constitutional supporting American allow-facilitate-participate-or applaud such an action?

25 April 2024

LSMBTGA: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT,) government (G) and academia (A)

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